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daqīq دَقِيق 
ID 288 • Sw – • BP 4970 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√DQː (DQQ) 
1a fine, thin; b delicate, frail, fragile; c little, small, tiny, puny, minute; 2a subtle; b precise, accurate, exact; c painstaking, scrupulous, meticulous; 3 paltry, petty, trifling, trivial; 4 inexorable, relentless, strict, rigorous; 5 delicate (situation), critical, trying, serious, precarious. – 6 flour, meal – WehrCowan1979. 
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daqīq al-ḥisāb, n., adj., keeping strict account, strict, relentless, inexorable
daqīq al-šuʕūr, adj., sensitive
daqīq al-ṣanʕ, adj., 1a finely worked; b of delicate workmanship
daqīq al-naẓar, adj., clear-sighted, penetrating, discerning, sensitive
ʔabū daqīq, n., butterfly
al-ʔaʕḍāʔ al-daqīqaẗ, n. pl., the genitals

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