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SLː (SLL) سلّ/سلل 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 4Feb2022, last update 4Jul2022
√SLː (SLL) 
▪ SLː (SLL)_1 ‘to pull out, withdraw, remove gently’ ↗salla
▪ SLː (SLL)_2 ‘to spread, extend; to slip, sneak, invade, infiltrate, penetrate’ ↗tasallala
▪ SLː (SLL)_3 ‘consumption, tuberculosis’ ↗sill
▪ SLː (SLL)_4 ‘basket’ ↗¹sallaẗ
▪ SLː (SLL)_5 ‘progeny, offspring; family; race’ ↗sulālaẗ
▪ SLː (SLL)_6 ‘large needle; obelisk’ ↗misallaẗ
▪ SLː (SLL)_7 ‘offprint’ ↗ (IrqAr) mustallaẗ

Other values, now obsolete, include (Hava1899, Lane iv 1872):

SLː (SLL)_8 ‘to steal; to aid in stealing’: ʔasalla; cf. also ²sallaẗ, n.f., ‘secret theft’, sallāl, n., ‘thief; horse-stealer’
SLː (SLL)_9 ‘losing one’s teeth’: sall (Lane); ?cf. also sallà (sic!) ‘to lose the teeth’ (only Hava1899)
SLː (SLL)_10 ‘pure wine’: ²salīl
SLː (SLL)_11 ‘brain of the horse’: ³salīl
SLː (SLL)_12 ‘spinal cord’ : salīl
SLː (SLL)_13 ‘slice of flesh, (Lane:) sinew, portion of flesh having streaks, oblong portion of flesh of the part on either side of the backbone […]’: ¹salīlaẗ
SLː (SLL)_14 ‘long fish, (Lane:) a certain long fish, having a long beak-like snout’: ²salīlaẗ
SLː (SLL)_15 ‘cotton; wool upon the spindle’: ³salīlaẗ
SLː (SLL)_16 ‘bottom of a valley; stream in a valley’: sāll (pl. sawāll), salīl (pl. sullān)

▪ SLː (SLL)_17 : Some dictionaries, both ClassAr and MSA, group under SLː (SLL) also the complex treated in EtymArab s.v. ↗silsilaẗ.

