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muḫtār مُخْتار , ‑ūn , maḫātīrᵘ 
ID 273 • Sw – • BP 4507 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
¹adj.; ²n. 
1 adj., free to choose, having the choice or option ( in), volunteering; ~an, adv., voluntarily, spontaneously, of one’s own accord; choice, select, exquisite; chosen, preferred, favorite; a favorite; ‑āt, pl., selection, selected writings, anthology. – 2 pl. maḫātīrᵘ, n., village chief, mayor of a village; mayor of a city district (Syr., Leb., Ir.) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ As an adj., the values of the word are those of a PA and PP of ĭḫtāra, vb. VIII, ‘to choose, make one’s choice; to select, elect, pick; to prefer’, i.e., they go back to a literal meaning of either ‘choosing, making a choice’ or ‘made to choose, given the chance/right to make a choice’.
▪ The value ‘village chief’ etc. is originally *‘the chosen one’ (or ‘s.o. having the ability to make the right choice’? Cf. ↗ĭḫtiyār). 
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▪ For the complex ‘to choose, prefer, etc.’ to which the item belongs, see ↗ḫayr
▪ For the complex ‘to choose, prefer, etc.’ to which the item belongs, see ↗ḫayr
ḪYṬ خيط 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Mar2023
▪ ḪYṬ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪYṬ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪYṬ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘thread, wire, string, rope; to sew, stitch up; needle, tailor, tailoring’ 
▪ … 
ḪYL خيل 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ḪYL_1 ʻto imagine, fancy, think, believe, suppose; (D-stem) to suggest, make believe; (Gt- and Lt-stems) to feel self-important, be conceited; to behave in a pompous, arrogant manner, swagger, strut about’ ↗ḫāla; ʻghost, spectre, phantom, fantasy, chimera; vision, imagination; shadow, trace, dim reflection’ ↗ḫayāl; ʻmole, birthmark; patch, beauty spot’ ↗²ḫāl
▪ ḪYL_2 ʻgreen woodpecker’ ↗ʔaḫyal
▪ ḪYL_3 ʻhorses’ ↗ḫayl

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): (There is a degree of overlapping between this root and ḪWL:) ‘imagining, to fancy, to suppose, to guess, to presuppose, to foresee; spectre, ghost, apparition, shadow; pride, conceit, snobbery; horse riders, horses; maternal uncle and aunt; mole (on skin)’ 
▪ [v1] : Although the semantic field built around the idea of ʻfantasy, imagination’ in Ar is rather broad and diversified and thus points to a long history and the genuineness of the root, the corresponding Ar items remain without obvious cognates in Sem. The picture changes slightly if we regard ʻfantasy, imagination’ (DRS #ḪYL-2) and ʻmole, birthmark; patch, beauty spot’ (DRS #ḪYL-4) as possibly belonging together, both sharing the basic idea of *ʻappearing, becoming visible’; moreover, in older times, birthmarks were often seen as omina, thus evoking a certain vision.1 Should the two be akin, then the Ar lexemes would perh. get at least one relative in Akk, and ²ḫāl ʻmole, birthmark; patch, beauty spot’ could be tentatively interpreted as *ʻmark\sign appearing, becoming visible (on the face or skin of a newborn child)’, or the complex of ʻfantasy, imagination’ could be regarded as derived from ²ḫāl, a fantasy or imagination appearing like a mole or a beauty spot on the face\skin of a newborn. But this is unsecured speculation that cannot build on harder data than the mere possibility of semantic dependence. The Akk “relative” signifying ʻblack mole (on the face and body); black spot (a disease of barley)’ may also be unrelated: while von Soden (on whom the data given in DRS are built) gives it as Akk ḫālu, CAD quotes it as Akk ḫalû (from oBab on), in which case it would belong together with Ar ḥalaʔ ʻpustules upon the lips (Hava1899) / boutons aux lèvres à la suite de la fièvre (BK1860)’ rather than with ²ḫāl.2
▪ [v2] : The modern use of ʔaḫyal for ʻgreen woodpecker’ may be dependent on [v1], more specifically on ²ḫāl in the sense of ʻpatch, beauty spot’, as the bird has white spots on some of its feathers (DRS #ḪYL-4). In older times, the word signified some (less specified) kind of bird that may have been called ʔaḫyal on account of its association with evil omen. Others explain it as an epithet based on taḫayyul, thus meaning *ʻthe one who feels self-important, conceited, the arrogant one’. – The word may have a cognate in a Hbr hapax. MilitarevKogan2005 (SED II #107) tentatively reconstruct protSem *ḫ˅l‑ ‘kind of bird’, adding that the reconstruction is little reliable, due to scarce attestation.
▪ [v3] : Ar ḫayl for ʻhorses’ stands isolated within Sem (Jib aḫyel ‘faire galoper’ could be an Arabism). Given that it cannot be connected to [v1] or [v2], it may belong to the complex of *ʻpower, strength’ (cf. DRS #ḪYL-5 in section COGN, below), otherwise realised in Ar by ↗√ḤW/YL (< protSem *ḥayl‑/*ḫayl‑ ‘strength’ – Kogan2015: 118 #12), rather than to √ḪYL or √ḪWL.3 According to Kogan (ibid., fn. 340), ḫayl ‘horses; riders’ has been interpreted already quite often as belonging together with ‘strength, power, might’ (cf. Marrassini 1971: 59).
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DRS 10 (2012) #ḪYL-1 Akk ḫiālu, ḫālu ‘frémir, éprouver les douleurs de l’accouchement’, ḫīlū ‘douleurs de l’accouchement’, Ug ḫl ‘éprouver de telles douleurs’; ‘sautiller’, ḫl ‘angoisse, douleur’, Hbr ḥīl ‘douleur (en particulier celle de l’accouchement), crainte, tremblement d’angoisse’, ? Soq meḥailil, muhailil ‘peureux’. -2 Ar ḫāla, ḫayyala ‘s’imaginer, se figurer’, ḫayāl ‘fantôme, ombre’, ḫāl ‘outrecuidance, arrogance, présomption’, YemAr ḫayāl ‘convoiter’. -3 Ar ḫayl ‘chevaux’, ḫayyālaẗ ‘troupeau de chevaux’, Jib aḫyel ‘faire galoper (son cheval)’. -4 Akk ḫālu ‘tache noire sur la peau’, Ar ḫāl ‘signe sur le visage, grain de beauté’, ʔaḫyalᵘ ‘qui a des grains de beauté (sur le visage)’, ḫīlān ‘signe, signe sur le corps ou le visage, grain de beauté’. -5 Hbr ḥayil ‘puissance’, SyrAr ḥēl, ‘vigueur, allant’, Sab ḫyl ‘pouvoir, puissance’, Qat ‘ressources, aide’, Gz ḫayl, Tña ḥayli, Te ḥil, Amh Gur hayl ‘pouvoir, puissance’. -6 Soq ḥal, ḥēl ‘aine’. -7 Tña ḫayal ‘cerf, grande antilope’. -8 Akk ḫīl‑ ‘résine’.
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▪ As is clear from [v…] and [v…], there is some overlapping between √ḪYL and ↗√ḪWL, and prob. also ↗√ḤW/YL.
▪ The value *ʻto be in labour; have labour pains’ (protSem *ḫylSED I #33) does not seem to have cognates in Ar, although it is quite widely attested throughout Sem (see DRS #ḪYL-1 in section COGN, above, and SED I #33).
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