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saqà/ saqay‑ سقيْـ/سَقَى, i (saqy
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
to give to drink, make s.o. drink; to water (cattle, plants) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ From Sem *šḳy ‘to irrigate, quench one’s thirst, provide enough water’ – Kogan 2011, 2015: 30, 537. According to Huehnergard, who also assumes Sem *šḳy, this word for the ‘watering of animals (and irrigation of fields)’ belongs to the oldest proto-Semitic layer of agricultural terminology that can be reconstructed (2011: 2068). Militarev/Stolbova’s reconstruction (*š˅ḳ- ‘to drink, give to drink’ < AfrAs *s˅ḳʷ- ‘to drink’) (2007) is supported by the extra-Semitic evidence, but little convincing inside Semitic itself. – Any connection with the IE theme ‘to suck’?
▪ … 
▪ Bergsträsser 1928, Zammit 2002: Akk šaqū ‘tränken, bewässern’, Ug šqy ‘to drink’, Hbr šāqā (hif.) ‘to cause to drink; to water’, Aram (af.) šᵉqā ‘to give drink; to water’, Syr (af.) ʔašqī ‘to water, irrigarte’, SAr sqy ‘to irrigate; to provide with water’, Gz saqaya ‘rigare, irrigare’, Ar saqā (y) ‘to water, give drink to’
▪ Militarev 2006 #1469 (< Orel/Stolbova 1994 #2220): Akk šaqû ‘to give a drink’, Ug šqy ‘to drink’, Hbr (hi) hi-šqâh, Jib šeḳe ‘to give a drink’. – Outside Semitic, Militarev / Stolbova 2007 (< Stolbova 2006) quote the forms soke ‘to give water (to a child)’) in a WCh language, and sexwì, sɛgwi, sakwù ‘to drink’ in some CCh idoms.
▪ For ClAr √SQY and Hbr √ŠQY ‘to give to drink’, Almedlaoui 2012 also compares Ber swa ‘to drink’.
▪ Militarev / Stolbova 2007 reconstruct Sem *š˅ḳ- ‘to (give to) drink’, WCh *suḳ- / *swaḳ- ‘to give water (to a child)’ and CCh *s˅ḳwa- ‘to drink’, and from these AfrAs *s˅ḳʷ- ‘to drink’.
▪ Dolgopolsky 2012 #2031 even connects Sem *šḳy ‘to give to drink’ with IE *seu̪g- (~ *°seu̪k-?) ‘to suck’ (> nHGe saugen, Engl suck, etc.) and reconstructs Nostr *s̄ük˅ʔa ‘to drink, suck’. Usually, however, the IE root is believed to be *seuə- ‘to take liquid’ (Kluge 2002 s.v. saugen, Harper s.v. suck, sup), without *‑g‑, so that Dolgopolsky’s equation of Sem *‑ḳ‑ and IE *‑g‑ remains without basis.
saqy, n., watering; irrigation: vn. I.
saqawī, adj., (maghr.) irrigational: nisba formation from the preceding
siqāʔ, pl. ʔasqiyaẗ, ʔasqiyāt, ʔasāqin (det. ‑ī), n.f., waterskin, milkskin
saqqāʔ, pl. -ūn, n., water carrier; – pelican (zool.):
siqāyaẗ, n.f., irrigation, watering; office of water supplier (spec., the traditional office of one in charge of providing water for Mecca pilgrims); watering place; drinking vessel: vn. I and specialized use.
misqan, det. ‑à, pl. masāqin (det. ‑ī), n., (Eg.) irrigation canal: n.instr.
musāqāẗ, n.f., sharecropping contract over the lease of a plantation, limited to one crop period (Isl. Law): vn. III.
ĭstisqāʔ, n., dropsy; (Mor.) irrigation: vn. X
ĭstisqāʔī, dropsical, hydropic: nisba formation, from the preceding.
sāqin, det. sāqī, pl. suqāẗ, n., cupbearer, Ganymede, saki: PA I.
sāqiyaẗ, n.f., 1. barmaid; 2. (pl. sawāqin, det. sawāqī) a. rivulet; irrigation ditch, irrigation canal; b. water scoop; c. sakieh, water wheel: PA f.
SKː (SKK) سكّ / سكك 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√SKː (SKK) 
▪ SKː (SKK)_1 ‘…’ ↗
▪ SKː (SKK)_2 ‘…’ ↗
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