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ZWǦ زوج 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ZWǦ_1 ‘(one of a) pair; husband, wife; to marry, marry (off)’ ↗zawǧ
▪ ZWǦ_2 ‘vitriol’ ↗zāǧ

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘even number, pair, double, two things which are connected in some way; spouse, one of a pair; a species, type; to cause trouble’ 
▪ ZWǦ_1: borrowed, via Aram, from Grk, ↗zawǧ
▪ ZWǦ_2: borrowed from Pers, ↗zāǧ 
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zawǧ زَوْج , pl. ʔazwāǧ 
ID 369 • Sw –/77 • BP 464 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 one of a pair. – 2 husband; wife; mate, partner. – 3 couple, pair (also, e.g., of shoes); dual zawjān couple, married couple – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ The common theory is that the word is one of only 17 words in the Q which, ultimately, are of Grk origin (via Aram zawgā from Grk zeŷgos).
▪ Cf., however, Orel&Stolbova’s reconstruction of Sem *zūg‑ ‘to marry, join’, from AfrAs *ʒ˅g‑ ‘id.’. 
▪ Early borrowing, appears already in pre-Isl poetry (muʕallaqaẗ of Labīd).
▪ eC7 Occurs also frequently in the Qurʔān: 1 (wife, husband, spouse) Q 2:102 fa-yataʕallamūna min-humā mā yufarriqūna bi-hī bayna ’l-marʔi wa-zawǧi-hī ‘from them (lit., these two), they learned that by which they cound cause discord between man and wife’; 2 (companion, mate) 39:6 ḫalaqa-kum min nafsin wāḥidatin ṯumma ǧaʕala min-hā zawǧa-hā ‘He created you from a single soul, then from it He made its mate’, 3 (two, one of a pair, a pairable individual) 6:143 ṯamāniyata ʔazwāǧin mina ’l-ḍaʔni ’ṯnayni wa-min-a ’l-maʕzi ’ṯnayni ‘eight members of pairs [pariable animals]: two of the sheep and two of the goats’, 4 (type, variety, kind) 22:5 wa-tarà ’l-ʔarḍa hāmidatan fa-ʔiḏā ʔanzalnā ʕalay-hā ’l-māʔa ’htazzat wa-rabat wa-ʔanbatat min kulli zawǧin bahīǧin ‘you perceive the earth lifeless, yet when We send down upon it water, it stirs and swells and puts forth [vegetation] of every joyous kind’.
▪ Cf. also Fück1950: 120.
▪▪ … 
DRS 8 (1999)#ZWG-1: nHbr zūg, TargAram zōgā, Syr zawgā, Ar zawǧ, Gz zawg, Tña zäwg ‘couple paire’, Amh zog ‘côté, parti allié’, TalmAram ziwwēg, Syr zawwēg ‘joindre, accoupler’, Ar zāǧa ‘exciter l’un contre l’autre, mettre aux prises’, zawwaǧa ‘unir, joindre, accoupler, marier’, tazawwaǧa ‘se marier’, S-Ar EAr ǧōz ‘pair’, ǧawwaz ‘se marier’, Gz zoga, zawaga ‘être égal’, Tña zäwägä, Amh zäwwägä ‘former un groupe’, Te ǧoz ‘quelques-uns’. 
▪ Jeffery1938, 154-55: »It is a very early loan-word in Ar from Grk zeûgos through the Aram. The verbal forms zawwaǧa, etc., with this meaning are clearly denominative, the primitive root zāǧa meaning ʻto sow discord between’. In the Qurʔān we have many forms— zawwaǧa ʻto marry, to couple with’, zawǧ pl. ʔazwāǧ ʻa wife’ or ʻhusband’ (human); zawǧ ʻkind, species’; zawǧān ʻpair’; zawǧ ʻsex’. – No Muslim authority, as Fraenkel notes (Fremdw, 107), has any suspicion that the word is other than genuine Ar, but no derivation of the word is possible from Sem material, and there can be no reasonable doubt that its origin is to be found in [Grk] zeûgos.1 zeûgos is originally a ʻyoke’ from zeúgnimi ʻto join, fasten’,2 and then comes to mean ʻa couple’, so that katà zeûgos or katà zeúgē meant ʻin pairs’, and thus zeûgos = coniugium was used for a married pair. From Grk it passed eastwards and in the Rabbinic writings we have זוג meaning both ʻpair’ and ʻwife’,3 and זוגא ‘pair’, ʻhusband’, ʻcompanion’, besides the denominative זִיוֵּג ‘to bind, pair’, and זִווג = [Grk] zýgōsis, זוגדס = zeûgos + dís. So Syr zūgā is ʻyoke’, and the very common bar zūgā = ʻyokefellow’, commonly used for ʻhusband’ or ʻwife’, with verbal forms built therefrom. It was from this Syr that we get the Eth [Gz] zawg (Nöldeke, Neue Beiträge, 44) and the Arm zožgk',4 and it was probably from the same source that it passed into Ar. One might expect that it would be an early borrowing, and as a matter of fact it occurs in the early poetry.5 «
▪ Schall1982, EALL (Gutas, »Greek Loanwords«), DRS 8 (1999): : via Aram zōgā from Grk zeûgos ‘yoke’ (cf. also Syr zūgā ‘yoke’, bar zūgā ‘husband, wife’).
