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ḫabar‑ خَبَرَ , u (ḫubr , ḫibraẗ
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1 to try, test; to experience; 2 to have tried, have experienced, know by experience; 3 to get to know thoroughly, know well – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Inside Sem, the value ‘to try, test, experience’ for the root ḪBR is attested only for Ar and modSAr. Semantics partially overlapping with ↗ḤBR and ↗BḤR.
▪ Any relation with Sem ḪBR ‘to assemble, join, associate’, a value (treated in DRS as #ḪBR-1) that otherwise does not seem to be realized in Ar? For discussion, see “root”/disambiguation entry ↗ḪBR. 
▪ eC7 ḫubr (vn., used as adv.; knowledge of the internal secret state, understanding, comprehension) Q 18:91 ʔaḥaṭnā bi-mā laday-hi ḫubran ‘We encompassed all that he has in [Our] knowledge, We knew every thing about him’. – ḫabar 1 (item of news, tidings, report) Q 28:29 qāla li-ʔahli-hī ’mkuṯū ʔin-nī ʔānastu nāran laʕall-ī ʔātī-kum min-hā bi-ḫabarin ‘he said to his household, ‘Wait! I have caught sight of a fire, maybe I will bring you news from there’, 2 (record of affairs) Q 47:31 wa-la-nabluwanna-kum ḥattā naʕlama ’l-muǧāhidīna min-kum wa’l-ṣābirīna wa-nabluwa ʔaḫbāra-kum ‘We will try you till We know who strive hard among you and are steadfast; and We examine your record’. – ḫabīr (ints. PA) 1 (one who knows well, one in the know (in an interpretation of 35:14) wa-yawma ’l-qiyāmati yakfurūna bi-širki-kum wa-lā yunabbiʔu-ka miṯlu ḫabīrin ‘and on the Day of Judgement they will deny your associating [them with God] and none can inform you like someone in the know’, 2 (an attribute of God: the All-Knowing, All-Aware) Q 31:16 ʔinna ’llāha laṭīfun ḫabīrun ‘for God is All-Subtle and All-Aware’. 
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪBR-2 Ar ḫabara ‘éprouver par expérience’, ḫabura ‘être bien informé, savoir pertinemment’, ḫabbara ‘informer, annoncer’, SAr Mhr ḫəbūr, Jib ḫōr ‘examiner quelqu’un’, Jib oḫōr ‘dire les mots de salutation’, ḫotbər ‘se saluer’, Ḥrs ḫebōr ‘savoir, demander des nouvelles’, Soq ḥəbor ‘sonder, mesurer; donner la nouvelle d’un décès’, ḥéyber ‘être limité’, maḥber ‘limite’. 
DRS distinguishes the value ‘to try, test, experience’ (= #ḪBR-2) from that of ‘to assemble, join, associate’ (= #ḪBR-1), while Klein1987 (in entry on Hbr √ḤBR) treats the two as belonging together. The value ‘to assemble, join, associate’ does not seem to be represented in Ar (unless ↗ḫābūr ‘peg, pin, wedge’ one day should turn out to be related, see s.v.).
▪ According to DRS, »les verbes ‘saluer’ [in modSAr] sont délocutifs de Mhr ḫəbōr? ‘(quelles) nouvelles?’ (< ʔaḫbār, pl. de ḫəbēr […])«.
▪ See ↗ḫabar
ḫabura u, vb. I, to know thoroughly (bi‑ or DO), be fully acquainted (bi‑ or DO with
BP#3894ḫabbara, vb. II, to notify, advise, apprise, inform, tell (s.o. bi‑ of or about): D-stem, caus.
ḫābara, vb. III, to write to (DO), address (s.o.), turn, appeal to, contact in writing; to communicate by telephone; to negotiate, treat, parley: L-stem, assoc., prob. denom. from ḫabar (*to direct a message to…).
BP#2683ʔaḫbara, vb. IV, to notify, inform, apprise, advise (s.o. bi‑ of), let know, tell (s.o. bi‑ about); to communicate, report, relate (to s.o. bi‑, tell (s.o. bi‑ Š-stem, caus.
taḫabbara, vb. V, to inquire (DO of s.o.), ask (s.o.): tD-stem.
taḫābara, vb. VI, 1 to inform one another, notify one another, keep one another informed; 2 to correspond, write each other; 3 to negotiate, treat, parley (maʕa with s.o., bi‑ about): tL-stem, recipr.
ĭḫtabara, vb. VIII, to explore (, search into, seek information about; to test, examine; to try, put to the test; to have tried, have experienced, know by experience; to know well:…
ĭstaḫbara, vb. X, to inquire (of s.o., ʕan about), ask (s.o. ʕan about): Št-stem, requestative.

