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ḪZN خزن 
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▪ ḪZN_1 ‘to store, stock, amass; warehouse; treasury, financial department, (hence also: the Makhzan, i.e., Moroccan government); wardrobe, cupboard’ ↗ḫazana
▪ ḪZN_2 ‘the nearest, shortest way, a short cut’ ↗maḫāzinᵘ

Other values, now obsolete or dialectal only:
  • ḪZN_3 ‘to feel bad’: ḎatAr ḫuzin

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘store, storing place, treasury; to store up; to hide, to keep secret, a storekeeper; to take a shortcut’ 
▪ Out of the 4 values of the root listed in DRS, only 1 (ḪZN_1 ‘to store, etc.’, acc. to Huehnergard from Aram ḥassen ‘to possess, hoard’, G-stem ḥəsan ‘to be strong, overpower’, Sem √*ḤS/ṢN) is represented in MSA. The value ‘(to take a) shortcut’ (ḪZN_2), to be found in dictionaries of ClassAr as well as MSA (WehrCowan1979), is missing from DRS and without obvious relation to ḪZN_1. So is also the dialectal (YemAr) ‘to feel bad’ (ḪZN_3). 
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪZN-1 Ar ḫazana ‘garder, enfermer, conserver (dans un magasin, un cellier, etc.), maḫzan ‘magasin’, ḫizānaẗ ‘armoire’, DaṯAr ḫaznaẗ ‘trésor’; Jib ḫozun ‘mettre en lieu sûr’.1 -2 Akk ḫazann - ‘maire, bourgmestre’,2 nHbr ḥazzān, JP hazzānā ‘superintendant, officier, administrateur de synagogue’.3 -3 DaṯAr ḫuzin ‘sentir mauvais’. -4 Akk ḫuzūn : un objet en or; un vêtement. – ? Jib ḫezunt : bijou en or et perle fixé sur le nez. 
▪ ḪZN_1: Jeffery1938 (#ḫazānaẗ) thinks that »it is fairly obvious that ḫazana is a denominative vb., and the word has been recognized by many Western scholars as a foreign borrowing«. He dismisses, however, Hoffmann’s suggestion to derive ḫazana from Pers ganǧ ‘treasure’ (from which is Ar ↗kanz). Instead, he thinks that »Barth, Etymol.Stud., 51, makes the happier suggestion that it may be connected with the form that is behind the Hbr ḥōsän ‘treasure’«, a theory that is taken up by Huehnergard2011 (#ḪSN), who thinks that Ar ḫazana ‘to store’ is from Aram ḥassen ‘to possess, hoard’, D-stem of ḥəsan ‘to be strong’, Sem √*ḪSN. – Ar items from ḪZN denoting some kind of political or executive power are usually seen as deriving from ‘treasury’, the person in charge of the latter often fulfilling a higher governmental function. This latter may seem to bring the Akk ḫazannu ‘chief magistrate of a town, of a quarter of a larger city, a village or large estate’ (CAD), mentioned in DRS as a distinct value (ḪZN#2), close to ḪZN_1 (DRS: ḪZN#1); but this is a mere coincidence or a later overlapping, for the Akk word is probably from Sem √*X̣ZY, not from ḪZN (cf. Huehnergard2011: MishHbr, JudAram hazzân ‘superintendent, cantor’, from Akk ḫazannu ‘administrator, mayor’, perh. from earlier *ḫāziyānum ‘overseer’, PA of protAkk vb. ḫazāyum ‘to see’).
▪ ḪZN_2: Any relation to ḪZN_1 or ḪZN_3 or the other, non-Ar items given in DRS (#2, #4)?
▪ ḪZN_3: Landberg1920 thinks this item is a (metathetical) variant of ḫaniza (√ḪNZ) ‘sentir mauvais, (Lane: to become stinking)’, a vb./root that is missing from MSA.
▪ ḪZN_1: Engl magazinemaḫzan; For words signifying ‘treasury’ in Slav langs see ↗ḫaznaẗ (?). 
ḫazan‑ خَزَنَ , u (ḫazn
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vb., I 
1 to store, stock, lay up, hoard, amass, accumulate; 2 to contain, conceal (, e.g., oil, minerals; of discovery sites); 3 to keep secret, keep (a secret) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Jeffery1938 and others believe the vb. to be denominative, but opinion differs as to what may be the etymon. The theory that it might be taken from Pers ganǧ ‘treasure’ is dismissed, given that ganǧ is likely to be origin of ↗kanz and that another, different derivation would be little probable. Instead, Jeffery follows Barth in assuming that the word »may be connected with the form that is behind the Hbr ḥōsän ‘treasure’«, an idea which is supported by Huehnergard2011 who thinks that Ar ḫazana ‘to store’ is from Aram ḥassen ‘to possess, hoard’, G-stem ḥəsan ‘to be strong’, Sem √*ḪSN).