▪ Cf. however Orel&Stolbova1994#2639: AfrAs *ʒ˅g‑ ‘marry, join’ > Sem *zūg‑ ‘marry, join’: Hbr zwg, Arab zwǧ. Generally believed to be a Grk loanword. Cognate in Berb *ʒ˅g‑ (zeġ) ‘copulate’.
▪ Note that Dolgopolsky2012 does not mention Ar zawǧ (nor corresponding Sem words) among the borrowings from IE *yug-o-m ‘yoke’ (> Grk zyg-ón, Lat iug-um, Germ *yuka‑ > Engl yoke, etc.). The only ‘Oriental’ connection he gives is nPers ǧoft ‘pair’ (< cl-nPers ǧuft ‘yoke, pair’ < MPrs ā-yōḫ-tan ‘to harness’, Av yaog‑ / yuʒ‑ ‘to harness, yoke, join’, oInd yunákti, yugá‑ < narrIE *yeu̯g‑ / *yung‑ ‘to bind, harness, yoke’). 
zawwaǧa, vb. II, to pair, couple, join in pairs or couples; to double, geminate; to employ parallelism (rhet.); to marry off, give in marriage: denom.
zāwaǧa, vb. III, to form a pair or couple; to use in parallel construction, join in a pair; to marry, join in wedlock, unite in matrimony: denom., assoc.
BP#>1700tazawwaǧa, vb. V, to marry s.o.; to get married: t-stem of II, refl.
tazāwaǧa, vb. VI, to intermarry; to pair, come together forming a pair, be in pairs, be double: t-stem of III, recipr.
ĭzdāǧa, vb. VIII, to pair, be in pairs, be double, appear twice: t-stem of vb. I.

BP#496zawǧaẗ, n.f., wife: f. of zawǧ.
zīǧaẗ, n.f., marriage, wedding:.
BP#3031zawǧī, adj., in pairs, paired; double; marital, matrimonial, conjugal; doubles (tennis); pair-oar, paired oars (rowing sport).: nsb.adj.
zīǧī, adj., marital, matrimonial, conjugal, connubial: nsb.adj. of zīǧaẗ.
zawǧiyyaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n., matrimony, marriage: abstr. formation in -iyyaẗ.
BP#764zawāǧ, n., marriage; wedding; matrimony, wedlock | waḥdaẗ al-zawāǧ, n., monogamy.
mizwāǧ, adj., frequently marrying: ints.
tazwīǧ, n., marrying off (of a woman, min to): vn. II.
ziwāǧ, n., doubling, duplication; parallelism (rhet.): vn. III.
muzāwaǧaẗ, n., pairing, coupling, cloee union (of two things): vn. III.
tazawwuǧ, n., marriage: vn. V.
tazāwuǧ, n., intermarriage: vn. VI.
ĭzdiwāǧ, n., pairedness, doubleness; coupling (el.): vn. VIII | ĭzdiwāǧ ḍarībī, n., double taxation
ĭzdiwāǧiyyaẗ, n.f., twofoldness, doubleness: abstr. formation in -iyyaẗ from vn. VIII. | ĭzdiwāǧiyyaẗ al-luġaẗ, n., diglossia; bilingualism
BP#3226mutazawwiǧ, adj., married (min to): PA V.
muzdawiǧ, adj., double, twofold, two- (e.g., of a railroad: two-track): PA VIII. | ṣalīb muzdawiǧ (Tun.), n., swastika; ḥukm muzdawiǧ, n., double rule. 
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