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ḏanab ذنب , pl. ʔaḏnāb 
ID … • Sw –/160 • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
tail; appendage; follower, henchman; pl. ʔaḏnāb, dependents, clique of followers, following (of s.o.) 
▪ Kogan2011: from protSem *ḏanab‑ ‘tail’.
▪ Cf. also Som dábo ‘tail’?
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▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘tail’) Akk (zibbatu), Hbr zānāḇ, Syr dunḇā, Gz zanáb.
DRS 4 (1994)#ḎNB-1: Akk zibbat‑ , zimbat‑ , Ug ḏnb, Hbr zānāb, TargAram danbā, dunbā, gᵉnūbtā, Syr dūnbā, dūnbᵉtā, dᵉnūbtā, Mand dīnbā, Ar ḏanab, Mhr ḏenob, Ḥrs deneb, Jib ḏunub, Soq denob, Gz zanab, Te zänäb; Hbr zinnēb, Syr dannēb ‘annéantir l’arrière-garde’, Ar ḏanaba ‘suivre pas à pas’, Sab ḏnb ‘mettre en déroute’, Te zännäbä ‘rester en arrière’, Ar ḏānib, ḏunābaẗ ‘adhérent, partisan’. 
▪ Fronzaroli#2.79, DRS 4 (1994), Kogan2011: Sem *ḏanab‑.
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ḏawāt al-ʔaḏnāb,, comets.

ḏanabī, adj., caudal, tail (in compounds); appendaged, appendant, dependent: nsb-adj.
ḏunayb, n., petiole, leafstalk (bot.): dimin.
muḏannab, n., comet: nominalized PP II. 

ḎHB ذهب 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ḎHB_1 ‘gold’ ↗ḏahab
▪ ḎHB_2 ‘to go’ ↗ḏahaba

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘gold; to go, to go away, to set out; to take away; creed, faction, sect, to adopt as a conviction’ 
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In addition to the values ‘gold’ (ḎHB_1, ↗ḏahab) and ‘to go’ (ḎHB_2, ↗ḏahaba, DRS 4 (1993) lists a third item: #ḎHB-3: Ar ḏihbaẗ ‘pluie fine’, oYemAr ḏahab ‘champ’, anc. mod.: mesure de capacité, SAr ḏhb ‘vallée alluvial; irrigation semi-annuelle’, mḏhbẗ ‘terre alluviale’, Mhr Ḥrs ḏehēb, Jib ḏhēb ‘être inondé’, Mhr Ḥrs ḏehib, Jib ḏheb ‘inondation’. 
▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl dahabeahḏahab
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