▪ The pl. maḫāzin, from the n.loc. ↗maḫzan ‘storeroom, depot, etc.’, is at the origin of Eur words like Fr magasin ‘warehouse’ or Engl magazine, while ḫaznaẗ produced Slav words for ‘treasury’. 
▪ eC7 ḫāzin (PA I, one who stores up, keeps control, storekeeper) Q 15:22 fa-ʔanzalnā min-a ’l-samāʔi māʔan fa-ʔasqaynā-kumū-hu wa-mā ʔantum la-hū bi-ḫāzinīna ‘and We bring down out of the sky water and we give it to you to drink—and you are not its keepers’. – ḫazāʔinᵘ (pl. of ḫizānaẗ, 1 treasure house, storehouse, treasury) Q 12:55 qāla ’ǧʕal-nī ʕalà ḫazāʔini ’l-ʔarḍi ‘he said, “Put me in charge of the nation’s storehouses”’, (2 knowledge, control, resources, storehouses) Q 15:21 wa-ʔin min šayʔin ʔillā ʕinda-nā ḫazāʔinu-hū wa-mā nunazzilu-hū bi-qadarin maʕlūmin ‘there is nothing of which We do not have control, only sending it down according to a well-defined measure’ 
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪZN-1 Ar ḫazana ‘garder, enfermer, conserver (dans un magasin, un cellier, etc.), maḫzan ‘magasin’, ḫizānaẗ ‘armoire’, DaṯAr ḫaznaẗ ‘trésor’; Jib ḫozun ‘mettre en lieu sûr’.4  
▪ Jeffery1938, 122-23: »The verb ḫazana does not occur in the Qurʔān, but besides ḫazānaẗ [sic!] (which occurs, however, only in the pl. form ḫazāʔinᵘ), we find a form ḫāzin ʻone who lays in storeʼ in xv:22; and ḫazanaẗ ʻkeepersʼ in xxxix:71,73; xl:49; lxvii:8. – It is fairly obvious that ḫazana is a denom. vb., and the word has been recognized by many Western scholars as a foreign borrowing.1 Its origin, however, is a little more difficult to determine. Hoffmann, ZDMG, xxxii, 760,2 suggested that we should find its origin in the [Pers] ganǧ. This ganǧ which BQ defines as zar va-gowharī keh dar zamīn dafn konand, is cognate with Skr gañǧa (= kīša), a ʻtreasuryʼ or ʻjewel roomʼ,3 and has been borrowed through the Aram gnzā; Syr gnzā into Ar as ↗kanz. It seems hardly likely that by another line of borrowing, through say Hbr gᵊnāzīm 4 or Mand גאזאנא5 it has come to form the Ar ḫazānaẗ. – Barth, Etymol. Stud, 51, makes the happier suggestion that it may be connected with the form that is behind the Hbr ḥosän ʻtreasureʼ.«
▪ For Fr magasin ‘warehouse’, Engl magazine, Ge Magazin, etc., cf. ↗maḫzan.
▪ Accord. to Lokotsch1927#855, Ar ḫazīnaẗ ‘treasure’ [should probably rather be ḫaznaẗ, S.G.] gave Tu hazna, whence the word went into Rum as hazna ‘treasury; toilet’, Venet casná ‘lot of money’ [L’Oriente I: 196]; Ru kazna ‘crown, state, assets, powder magazine’, kaznačej ‘(chief) cashier’ [this meaning probably under the influence of kasa ‘Kasse’], Bulg hazna ‘much money, treasure’, Serb hazna, Pol kazna, Ukr hazná ‘cashier, treasure’. 
ḫazzana, vb. II, 1 to store, stock, lay up, warehouse (; to hoard, accumulate (provisions); to keep, put in safekeeping (, esp. valuables); 2 to dam, dam up (water in a basin or reservoir); to store up (energy, etc.; phys., techn.): ints.
ĭḫtazana, vb. VIII, to store, stock, hoard, accumulate; to keep, put in safekeeping: T-stem, autobenef.
ḫazn, n., storing; accumulation, hoarding, amassing; storage, warehousing: vn. I.
