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zanà, zanay‑ زَنَى / زَنَيْـ , i (zinan , det. zinà or zinā ; zināʔ
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
to commit adultery, fornicate, whore – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ From WSem *ZNY ‘to fornicate, (to commit) adultery’.
▪ eC7 Q zanà (to commit adultery, fornicate) 60:12 yā-ʔayyu-hā ’l-nabiyyu ʔiḏā ǧāʔa-ka ’l-muʔminātu yubāyiʕna-ka ʕalà ʔan lā yušrikna bi-’llāhi šayʔan wa-lā yasriqna wa-lā yaznīna▪ … ‘Prophet, when believing women com to pledge to you that they will not ascribe God any partner, nor steal, nor commit adultery▪ …’. – zinā (adultery, fornication) 17:32 wa-lā taqrabū ’l-zinā ʔinna-hū kāna fāḥišatan wa-sāʔa sabīlan ‘and do not go near fornication—it is an abomination, and an evil path [to take]’. – zānī (fornicator, adulterer) 24:3 al-zānī lā yankiḥu ʔillā zāniyatan ʔaw mušrikatan ‘the fornicating male/adulterer is only [fit to] marry [also: only fornicates with] a fornicating female/adulteress or an idolatress’. 
DRS 8 (1999)#ZNW/Y-3: Hbr zānāh, JP zənā, Mand zna, Ar zanà (ZNY), Mhr zənū, Jib zini, Ḥrs zenō, Gz zanaya, Te Amh zänna ‘commettre l’adulterie, forniquer’, Syr zanī ‘être débauché, déshonorer’, Gz zanawa ‘être sale, impur’; Hbr zonāh, Palm znytʔ, nSyr zanītā ‘prostituée’. – Outside Sem: Af sannaw , Sa zanaw ‘forniquer’.
▪ Dolgopolsky2012: (as DRS above, adding:) perhaps also Ug dnt ‘adultery, fornication’, with WSem *ḏ‑ > Ug d‑ under the influence of WSem *ḎMː ‘to blame, reprove; dispise, disgrace’ (cf. Ar ↗ḏamma)? 
DRS 8 (1999)#ZNW/Y-3: The Af Sa forms are borrowed from Ar.
▪ Tropper2008#dnt, Dolgopolsky2012#2739: WSem *ZNY ‘to fornicate, (to commit) adultery’.
▪ Dolgopolsky2012#2739: from Nostr *ʒûw˅n˅‑ ‘to copulate’, (?) ‘membrum virile’. 
zinan, det. zinà, n., adultery; fornication: vn. I.
zināʔ, n., adultery; fornication: vn. I.
zānin, det. zānī, pl. zunāẗ, n., fornicator, adulterer: PA I.
zāniyaẗ, pl. zawānin, det. zawānī, n., whore, harlot; adulteress: PA I, f. 
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