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ḏahab ذَهَب 
ID 300 • Sw – • BP 1904 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
n.m. and n.f. 
gold; gold piece, gold coin – WehrCowan1979. 
DRS 4 (1993)#ḎHB-1: From protSem (Huehnergard2011: CSem) *ḏahab‑ ‘gold’.
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DRS 4 (1993)#ḎHB-1: Hbr zāhāb, oAram zhb, EmpAram Palm dhb, BiblAram TargAram Syr dᵉhab, Mand dahba, zahba, Ar ḏahab ‘or’; SAr ḏhb ‘or, encens’, Mhr Jib ḏehēb, Soq dheb, Te Tña dähab ‘or’. – SAr ḏhb : aromate, sorte d’encens, ETH dähob ‘encens, fumigation’, dähabä ‘encenser’. 
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▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl dahabeah, from Ar ḏahabiyyaẗ ‘the Golden One’ (name of the gilded barge of the Muslim rulers of Egypt), from ḏahab ‘gold’. 
ḏahab ʔabyaḍ, n., platinum.

ḏahhaba, vb. II, to gild (* caus. denom.

BP#1692ḏahabī, adj., golden, of gold; precious, excellent, apposite (e.g., advice, saying, etc.): nsb-adj | ʔāyaẗ ḏ-iyyaẗ golden word, maxim, epigram.
ḏahabiyyaẗ, pl. ‑āt, dahabeah, a long light-draft houseboat, used on the Nile:….
muḏahhab, adj., gilded: PP II.
muḏhab, adj., gilded: PP IV. 

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