ḫaznaẗ, n.f., 1 treasure house; 2 safe, coffer, vault; 3 wardrobe, locker; 4 cupboard. – See also ↗s.v.
BP#3757ḫizānaẗ, pl. ‑āt, ḫazāʔinᵘ, n.f., 1 treasure house; 2 money-box; 3 vault, safe; 4 treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; 5 locker, wardrobe, closet; 6 cupboard; 7 library: nominal formation with quasi-pass. sense | ḫizānaẗ al-dawlaẗ, ḫizānaẗ ʕāmmaẗ, n.f., public treasury, exchequer; ḫizānaẗ al-ṯalǧ, n.f., icebox, refrigerator; ḫizānaẗ al-kutub, n.f., bookcase, library; ḫizānaẗ ḫuṣūṣiyyaẗ, n.f., private library; ḫizānaẗ al-malābis, n.f., wardrobe, closet, locker.
ḫazīnaẗ, pl. ‑āt, ḫazāʔinᵘ, n.f., treasure house; public treasury, exchequer; treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; cashier’s office; vault, coffer, safe; cashbox, tili (of a merchant): quasi-PP I, f. | al-ḫazīnaẗ al-ḫāṣṣaẗ, n.f., (formerly) the Royal Privy Purse (Ir.); ḫazīnaẗ al-dawlaẗ, n.f., public treasury, exchequer; ḫazīnaẗ (nuqūd) rāṣidaẗ, n.f., cash register.
ḫazzān, pl. ‑āt, ḫazāzīnᵘ, n., 1 dam: ints., quasi-PA I; 2 reservoir; basin, sump, pool: meaning transferred from the activity (to store) to its result (stored); 3 storage tank (also for oil): mod. use; — 4 (pl. ‑ūn) storehouseman, warehouseman: | ḫazzān al-waqūd, n., gasoline tank (of an auto).
maḫzan, pl. maḫāzinᵘ, n., 1 storeroom, storehouse; depository; stockroom, storage room; 2 depot, magazine, warehouse; 3 store, shop, department store: n.loc.; 4 al-maḫzan, the Makhzan, the Moroccan government (formerly: governmental finance department; Mor.): specialized use, from the sense of ‘treasury’ | maḫzan ʔadwiyaẗ, n., drugstore; maḫzan al-ʔiṣdār, n., shipping room (com.);
maḫzanī, adj., being under government control or administration, belonging to the government (Mor.): nsb-adj., from al-maḫzan in the special sense of ‘Moroccan government’ | ʔamlāk maḫzaniyyaẗ,, government land (Mor.).
maḫāzinī, pl. ‑iyyaẗ, n., native gendarme (Mor.): nsb-adj., from maḫāzinᵘ, pl. of maḫzan [v4] ‘Moroccan government’.
maḫāzinᵘ: m. al-ṭarīq, the nearest, shortest way, a short cut: belonging here, or to be distinguished as items with own etymology? Cf. ↗ḪZN and ↗s.v.
maḫzanǧī, n., storehouseman, warehouseman: < maḫzan ‘storehouse’ + suffix ‑ǧī (Tu ‑cı ~ ‑ci, for professions).
ḫazandār, ḫaznadār, n., treasurer: < ḫazna ‘treasury’ + Pers suffix ‑dār ‘keeper of…’.
BP#4915taḫzīn, n., storage (also phys., techn.); accumulation; damming; safekeeping: vn. II, with lexicalized specializations | taḫzīn al-ṭāqaẗ, n., energy storage (phys., techn.).
ḫāzin, pl. ḫazanaẗ, ḫuzzān, n., treasurer: lexicalized PA I.
BP#4002maḫzūn, adj., stored, stored up, deposited, warehoused; in stock, in inventory (goods, materials): PP I; (pl. ‑āt), n., stock, store, supplies; reserves, deposits (of oil, in the ground, at a discovery site): nominalized adj.
ḫaznaẗ خَزْنة 
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1 treasure house; 2 safe, coffer, vault; 3 wardrobe, locker; 4 cupboard – WehrCowan1979. 
From Ar ↗ḫazana ‘to store, stock, keep’, probably from Aram ḥassen ‘to possess, hoard’, G-stem ḥəsan ‘to be strong’ (Sem √*ḪSN). 
