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zaʕlānᵘ زَعْلانُ 
ID 357 • Sw – • BP 4827 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
annoyed, angry, vexed, put out – WehrCowan1979. 
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ZʕM زعم 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ZʕM_1 ‘to maintain, declare; to believe; to take for, regard as; chief, garant’ ↗zaʕama, ↗zaʕīm

Other values, now obsolete:
  • ZʕM_2 ‘(kind of boats, vessels)’: zaʕāʔimᵘ
  • ZʕM_3 ‘to covet, desire eagerly’ : zaʕima
  • ZʕM_4 ‘glory, dignity, power’ : zaʕamaẗ
  • ZʕM_5 ‘truthful; mendacious’ : zuʕmī
  • ZʕM_6 ‘having little fat; having much fat (she-camel, sheep, goat)’ : zaʕūm

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to claim, to allege; to undertake, to be leader, to lead, leadership’ 
▪ Out of the 5 values given by DRS for the root ZʕM in Sem, 3 are represented in Ar, of which only 1 in MSA (1 in ClassAr, 1 in EAr).
▪ ZʕM_1 : apparently without cognates in Sem. – For ClassAr zaʕama (u, z˅ʕm), Hava1899 gives the value ‘to assert true or false’, DRS has ‘parler, dire, énoncer une opinion’ as the basic value from which the others derive. The zaʕīm is the one who has the authority to decide between true and false, good and bad, right and wrong.
▪ ZʕM_2 : ClassAr zaʕāʔimᵘ is obviously the pl. of an (obsol.) sg. that, according to regular patterns, should be assumed to be *zaʕīmaẗ. Etymology obscure. Borrowed from a SAr lang?
▪ ZʕM_3 : The vb. I zaʕima ‘to covet, desire eagerly (’, which is not found in MSA any longer, belongs to ZʕM_1 ‘to assert, pronounce an opinion’: if you are convinced that is right, true, or good, and express your opinion vehemently, you may attach your emotions to it, hence desire it.
▪ ZʕM_4 zaʕamaẗ ‘glory, dignity, power’: from ZʕM_1; lit., quality of a zaʕīm.
▪ ZʕM_5 zuʕmī ‘truthful; mendacious’: from ZʕM_1; lit., subject to zuʕm, i.e., the quality of which still has to be tested and asserted, that can be either so or so.
▪ ZʕM_6 zaʕūm ‘having little fat; having much fat (she-camel, sheep, goat)’: from ZʕM_1; lit., (animal) »of which one doubts whether there be in her fat or not, and which is therefore felt with the hand, in order that one may know if she be fat or lean« (Lane). – Cf. also the less equivocal zaʕim ‘(of roasted meat:) dripping with its gravy; succulent, dripping with its juice or fat’ (ibid.) 
DRS 8 (1999)#ZʕM-1 Ar zaʕama ‘parler, dire, énoncer une opinion’, zaʕima ‘désirer ardemment’, zaʕīm ‘garant, chef, prince’, zaʕamat ‘gloire, dignité, pouvoir’; HispAr zaʕam ‘prétendre, se vanter, faire le brave’, MġrAr zʕəm ‘prétendre, alléguer’, zaʕma adv. ‘prétendument, comme si, feignant de; par exemple, c’est-à-dire, dans l’espoir de’, zʕama ‘audace, intrépidité’; Sab zʕm ‘déclaration’, Mhr zəʕīm, Jib zʕim ‘chef de famille’, əzteʕim ‘être, décider en chef de famille’, Gur žamä ‘convoiter, désirer ardemment’. -2 Ar zaʕāʔimᵘ (pl.) : sorte de vaisseau, S Ar zaʕīma, Jib zʕĩt, Te zəʕimät ‘bateau, barque’. -3 EAr zaʕam ‘se fâcher, mépriser’. -4 Soq əzʕam ‘être assis, rester’. -5 Gz zəʕəme ‘frange, touffe de cheveux (?)’. 
▪ Little is known about this root. ZʕM_1 and ZʕM_2 seem to be separate values, the former probably an exclusively Ar root, the latter perh. shared between Ar, modSAr and EthSem (but probably Te < Ar).
▪ The obsolete values ZʕM_3 through ZʕM_6 all depend on ZʕM_1. 
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