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ḫaraǧ‑ خَرَجَ 
ID 253 • Sw – • BP 345 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1a to go out, walk out; b to come out (min of), emerge (min from); c to drive or ride out, go out (in a vehicle); d to flow out, exude, effuse; e to go away, depart, leave, retire; f to protrude, project, stick out; g to leave (min; h to dismount, alight, disembark (min from), get out, step out (min of); 2 to emanate, issue, arise, originate, result (min from); 3a to draw away, segregate, separate, secede, dissent (ʕan from), disagree (ʕan with); b to deviate, depart (ʕan from an arrangement, from a principle); c to be an exception (ʕan to); d to be outside a given subject (ʕan), go beyond a topic (ʕan), exceed (ʕan a topic); e to be alien (ʕan to), be extraneous (ʕan from), not to belong (ʕan to), be not included (ʕan in), have nothing to do with (ʕan); lā yaḫruǧ ʕan, expr., it is limited to …, it is nothing but …; 4a to go forth (into battle); b to attack (ʕalà s.o.,, rise, fight (ʕalà against); c to rebel, revolt (ʕalà against); 5 to violate, break, infringe (ʕalà a rule, a regulation); 6a ~ ʕalay-hī bi‑ , expr., to come up to s.o. with …, confront s.o. with …; b to get out, bring out, take out (bi‑ s.o.); c to turn out, oust, dislodge (bi‑ s.o.); d to lead away, dissuade (ʕan from, ʕan bi‑ s.o.);7 to find out, discover (bi‑ – WehrCowan1979. 
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DRS 10 (2012) #ḪRG-1 Ar ḫaraǧa ‘sortir, sortir contre qn, se révolter’, ḫarǧ, ḫurǧ ‘dépense, frais; revenu, revenus d’un pays, d’une terre; impositions’, Ḥrs ḫerōg ‘sortir, partir; s’acquitter de qc, mourir’, Jib ḫarog ‘mourir, être perdu’; oḫorg ‘investir’. -2-5 […].
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