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (accord. to BAH2008): ‘to extract gently and unobtrusively, to pull out strands of wool; pedigree, breed; to move about stealthily’ 
▪ SLː (SLL)_1 : Accord. to Ehret1989 #21, geminated salla is the direct reflex (without extensions) of a pre-protSem 2-rad. root ↗*√SL ‘to draw out or off’. In addition, also many extensions with slightly modified meaning exist; they include: ↗salaʔa, ↗salaba, ↗salata, ↗salaḥa, ↗salaḫa, ↗saliʕa, ↗salafa, ↗salaqa. – OrelStolbova1994 #2274 reconstruct Sem *šul < AfrAs *sol ‘to pull’ (on account of assumed cognates in WCh and CCh). – Any relation to (MilitarevKogan2005 SED I #246) protSem *ša/ily(-at)- / *sa/ily(-at)‑ ‘afterbirth, fetal membrane’, (Fronzaroli, Studi, 37-8) *šily(-at)- ‘placenta’ (see SLː (SLL)_5, below; < *‘drawn out slowly’)? If valid, a more general basic meaning (*‘to pass gently through a narrow opening’) should prob. be assumed (cf. Gabal2012).
▪ SLː (SLL)_2 : prob. akin to SLː (SLL)_1. If so, this, too, could point to a more general basis, *‘to (make) pass through a narrow opening’, supplementing the one-directional ‘pulling, drawing’ of SLː (SLL)_1 by a movement away from the speaker, or not necessarily directed towards him/her.
▪ SLː (SLL)_3 : Accord. to Rolland2014 from Pers sil ‘consumption, tuberculosis’, perh. akin to sal, sull ‘lungs’. – Cf., however, below, section DISC.
▪ SLː (SLL)_4 : accord. to Fraenkel1886 a borrowing from Aram sallā ‘basket’, accord. to Corriente2008 from Eg (cf. Copt salo). But perhaps *‘the pierced one, thing with punctures’, as sallaẗ also could mean ‘awl, big needle’ (like misallaẗ, see SLː (SLL)_6) and ‘chink in a tank, fault\defect in a watering-trough or in a jar, breach, fissures in the ground that steal the water’. If valid, the ‘basket’ may be related to SLː (SLL)_1/2 and, via these, also to SLː (SLL)_5.
▪ SLː (SLL)_5 : prob. akin to salaⁿ ‘membrane qui enveloppe le foetus’ (*salay ), ¹salīl ‘male foetus, embryo; descendant, scion, son’, from protSem *ša/ily(-at)- / *sa/ily(-at)‑ ‘afterbirth, fetal membrane’ – MilitarevKogan2005 (SED I) #246. – Perh. related to SLː (SLL)_1 ‘to draw out slowly, remove gently’.
▪ SLː (SLL)_6 : accord. to Fraenkel (1886: 75) from a root with the basic meaning *‘to pierce’, but perh. related to SLː (SLL)_1/2 (and with the latter to SLː (SLL)_5); see below, section DISC.
▪ SLː (SLL)_7 : obviously a PP from ĭstalla, vb. VIII, ‘to pull out or remove gently; to withdraw gently’, Gt-stem of SLː (SLL)_1. Thus, the ‘offprint’ is, basically, a copy *‘drawn out smoothly’ of/from the original’. – Cf. also SLː (SLL)_5 ‘progeny, offspring’ with which ‘offprint’ shares the notion of a reproduction from an original source.
SLː (SLL)_8 : The notions of ‘(aiding in) stealing’, ‘secret theft’, etc. are based on the *‘gentle passing through a narrow opening’ that can be assumed as the basic value of SLː (SLL)_1/2, showing a development from ‘gently’ to ‘secretly’, as already in SLː (SLL)_2 ‘to sneak, invade, infiltrate’.
SLː (SLL)_9 ‘to lose one’s teeth’: The value is prob. based on SLː (SLL)_1 ‘to draw/pull out gently’.
SLː (SLL)_10-15 : Given that the values [v10] ‘pure wine’, [v11] ‘brain of the horse’, and [v12] ‘spinal cord’ all are homonymous with ¹salīl ‘male foetus, embryo; descendant, scion, son’, and that the corresponding f. form, salīlaẗ, morphologically a quasi-PP, too, shows a similarly broad spectrum of meanings, from [v13] ‘(Hava:) slice of flesh, (Lane:) sinew, portion of flesh having streaks, oblong portion of flesh of the part on either side of the backbone […]’, over [v14] ‘(Lane:) a certain long fish, having a long beak-like snout’, to [v15] ‘cotton; wool upon the spindle’, it is likely that all are based on ¹salīl ‘male foetus, embryo; descendant, scion, son’, though the exact nature of such a dependence remains unclear so far. – Cf., however, Dolgopolsky2012#2057, who regards [v15] salīlaẗ ‘wool upon the spindle’ as akin not only to Ar ↗silkaẗ ‘spun thread’, but also to some extra-Sem (Chad and Heth!) items, all of which going back, in his opinion, to a hypothetical Nostr *sül̄˻w˼˅ ‘thread, string’.
SLː (SLL)_16 ‘bottom of a valley; stream in a valley’: of obscure etymology, perh. *‘passing gently through (sc. the two sides of a valley)’ (sāll) or *‘spread’ (salīl), i.e., PA or quasi-PP, respectively, of salla in the sense of *‘to pass gently through (SLː (SLL)_1) and then *spread (SLː (SLL)_2)’. – In contrast, Dolgopolsky2012#2047 considers (though with caution) an AfrAs and even a Nostr dimension (< Nostr ²*Sil˅ ‘hole’).
▪ SLː (SLL)_17 : Some dictionaries, both ClassAr and MSA, group under SLː (SLL) also the complex ‘1 to drip, dribble, fall in drops, flow down, trickle; 2 (hence?:) chain’, treated in EtymArab s.v. ↗SLSL (with ↗tasalsala and ↗silsilaẗ).

