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ḪWF خوف 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ḪWF_1 ‘to be frightened, scared, afraid, anxious’ ↗ḫāfa
▪ ḪWF_2 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘fear, fright, to fear, to frighten; awe, concern, worry; to know, to suspect, to become aware; unworthy act; fighting, to decrease, to shorten’ 
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DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWP-1 Akk ḫāpu, Ar ḫāfa ‘avoir peur’, Mhr ḫwīf, Soq ḥayef ‘craindre’. -2 Akk ḫūp‑ ‘cercle, anneau’. -3 EAr ḫāfa ‘poche en cuir’.
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ḫāf‑ / ḫif‑ خافَ / خِفْـ , ā (ḫawf, maḫāfaẗ, ḫīfaẗ
ID 271 • Sw –/44 • BP 1042 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
ḫāfa a (ḫawf, maḫāfaẗ, ḫīfaẗ), 1a to be frightened, scared; b to be afraid (, s.o. or min of), dread (, s.o. or min s.o. or; c to fear (, s.o. or min s.o.,; ʕalà for s.o., for; ʔanna that) – WehrCowan1979. 
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DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWP-1 Akk ḫāpu, Ar ḫāfa ‘avoir peur’, Mhr ḫwīf, Soq ḥayef ‘craindre’. -2-3 […].
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ḫawwafa, vb. II, to frighten, scare, alarm, fill with fear (s.o.): D-stem, caus.
ʔaḫāfa, vb. IV, = II: *Š-stem, caus.
taḫawwafa, vb. V, = I: Dt-stem, intr., self-ref.

BP#862ḫawf, n., 1 fear, dread (min of); 2 ḫawfan, adv., for fear (min of), fearing (ʕalà for): vn. I.
ḫīfaẗ, n.f., fear, dread (min of): vn. I.
ḫawwāf, var. ḫawwīf, 1 adj., fainthearted, fearful, timid, timorous; 2 n., coward, poltroon: ints. formation.
ʔaḫwafᵘ, adj., 1 more timorous; 2 more dreadful, more to be feared: elat.
BP#2846maḫāfaẗ, n.f., fear, dread: vn. I | maḫāfaẗan ʔanna, adv., for fear that…, afraid that…
maḫāwifᵘ, (pl. of maḫāfaẗ), n. pl., 1a fears, apprehensions, anxieties; b horrors, dangers, perils.
taḫwīf, n., and var. ʔiḫāfaẗ, n.f., intimidation, bullying, cowing, frightening, scaring: vn. II and IV, respectively.
taḫawwuf, n., fear, dread: vn. V.
BP#1503ḫāʔif, pl. ḫuwwaf, adj., 1a fearful, timid, timorous; b scared, frightened, alarmed (min by); c afraid (min of); d anxious (ʕalà about), apprehensive (ʕalà for): PA I.
maḫūf, adj., 1 feared, dreaded; 2 dangerous, perilous: PP I.
BP#3387muḫīf, adj., fear-inspiring, frightful, dreadful, terrible, horrible: PA IV.
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