▪ … 
▪ ↗ḫazana 
▪ Lokotsch1927#855 takes Ar ḫazīnaẗ [sic!] as the origin of Tu hazna, which he says is a vulgar form of Tu hazine. From Tu hazna derive Rum hazna ‘treasury; toilet’, Venet casná ‘lot of money’ [L’Oriente I: 196]; Ru kazna ‘crown, state, assets, powder magazine’, kaznačej ‘(chief) cashier’ [this meaning probably under the influence of kasa ‘Kasse’], Bulg hazna ‘much money, treasure’, Serb hazna, Pol kazna, Ukr hazná ‘cashier, treasure’. 
ḫizānaẗ خِزانَة , pl. ḫazāʔinᵘ 
ID 255 • Sw – • BP 3757 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 treasure house; 2 money-box; 3 vault, safe; 4 treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; 5 locker, wardrobe, closet; 6 cupboard; 7 library – WehrCowan1979. 
While the n. looks as if it were a nominal formation from the vb. ↗ḫazana, Jeffery thinks that »[i]t is fairly obvious that ḫazana is a denom. vb., and the word has been recognized by many Western scholars as a foreign borrowing.« Both Pers ganǧ ‘treasure’ and another etymology (akin to Hbr ḥōsän ʻtreasureʼ) have been discussed, but these are probably not tenable. 
Q 6:50, 11:31; 12:55; 17:100; 38:9; 52:37; 63:7 ‘treasury, storehouse’. 
▪ ↗ḫazana, ↗ḪZN 
▪ Jeffery1938, 122-23: »The verb ḫazana does not occur in the Qurʔān, but besides ḫazānaẗ [sic!] (which occurs, however, only in the pl. form ḫazāʔinᵘ), we find a form ḫāzin ʻone who lays in storeʼ in xv, 22; and ḫazanaẗ ʻkeepersʼ in 39:71, 73; 40:52; 67:8. – It is fairly obvious that ḫazana is a denom. vb., and the word has been recognized by many Western scholars as a foreign borrowing.6 Its origin, however, is a little more difficult to determine. Hoffmann, ZDMG, xxxii, 760,7 suggested that we should find its origin in the [Pers] ganǧ. This ganǧ which BQ defines as zar va-gowharī keh dar zamīn dafn konand, is cognate with Skr gañǧa (= kīša), a ʻtreasuryʼ or ʻjewel roomʼ,8 and has been borrowed through the Aram gnzʔ; Syr [gazzā, from] *ganzā into Ar as ↗kanz. It seems hardly likely that by another line of borrowing, through say Hbr gᵊnāzīm 9 or Mand גאזאנא10 it has come to form the Ar ḫazānaẗ. – Barth, Etymol. Stud, 51, makes the happier suggestion that it may be connected with the form that is behind the Hbr ḥosän ʻtreasureʼ.«
▪ Cf. ↗ḪZN, ↗ḫazana
ḫizānaẗ al-dawlaẗ, ḫizānaẗ ʕāmmaẗ, n.f., public treasury, exchequer.
ḫizānaẗ al-ṯalǧ, n.f., icebox, refrigerator.
ḫizānaẗ al-kutub, n.f., bookcase, library.
ḫizānaẗ ḫuṣūṣiyyaẗ, n.f., private library.
ḫizānaẗ al-malābis, n.f., wardrobe, closet, locker.
maḫzan مَخْزَن , pl. maḫāzinᵘ 
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1 storeroom, storehouse; depository; stockroom, storage room; 2 depot, magazine, warehouse; 3 store, shop, department store; 4 al-maḫzan, the Makhzan, the Moroccan government (formerly: governmental finance department; Mor.) – WehrCowan1979. 
n.loc., from ↗ḫazana ‘to store, stock, keep’. – [v4] specialized use, from the sense of ‘treasury’. 
▪ … 
▪ ↗ḫazana 
▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl magazine, from Ar maḫāzinᵘ, pl. of maḫzan, ‘storeroom, depository, depot, magazine’, from ḫazana, vb. I, ‘to store’, from Aram ḥassen ‘to possess, hoard’, derived stem of ḥᵊsan ‘to be strong’. - Cf. also EtymOnline: Engl magazine, »1580 s, ‘place for storing goods, especially military ammunition’, from mFr magasin ‘warehouse, depot, store’ (C15), from It magazzino, from Ar maḫāzin, pl. of maḫzan ‘storehouse’ (source of Span almacén ‘warehouse, magazine’), from ḫazana ‘to store up.’ The original sense is almost obsolete; meaning ‘periodical journal’ dates from the publication of the first one, Gentleman’s Magazine, in 1731, which was so called from earlier use of the word for a printed list of military stores and information, or in a figurative sense, from the publication being a “storehouse” of information‘–
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