1 [v1] (OrelStolbova1994 #2274): Hbr šly, Ar salla ‘to pull out, withdraw, remove gently’, Jib sell ‘to drag away’. – Outside Sem: [WCh] šwal, sol, šollu, [CCh] 1 səl , 1 sisal (with partial redupl.), all ‘to pull’. –?2 [v2] Ar tasallala ‘to spread, extend; to slip, sneak, invade, infiltrate, penetrate’. –?3 [v5] (MilitarevKogan2005 SED I #246): Akk (oBab, SBab) silītu, šelītu, šalitu ‘afterbirth; womb (poet.)’, Hbr šilyā ‘afterbirth’, postBiblHbr šālīl ‘embryo’, JudAram šilyətā, šilyā; silyətā, sīlətā ‘afterbirth’; šillūlā ‘embryo, birth’, Syr šəlītā ‘secundina; membrana foetum tegens’, Mnd šulita ‘membrane enveloping the foetus’, Ar salaⁿ ‘membrane qui enveloppe le foetus’ (*salay); salīl ‘fils; foetus male’, Gz sayl ‘foetus, embryo’ (metathesis of y!), Te səlät ‘placenta, afterbirth’, Tña šəlät ‘placenta o seconda delle bestie’; šəl ‘feto ancora nel ventre della madre’, Amh šəl ‘foetus, embryo, conception’, (Gur) Msq šəl šäkkätä ‘to be in the first stage of pregnancy’ (šäkkätä ‘to arrange, make, do, etc.’, Muh šər, Gye šīr (<*sil), Cha Eza Enn šərər (< *silil) ‘embryo’. – Note s- instead of the expected š- in part of Akk and JudAram forms. –?4 Ar misallaẗ ‘large needle; obelisk’. –?5 [v8] IrqAr mustallaẗ ‘offprint’. –?6 [v4] Aram sallā (> Ar sallaẗ ‘basket’). –7 [v3] Ar sill ‘consumption, tuberculosis’, (>?) Gz salla, salala, Amh sällälä ‘to be paralyzed, be withered’. –8 ‘(aiding in) stealing’, ‘secret theft’, etc. < [v1/2] *‘gentle passing through a narrow opening’? –9 ‘to lose one’s teeth’ < [v1] ‘to draw/pull out gently’? –10-15 [v10] ‘pure wine’, [v11] ‘brain of the horse’, [v12] ‘spinal cord’, [v13] ‘(oblong?) slice of flesh having streaks, sinew’, [v14] ‘certain long fish’, [v15] ‘cotton; wool upon the spindle’: all homonymous with (and hence based on?) #3 [v5] ¹salīl ‘male foetus, embryo; descendant, scion, son’? If so, how? – For 15 cf., however, Dolgopolsky2012 #2057: (from SLː + ext. in K) silkaẗ ‘spun thread’; outside Sem: [CCh] Mbara sílé ‘rope, corde’, Mln sā̀ā̀lú, Bcm sàlaké ‘rope’; [IE] Heth sue|il- ‘Faden, Band’. –16 (Dolgopolsky2012 #2047): Akk (from oBab onwards) šīlu(m) ‘Vertiefung (Eindruck auf Leber, Magen usw. in Omina; Vertiefung im Gelände)’, ? Ar sāll ‘bottom of a valley’; outsided Sem: [ECush] Kns silla ‘small hole’, Rn sī́l ‘vagina, birth canal’; [SCush (Omot)] Kz silimbayo ‘cave’; [CChad] Ms sùllà, Bnn sùldà, BnnM sula ‘hole’. –17SLSL.
▪ …
▪ SLː (SLL)_1 (OrelStolbova1994 #2274): from Sem *šul , with cognates in WCh *sol and CCh *s˅l , all ‘to pull’, all from AfrAs *sol ‘to pull’ (Fraenkel1886: *‘to draw’). – For Ehret’s view, cf. above, section CONC. – Based on, or akin to, SLː (SLL)_5 *‘placenta, afterbirth’ (< *‘what slips out, or is drawn out, gently’)? If such a relation is valid, one should prob. assume for the vb. (with Gabal2012) a wider basic meaning like *‘to (make) pass gently through a narrow opening’, including both directions of passing, i.e., a drawing/pulling out/off and pushing/squeezing in – in which case also SLː (SLL)_2 ‘to spread; to slip, sneak, invade, etc.’, SLː (SLL)_6 ‘large needle’ (perh. < *‘instrument used to make a thread pass through’) and SLː (SLL)_4 ‘basket’ (perh. < *‘perforated, punctured, pierced’) may be explained as deriving from SLː (SLL)_1.
▪ SLː (SLL)_2 tasallala ‘to spread, extend; to slip, sneak, invade, infiltrate, penetrate’: If SLː (SLL)_1 is not only *‘to draw/pull out gently’, but also *‘to push, squeeze in gently’, the notion of ‘slipping, sneaking, invading, etc.’ can easily be seen as deriving from SLː (SLL)_1. Similarly, ‘to spread, extend’ may be explained as resultative of ‘pulling out gently’ (*< ‘to spread, extend o.s. after having been drawn out gently’), perh. *‘like the placenta/afterbirth’ (SLː (SLL)_5). – Influenced by ↗tasalsala ‘to drip, dribble, fall in drops, flow down, trickle’?
▪ SLː (SLL)_3 sill ‘consumption, tuberculosis’: accord. to Rolland2014 a borrowing from Pers; if this is valid, the EthSem cognates (Gz salla, salala, Amh sällälä ‘to be paralyzed, be withered’ – Leslau2006) must be in turn borrowed from Ar.
