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ḫawwal‑ خَوَّلَ (taḫwīl
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., II 
to grant, accord, give, concede (to s.o., also li‑; esp., the right, the power to do, bestow, confer (upon s.o., also li‑), vest, endow (s.o. with, also li‑) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ D-stem, caus., from the obs. vb. I, ḫāla ʻto manage (a business etc.), take care (ʕalà of)’ (Hava1899), perh. denom. from ↗ḫawal ʻchattels, property (livestock, slaves); servants’. Thus, the power\auhority bestowed upon s.o. through the action expressed in vb. II is, originally, the right to manage\control one’s livestock, servants, and slaves.
▪ If the ʻmaternal uncle’, ↗¹ḫāl, should be akin to ↗ḫawal ʻchattels, property (livestock, slaves); servants’ (as considered possible in DRS, the granting of authority could also be interpreted as *ʻmaking s.o. the “uncle” of livestock, slaves, servants, etc., i.e., its/their master’.
▪ … 
▪ … 
DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWL-1 Akk ḫāl‑, Palm ḥl ‘oncle maternel’, Nab *ḥlh ‘tante’, Syr ḥālā, Ar ḫāl, Ṣaf ḫl, Mhr Ḥrs ḫayl, Jib ḥiź, Soq ḥel (Kogan2011: ḥalēle) ‘oncle maternel’. – ?2 Ar ḫāla ‘garder, gérer, administrer’, ḫawal ‘biens, avoir’; Min ḫwl ‘personne autorisée’, Qat šḫl ‘diriger, administrer’, ?MġrAr ḫāl ‘octroyer, assigner’. -3-6 […].
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONCISE.
▪ … 
muḫawwal, adj., authorized (bi‑ to): PP II.

For other values of the root, cf. ↗¹ḫāl, ↗²ḫāl, ↗ḫawal, and ↗ḫawlī, as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗√ḪWL and ↗√ḪYL. 
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