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ḫabīr خَبِير , pl. ḫubarāʔᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP 1247 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
adj., n. 
adj., 1 experienced, expert (bi‑ in); familiar, conversant, well-acquainted (bi‑ with), cognizant (bi‑ of); 2 al-~, adj./n., the Knowing (one of the attributes of God); 3 (pl. ḫubarāʔᵘ), n., expert, specialist – WehrCowan1979. – Other values of ḫabīr, now obsolete (cf. ↗ḪBR): ‘4 seed-produce (ḪBR_8); 5 camel’s hair (ḪBR_9); 6 foam of the mouth of a camel (ḪBR_10)’. 
Quasi-PA, ints., and (v2, v3) nominalized adj., belonging to the complex treated s.v. ↗ḫabara, vb. I, ‘to try, test, experience; to have tried, experienced, know by experience; to (get to) know thoroughly, know well’. 
▪ eC7 ḫabīr (ints. PA) 1 (one who knows well, one in the know (in an interpretation of 35:14) wa-yawma ’l-qiyāmati yakfurūna bi-širki-kum wa-lā yunabbiʔu-ka miṯlu ḫabīrin ‘and on the Day of Judgement they will deny your associating [them with God] and none can inform you like someone in the know’, 2 (an attribute of God: the All-Knowing, All-Aware) Q 31:16 ʔinna ’llāha laṭīfun ḫabīrun ‘for God is All-Subtle and All-Aware’. 
▪ See ↗ḫabara
See ↗ḫabara
ḫabīr al-ḍarāʔib, n., tax expert, tax adviser.

For related items cf. ↗ḫabara, ↗ḫibraẗ
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