▪ SLː (SLL)_4 sallaẗ ‘basket’: Fraenkel (1886: 75) thinks that several names for baskets in Ar are taken from Aram. »For some of them it is not easy to decide whether they are indigenous or foreign, see, e.g., sall, sallaẗ.« Accord. to the author, the term can neither be explained from SLː (SLL)_1 *‘to draw out’ nor from SLː (SLL)_6 *‘to pierce’. »It is also suspicious that f. sallaẗ is more common than m. sall (as is Aram kylth). The word is absent also from Gz.« – Corriente2008 holds that sallaẗ ‘basket’ is »indeed a cognate of Copt salo (Crum 330), but its presence in other NWSem tongues (cf. Aram sallā) means that it must have been borrowed from much older Egyptian.« – Should one, however, compare the homophonous sallaẗ ‘(Hava1899:) awl [small pointed tool used for piercing holes, esp. in leather], (Lane iv 1872:) one’s sewing (a skin, hide, etc.) with two thongs in a single puncture, or stitch-hole’; also ‘(Hava:) chink in a tank, (Lane:) fault\defect in a watering-trough or in a jar, breach, fissures in the ground that steal the water’? If related, the sallaẗ type of ‘basket’ would originally be a *‘thing with punctures, perforated’, thus akin to ↗misallaẗ ‘large needle’, so that a relation to the idea of *‘piercing’ should not be excluded.
▪ SLː (SLL)_5 sulālaẗ ‘progeny, offspring; family; race’: MilitarevKogan2005 (SED I) #246 reconstruct protSem *ša/ily(-at)- / *sa/ily(-at)‑ ‘afterbirth, fetal membrane’, protSem *šalīl/*salīl (postBiblHbr, JudAram, Ar, part of Gur) ‘embryo’. – Fronzaroli, Studi, 37-8 had *šily(-at)- ‘placenta’, *šalīl‑ ‘embrione’.
▪ SLː (SLL)_6 misallaẗ ‘large needle; obelisk’: accord. to Fraenkel (1886: 75) from a root with the basic meaning *‘to pierce’. But this would be without cognates in Sem, which is why it may be safer to assume a relation with SLː (SLL)_1 in the more general sense of ‘to (make) pass gently through’, so that misallaẗ would be the *‘instrument making (a thread, etc.) glide/pass smoothly through’. – The value ‘obelisk’ is, of course, the result of a transfer of the original meaning to a stone object *‘looking like a large needle’.
▪ SLː (SLL)_7 (IrqAr) mustallaẗ ‘offprint’: see above, section CONC.
SLː (SLL)_8: see above, section CONC.
SLː (SLL)_9: see above, section CONC. – For the form sallà, given only by Hava1899 and, strangely enough, grouped under SLː (SLL), not SLY, I would suspect a misreading of salaqa (see SLQ_26) or salaġa (↗SLĠ), or, most probably, a misspelling for salla (impf. i) which BK1860 has as ‘perdre ses dents’ (cf. also Lane iv 1872 who has sall ‘losing one’s teeth’).
SLː (SLL)_10 ‘pure wine’: < *‘extract, best choice, essence’, based on SLː (SLL)_5 salīl ‘progeny’?
SLː (SLL)_11 ‘brain of the horse’: use as simile, based on salīl ‘placenta, afterbirth’ (SLː (SLL)_5)?
SLː (SLL)_12 ‘spinal cord’: Should one compare ↗silsilaẗ al-ẓahr, silsilaẗ faqriyyaẗ ‘backbone, vertebral column’? – Cf. also the fact that [v12] shares with [v13] and [v14], and perh. also [v15] and [v16], the notion of *‘long, drawn out’, which may point to a relation with SLː (SLL)_1 < SLː (SLL)_5.
SLː (SLL)_13-14: see above, section CONC, and preceding paragraph on [v12].
SLː (SLL)_15: Is the value ‘cotton; wool upon the spindle’ originally *‘ drawn gently out’, thus akin to salīl ‘placenta, afterbirth’ (SLː (SLL)_5)? Cf. also above, section CONC, and [v12] in this section. – Dolgopolsky2012#2057 draws a parallel to ↗silkaẗ ‘spun thread’ (from Sem *°√Š|SLK, perh. /*°š|silak-/, which he thinks may be an extension in K, based on Sem *°√Š|SLL ‘wool upon the spindle’, whence Ar salīlaẗ ‘dto.’). On account of the AfrAs (CChad) and IE (Heth) ‘cognates’ he reconstructs hypothetical Nostr *sül̄˻w˼˅ ‘thread, string’.
SLː (SLL)_16: Like possibly also the preceding, also ‘bottom of a valley; stream in a valley’ may be a semantic extension going back to a basic *‘drawn out’. – Cf. however also above, section CONC. – Dolgopolsky2012 #2047 would not exclude a relation with Akk šīlu(m) ‘Vertiefung (Eindruck auf Leber, Magen usw. in Omina; Vertiefung im Gelände’ and thus consider a deeper Sem dimension. Moreover, he sees cognates also outside Sem and reconstructs ECu *sill- ‘small hole’, SCu [Omot] *sila ‘cave’, CCu *? ‘hole’, all from a hypothetical Nostr ²*Sil˅ ‘hole’. »The deviant vowel *u [in some forms] may be due to the contamination with the reflex of Nostr *šuʕ̱l˹ê˺ ‘throat, mouth’ (q.v.) [cf. Ar ↗saʕala ‘to cough’].«