ḫubr, n., knowledge; experience: could also serve as the etymon proper.
BP#285ḫabar, pl. ʔaḫbār, n., 1 news; information, intelligence; 2 report, communication, message; notification; 3 rumor; 4 story; 5 matter, affair; 6 (gram.) predicate of a nominal clause; 7 pl. annals | saʔala-hū ʕan ʔaḫbāri-hī, expr., to inquire of s.o. about s.o. else; kāna/daḫala fī ḫabari kāna, expr., to belong to the past, be passé, be no longer existent: could also serve as the etymon proper.
BP#1125ḫibraẗ, pl. ḫibarāt, n.f., experience (which s.o. has had); knowledge, skill resulting from experience: quasi-vn. | tabādul al-ḫibarāt, n., exchange of experience.
BP#1247ḫabīr, adj., 1 experienced, expert (bi‑ in); familiar, conversant, well-acquainted (bi‑ with), cognizant (bi‑ of): ints. quasi-PP; 2 al-~, the Knowing (one of the attributes of God); 3 (pl. ḫubarāʔᵘ), n., expert, specialist: nominalized adj. | ~ al-ḍarāʔib, n., tax expert, tax adviser. – Other values of ḫabīr, now obsolete (cf. ↗ḪBR): ‘4 seed-produce (ḪBR_8); 5 camel’s hair (ḪBR_9); 6 foam of the mouth of a camel (ḪBR_10)’.
maḫbar, n., 1 sense, intrinsic significance; 2 real message, sense, content (e.g., of a work of art; in contrast to its form); 3 inner nature of being, spirit and soul (of a person; in contrast to maẓhar external appearance); 4 (pl. maḫābirᵘ) laboratory : n.loc. (and fig. use).
miḫbār, pl. maḫābīrᵘ, n., test tube (chem.) : n.loc., neolog.
BP#2503muḫābaraẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., correspondence, (esp. written) information (in classified ads: al-~ bi-…, please write to…, please contact…), notice, notification, communication: vn. III | ~ tilifūniyyaẗ, n.f., telephone call, telephone conversation; ~ ḫāriǧiyyaẗ, n.f., long-distance call; ~ sirriyaẗ, n.f., secret communiqué; qalam al-muḫābarāt, n., or dāʔiraẗ al-muḫābarāt, n.f., intelligence bureau; wikālaẗ al-muḫābarāt al-markaziyyaẗ, n., Central Intelligence Agency, CIA; al-muḫābarāt al-ʕāmmaẗ,, General Intelligence (Jord.); al-~ ḥuḍūriyyan, expr., apply in person (in classified ads).
ʔiḫbār, n., 1 notification, information, communication, note, message; report; 2 indirect discourse, oratio obliqua (gram.): vn. IV.
ʔiḫbārī, adj., news-, information- (in compounds): nsb-adj. of preceding item.
ʔiḫbāriyyaẗ, n.f., denouncing, informing (against s.o.): abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ, from ʔiḫbār.
taḫābur, n., negotiation; correspondence; communication; intelligence contact (maʕa with a foreign power): vn. VI.
BP#2032ĭḫtibār, pl. ‑āt, n., 1 exploration, examination (of, by o.’s own experience, experimentally); 2 test; test item (of an examination); trial, probation, testing; 3 experience, empirical knowledge; practical experience: vn. VIII. | ~āt taḥrīriyyaẗ,, written tests; ~ ḏātī, n., self-probing, self-knowledge (through testing or experience); ʕalà sabīl al-~, adv., experimentally; taḥt al-~, adv., on probation, on trial; ḥuqūl al-~,, experimental fields; ~ buqaʕ al-ḥibr, n., Rorschach test (psych.); ~āt ʕalà ’l-ḥayawānāt,, animal tests.
ĭḫtibārī, adj., experimental; experiential; empirical: nsb-adj., from preceding item. | masraḥ ~, n., experimental theatre.
ĭḫtibāriyyaẗ, n.f., empiricism : abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ, from ĭḫtibār; neolog.
BP#3334ĭstiḫbār, pl. ‑āt, inquiry; pl., secret service, intelligence service: vn. X | dāʔiraẗ al-~āt,, information bureau.
muḫbir, pl. ‑ūn, 1 reporter; 2 detective; 3 informer, stool pigeon; 4 denouncer: PA IV.
muḫtabar, pl. ‑āt, laboratory: n.loc. VIII. | ~ luġaẗ, n., language laboratory; ~ faḍāʔ, n., space laboratory.
muḫtabarī, adj.: ʔabḥāṯ muḫtabariyyaẗ,, laboratory research; taǧārib ~,, laboratory experiments.

For another item of the root cf. ↗ḫābūr. For the whole picture see ↗ḪBR. 
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