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zuǧǧ زُجّ , pl. zuǧāǧ 
ID … • Sw – • … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ZǦː (ZǦǦ) 
ferrule; arrowhead; spearhead – WehrCowan1979. 
Probably a loanword from a Pers word for arrows with pointed arrow-heads. 
▪ … 
DRS 8 (1999)#ZGG-2 Syr zag ‘tinter (oreille); crier’, zənāgā ‘ tintement, bruit; chœur’, Ar zaǧǧa ‘produire un bruit sourd, murmurer, crier’, zinǧ ‘tambour’. -3 Ar zaǧǧa ‘frapper avec le bout de la lance’, zuǧǧ ‘ferrure au bout de la lance, fer de flèche, pointe du coude’, MġrAr zəǧǧ ‘pousser’, tzəǧǧəǧ ‘se pousser mutuellement, se battre (chameaux)’, HispAr zaǧǧ ‘donner un coup de poing’, zuǧǧ ‘poing’, ʕAnâze zaǧǧ ‘jeter, vider’, DaṯAr zaǧǧ ‘boire d’un trait’. 
▪ According to Rolland2014a, Ar zuǧǧ (pl. zuǧāǧ, ClassAr ziǧāǧ, ziǧaǧaẗ) ‘ferrule, arrow-, spearhead’ is from Pers zuǧ ‘flèche dont le fer est en corne ou en ivoire, flèche courte, sans plumes’ (Steingass1892: ‘bone-headed arrow, very short arrow’). In ClassAr, there are also the (probably extended) meanings ‘point/tip of the elbow’ [= ↗ZǦː (ZǦǦ)_6] and ‘tush of a stallion’ (Hava1899), all sharing the notion of peakedness or pointedness. – Cf. also zuǧaǧ ‘darts, javelins, furnished with iron-heads’; zaǧǧa (u, zaǧǧ), vb. I, ‘to hit s.o. with the butt-end of a spear, shoot arrows at; to strike (with the iron-foot of a spear)’, mizaǧǧ ‘short lance’; ʔazaǧǧa, vb IV, ‘to put an iron-foot to (a spear)’, muziǧǧ ‘ironed (spear-butt)’ (Hava1899).
▪ Cf. also the vb. I ↗zaǧǧa (u, zaǧǧ) which in MSA means ‘1 to throw, hurl; 2 to push, urge, drive; to press, squeeze, force’. With all likelihood, and as already suggested by ClassAr lexicographers, [v1] seems to be a development from the obsol. denom. zaǧǧa (u, zaǧǧ) ‘to hit s.o. with the butt-end of a spear, shoot arrows at; to strike with (the iron-foot of a spear)’, while [v2] can be thought of as being a denom. vb. derived from zuǧǧ in the meaning of ‘(tip of the) elbow’ [see preceding paragraph and ↗ZǦː (ZǦǦ)_6].
For other values of the root, cf. ↗zaǧǧa, ↗ʔazaǧǧᵘ, ↗zuǧāǧ, and (for the general picture) ↗ZǦː (ZǦǦ). 
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