▪ SLː (SLL)_17 : It is not clear whether also the complex ‘to drip, dribble, fall in drops, flow down, trickle’ (↗SLSL, esp. ↗tasalsala) should be seen together with SLː (SLL)_1 *‘to pass gently through an opening’, or whether it is based on unrelated (?) ‘chain’ (↗silsilaẗ).

sall‑ / salal‑ سَلّـ / سَلَلْــ , u (sall
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 4Feb2022, last updated 4Jul2022
√SLː (SLL) 
vb., I 
1 to pull out, withdraw, or remove gently; 2 pass. sulla, to have pulmonary tuberculosis, be consumptive – WehrCowan1976 
▪ This entry is on [v1] only. For [v2], see ↗sill.
▪ Accord. to Ehret1989 #21, geminated salla is the direct reflex (without extensions) of a pre-protSem 2-rad. root ↗*SL ‘to draw out or off’. In addition, many extensions in a third radical exist, each with slightly modified meaning, see ↗salaʔa, ↗salaba, ↗salata, ↗salaḥa, ↗salaḫa, ↗saliʕa, ↗salafa, ↗salaqa.
▪ OrelStolbova1994 #2274 reconstruct Sem *šul < AfrAs *sol ‘to pull’ (on account of assumed cognates in WCh and CCh).
▪ Any relation to (MilitarevKogan2005 SED I #246) protSem *ša/ily(-at)- / *sa/ily(-at)‑ ‘afterbirth, fetal membrane’, (Fronzaroli, Studi, 37-8) *šily(-at)- ‘placenta’ (see ↗sulālaẗ)? If valid, the vb. could be denom.; otherwise, the placenta/afterbirth could be imagined as *‘what is drawn out slowly’.
▪ Probably, also the Dt-stem ↗tasallala ‘to spread, extend; to slip, sneak, invade, infiltrate, penetrate’ is related, so that one may have to assume a more general basic meaning *‘to (make) pass through a narrow opening’, supplementing the one-directional ‘pulling, drawing’ with a movement away from the speaker.
▪ If valid, a more general basic meaning (*‘to pass gently through a narrow opening’) should prob. be assumed (cf. Gabal2012), in which case also ↗misallaẗ ‘large needle’ can be regarded as a derivative (n.instr.).
▪ … 
1 (OrelStolbova1994 #2274): Hbr šly, Ar salla ‘to pull out, withdraw, remove gently’, Jib sell ‘to drag away’. – Outside Sem: [WCh] šwal, sol, šollu, [CCh] 1 səl , 1 sisal (with partial redupl.), all ‘to pull’. –?2 Ar tasallala ‘to spread, extend; to slip, sneak, invade, infiltrate, penetrate’. –?3 (MilitarevKogan2005 SED I #246): Akk (oBab, SBab) silītu, šelītu, šalitu ‘afterbirth; womb (poet.)’, Hbr šilyā ‘afterbirth’, postBiblHbr šālīl ‘embryo’, JudAram šilyətā, šilyā; silyətā, sīlətā ‘afterbirth’; šillūlā ‘embryo, birth’, Syr šəlītā ‘secundina; membrana foetum tegens’, Mnd šulita ‘membrane enveloping the foetus’, Ar salaⁿ ‘membrane qui enveloppe le foetus’ (*salay); salīl ‘fils; foetus male’, Gz sayl ‘foetus, embryo’ (metathesis of y!), Te səlät ‘placenta, afterbirth’, Tña šəlät ‘placenta o seconda delle bestie’; šəl ‘feto ancora nel ventre della madre’, Amh šəl ‘foetus, embryo, conception’, (Gur) Msq šəl šäkkätä ‘to be in the first stage of pregnancy’ (šäkkätä ‘to arrange, make, do, etc.’, Muh šər, Gye šīr (<*sil), Cha Eza Enn šərər (< *silil) ‘embryo’. – Note s- instead of the expected š- in part of Akk and JudAram forms. –?4 Ar misallaẗ ‘large needle; obelisk’. –?5 IrqAr mustallaẗ ‘offprint’. –615 […].
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ …
ĭstalla, vb. VIII, 1a to pull out or remove gently (‑h; b to withdraw gently (‑h, e.g., kaffahū one’s hand, ʕan from); c to unsheathe, draw (‑h the sword); 2 to wrest, snatch (‑h, min from s.o.): Gt-stem, self-ref.

