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zamān زَمان , pl. ʔazminaẗ 
ID 364 • Sw – • NahḍConBP 737 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 time; 2 duration; 3 fortune, fate, destiny – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Simply a var. of ↗zaman or originally going back to a different etymon? While zaman could be from Akk simanu ‘season, proper time, time’, zamān may have Pers ancestors: mPers zamān < oPers ǧamāna ‘time’.
DRS reconstructs Sem *zaman‑ ‘temps déterminé’. At the same time, it is stated that the Ar (as well as the Hbr and EthSem) forms probably are taken from Aram zᵊmān, which in itself goes back either to Akk simanu ‘season, proper time, time’ or oPers ǧamāna ‘time’.
▪ … 
DRS 8 (1999)#ZMN-1 Hbr BiblAram zᵊmān, Palm zbn, Nab zmn, zbn, ChrPal zᵊbān, Syr zabnā, Mand zban, Ṭur zabno, nAram (pl.) zibnō, nSyr zōnā, Ar zaman, zamān, Mhr zebōn, Jib ziũn, Soq zem, Gz zaman, Tña Amh zämän, Har zäman, Gur zämän, zämär, zān, Te Tña Amh Arg zäbän, ‘temps, époque, période’, Te təzäbbänä ‘être opportun, coutumier’; Hbr *mᵊzumman ‘déterminé (temps)’, BiblAram *hizdᵊman, hizdammēn ‘convenir de, fixer’, Syr zammen ‘inviter, préparer’, zᵊmīnā ‘invité, convive’, Mand *zamin ‘convoquer’, Ar zamina ‘être atteint d’une maladie chronique’, zamān ‘vicissitudes du temps, destin, malheur’, Jib ezmin ‘être au début de la mousson’.
▪ Nişanyan_04May2015: Akk simānu [sic!] ‘specific day or time, moment’, Hbr/Aram zəmān ‘id.’, Ar/Pers zamān ‘time, age, period’. 
DRS 8 (1999)#ZMN-1 reconstructs Sem *zaman- ‘temps déterminé’, but at the same time says that the Hbr, Ar and EthSem forms seem to be borrowed from Aram. For the latter, two possible origins have been suggested by earlier research: either it is from Akk simān- ‘right moment’ [CAD: simanu (var. simunu, šimanu) ‘season, proper time, time’, from (w)asāmu ‘to be fitting, proper, suitable’, cf. Ar ↗wasīm ] or from oPers ǧamāna, mPers zamān, cf. Sogd zmn. – The forms showing -b- instead of -m- (ZBN) prevail in non-BiblAram; in Mand, zaman is to be found in Ar expressions, but there also exist forms with an Aram structure that are derived from ZMN, like zamanta, zamanuta, etc. ‘convocation, invitation. – In Ar, some semantic derivations are due to the influence of ↗dahr.
▪ Is zamān simply a var. of zaman (or vice versa)? Or is zaman from Akk simanu ‘season, proper time, time’ while zamān is from mPers zamān ‘time’?
▪ Nişanyan_04May2015: Ar/Pers zamān ‘time, age, period’, akin to Akk simānu [sic!] ‘specific day or time, moment’, Hbr/Aram zəmān ‘id.’. mPers zəmānak ‘id.’ is probably a loan from Aram. – Arm žamanak ‘id.’ is from mPers.
▪ Tu zaman (1330 ʕĀşıḳ Paşa, Ġarīb-nāme), from Ar/Pers zamān ‘time, age, period’ – Nişanyan_04May2015. 
min zamān, adv., for some time (past), for quite a while
ʕalà ’l- zamān, adv., always, ever
ʔahl zamāni-hī, n., his contemporaries
ḥikāyāt zamān,, tale of yore, stories of the past
ʔayyāmᵃ zamān, adv., in days of yore, in bygone days

zamānī, adj., 1 temporal, time; 2 worldly, earthly; 3 passing, transient, transitory; 4 secular: nsb-adj.
zamāniyyaẗ, var. zamaniyyaẗ, n.f., period of time, given time: quasi-abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ.
zamānaẗ, n.f., chronic illness:…

For other values of the root cf. ↗zaman, ↗zamin, ↗ZMN. 
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