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duḫn دُخْن 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
pearl millet, dukhn – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2011: from protSem *duḫn‑ ‘millet’.
▪ The word may have an AfrAs ancestor like AfrAs *doḫ˅n‑ ‘millet, grain’ (Orel&Stolbova1994) or *duḫ˅n‑ ‘sorghum, corn’ (TB2007). 
▪ … 
DRS 4 (1994)#DḪN-1: Akk duḫnu, Hbr dōḥan, JP dōḥīnā, Syr duḥnā, Ar duḫn. – For the complex ‘smoke; dark colour’ which according to some may be related, cf. ↗duḫān.
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994 #727: In addition to cognates in Sem (given as in DRS), the authors mention the word dawna ‘corn’ in a CCh language. TB2007 #736 gives the latter as dawn ‘corn’. 
▪ References unanimously reconstruct Sem *duḫn‑ ‘millet’.
DRS 4 (1994)#DḪN-1: According to some, the name of the plant derives from its colour, which would relate it to DḪN_2 ‘smoke’ (↗duḫān); but many do not accept this etymology.
▪ For the CCh word dawn or dawna, both Orel&Stolbova1994 and TB2007 reconstruct CCh *dwan‑ ‘corn’ (contracted from *dwaH˅n‑, according to Orel&Stolbova). Together with the Sem evidence, the authors reconstruct AfrAs *doḫ˅n‑ ‘millet, grain’ (Orel&Stolbova) or *duḫ˅n‑ ‘sorghum, corn’ (TB2007). 
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