salīl, n., 1 drawn (sword): quasi-PP; 2 descendant, scion, son ↗sulālaẗ; may, however, also be a direct derivation, in the sense off *‘what come out, originates from (the same womb)’.
mustallaẗ, pl. ‑āt, offprint (IrqAr): PP VIII, < *‘drawn out smoothly’ of/from the original’.

For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗tasallala, ↗sill, ↗sallaẗ, ↗sulālaẗ, and ↗misallaẗ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√SLː (SLL). 
tasallal‑ تَسَلَّل (tasallul
ID … • Sw – • BP 3974 • APD … • © SG | 19Mar2022
√SLː (SLL) 
vb., V 
1 to spread, extend, get (ʔilà to), reach (ʔilà; 2a to steal away, slink away, slip away, escape; b to slip, slink, sneak, steal ʔilà into); c to betake o.s., go (ʔilà to, with secret designs); d to invade, infiltrate, enter (ʔilà; e to penetrate (ʔilà to, so far as) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Prob. akin to, or directly derived (as Dt-stem) from ↗salla which, normally, only means ‘to pull out, withdraw, or remove gently’ but may be based on the more general notion of *‘to (make) pass through a narrow opening’, itself prob. akin to the protSem *ša/ily(-at)- / *sa/ily(-at)‑ ‘afterbirth, fetal membrane, placenta’, see ↗sulālaẗ.
▪ …
1 (OrelStolbova1994 #2274): Hbr šly, Ar salla ‘to pull out, withdraw, remove gently’, Jib sell ‘to drag away’. – Outside Sem: [WCh] šwal, sol, šollu, [CCh] 1 səl , 1 sisal (with partial redupl.), all ‘to pull’. –?2 Ar tasallala ‘to spread, extend; to slip, sneak, invade, infiltrate, penetrate’. –?3 (MilitarevKogan2005 SED I #246): Akk (oBab, SBab) silītu, šelītu, šalitu ‘afterbirth; womb (poet.)’, Hbr šilyā ‘afterbirth’, postBiblHbr šālīl ‘embryo’, JudAram šilyətā, šilyā; silyətā, sīlətā ‘afterbirth’; šillūlā ‘embryo, birth’, Syr šəlītā ‘secundina; membrana foetum tegens’, Mnd šulita ‘membrane enveloping the foetus’, Ar salaⁿ ‘membrane qui enveloppe le foetus’ (*salay); salīl ‘fils; foetus male’, Gz sayl ‘foetus, embryo’ (metathesis of y!), Te səlät ‘placenta, afterbirth’, Tña šəlät ‘placenta o seconda delle bestie’; šəl ‘feto ancora nel ventre della madre’, Amh šəl ‘foetus, embryo, conception’, (Gur) Msq šəl šäkkätä ‘to be in the first stage of pregnancy’ (šäkkätä ‘to arrange, make, do, etc.’, Muh šər, Gye šīr (<*sil), Cha Eza Enn šərər (< *silil) ‘embryo’. – Note s- instead of the expected š- in part of Akk and JudAram forms. –?4 Ar misallaẗ ‘large needle; obelisk’. –515 […].
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
ĭnsalla, vb. VII, 1a to steal away, slink away, slip away, escape; b to slip, slink, sneak, steal (ʔilà into); c to infiltrate (ʔilà, also pol.); d to advance singly or in small groups (troops in the field; mil.); 2 to have pulmonary tuberculosis, be consumptive ↗sill

BP#4290tasallul, n., 1 infiltration (pol.); 2 offside position (in football, hockey, etc.)
ĭnsilāl, n., infiltration (pol.)

For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗salla, ↗sill, ↗sallaẗ, ↗sulālaẗ, ↗misallaẗ, and ↗mustallaẗ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√SLː (SLL). 
sill سِلّ , var. sull سُلّ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 19Mar2022, last update 4Jul2022
√SLː (SLL) 
consumption, phthisis, tuberculosis – WehrCowan1976 
▪ Accord. to Rolland2014 from Pers sil ‘consumption, tuberculosis’, perh. akin to sal, sull ‘lungs’.
▪ …
▪ (Leslau2006: Ar salla ‘to be consumptive’, Gz salla, salala, Amh sällälä ‘to be paralyzed, be withered’.)
▪ … 
▪ If Rolland2014 is right and the word is from Pers, then the EthSem parallels given by Leslau2006 must be in turn borrowed from Ar.
▪ … 
al-sull al-tadarrunī, tuberculosis;
al-sull al-riʔawī, pulmonary tuberculosis

ĭnsalla, vb. VII, 1tasallala; 2 to have pulmonary tuberculosis, be consumptive: N-stem, denom., pass./intr.

maslūl, adj., consumptive, affected with pulmonary tuberculosis: PP I, denom.< /p> For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗salla, ↗tasallala, ↗sallaẗ, ↗sulālaẗ, ↗misallaẗ, and ↗mustallaẗ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√SLː (SLL). 
sallaẗ سَلّة , pl. silāl 
ID … • Sw – • BP 2188 • APD … • © SG | 19Mar2022
√SLː (SLL) 
basket – WehrCowan1976 
▪ Earlier theories argued for a foreign origing (Aram, Copt), though the word may be genuin Ar.
▪ Fraenkel1886 from Aram sallā ‘basket’; accord. to Corriente2008 a borrowing from Eg (cf. Copt salo) (but, prob., the inverse is the case).
▪ Any relation to the homophonic sallaẗ ‘(Hava1899:) awl [small pointed tool used for piercing holes, esp. in leather], (Lane iv 1872:) one’s sewing (a skin, hide, etc.) with two thongs in a single puncture, or stitch-hole’; also ‘(Hava:) chink in a tank, (Lane:) fault\defect in a watering-trough or in a jar, breach, fissures in the ground that steal the water’? If connected, the sallaẗ type of basket may originally have been a *‘thing with punctures’, thus related to ↗misallaẗ ‘large needle’.
▪ …
▪ …
▪ ? sallaẗ ‘awl; sewing with two thongs; chink in a tank, fault\defect in a watering-trough\jar, breach’, misallaẗ ‘large needle’? – (If loanword: cf. Aram sallā, Copt salo ‘basket’).
▪ …
▪ Fraenkel (1886: 75) thinks that several names for baskets in Ar are taken from Aram. »For some of them it is not easy to decide whether they are indigenous or foreign, see, e.g., sall, sallaẗ.« Accord. to the author, the term can neither be explained from ↗salla *‘to draw out’ nor from salla *‘to pierce’. »It is also suspicious that f. sallaẗ is more common than m. sall (as is Aram kylth). The word is absent also from Gz.«
▪ Corriente2008 holds that sallaẗ ‘basket’ is »indeed a cognate of Copt salo (Crum 330), but its presence in other NWSem tongues (cf. Aram sallā) means that it must have been borrowed from much older Egyptian.« – In contrast, both Crum and, after him, Černy1976, think it is the other way round, i.e., that the Copt word is a loan from Sem.
▪ Cf., however, section CONC above, for the possibility of a connection with sallaẗ ‘awl; sewing with two thongs; chink in a tank, fault\defect in a watering-trough\jar, breach’. – If connected, one would have to assume a long chain of semantic development: *‘to (make) pass through a narrow opening’ (↗salla) > * ‘to pierce, sew’ (↗misallaẗ) > *‘opening, puncture’ > *‘basket with small openings, as though punctured by a needle’.
▪ …
sallaẗ al-muhmalāt, n.f., wastepaper basket;
kuraẗ al-sallaẗ, n.f., basketball

sall, n., basket
sallāl, n., basketmaker, basket weaver

For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗salla, ↗tasallala, ↗sill, ↗sulālaẗ, ↗misallaẗ, and ↗mustallaẗ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√SLː (SLL). 
sulālaẗ سُلالة , pl. ‑āt 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 19Mar2022, last updated 4Jul2022
√SLː (SLL) 
1a descendant, scion; b progeny, offspring; c family; 2a race; b strain, stock, provenience (of economic plants) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ The word is with all probability akin to salīl ‘male foetus, embryo; descendant, scion, son’, salaⁿ ‘membrane qui enveloppe le foetus’ (*salay , √SLY), from protSem *ša/ily(-at)- / *sa/ily(-at)‑ ‘afterbirth, fetal membrane’ – MilitarevKogan2005 (SED I) #246.
▪ The latter may in itself be related to ↗salla ‘to draw out slowly, remove gently’ (unless the vb. is denom.).
▪ …
▪ Cf. also salīl, n., ‘colt’, and salīlaẗ, n.f., ‘filly’ – Hava1899.
▪ …
1 (OrelStolbova1994 #2274): Hbr šly, Ar salla ‘to pull out, withdraw, remove gently’, Jib sell ‘to drag away’. – Outside Sem: [WCh] šwal, sol, šollu, [CCh] 1 səl , 1 sisal (with partial redupl.), all ‘to pull’. –?2 Ar tasallala ‘to spread, extend; to slip, sneak, invade, infiltrate, penetrate’. –?3 (MilitarevKogan2005 SED I #246): Akk (oBab, SBab) silītu, šelītu, šalitu ‘afterbirth; womb (poet.)’, Hbr šilyā ‘afterbirth’, postBiblHbr šālīl ‘embryo’, JudAram šilyətā, šilyā; silyətā, sīlətā ‘afterbirth’; šillūlā ‘embryo, birth’, Syr šəlītā ‘secundina; membrana foetum tegens’, Mnd šulita ‘membrane enveloping the foetus’, Ar salaⁿ ‘membrane qui enveloppe le foetus’ (*salay); salīl ‘fils; foetus male’, Gz sayl ‘foetus, embryo’ (metathesis of y!), Te səlät ‘placenta, afterbirth’, Tña šəlät ‘placenta o seconda delle bestie’; šəl ‘feto ancora nel ventre della madre’, Amh šəl ‘foetus, embryo, conception’, (Gur) Msq šəl šäkkätä ‘to be in the first stage of pregnancy’ (šäkkätä ‘to arrange, make, do, etc.’, Muh šər, Gye šīr (<*sil), Cha Eza Enn šərər (< *silil) ‘embryo’. – Note s- instead of the expected š- in part of Akk and JudAram forms. –?4 Ar misallaẗ ‘large needle; obelisk’. –515 […].
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC, as well as, for more details, ↗salla and root entry ↗√SLː (SLL).
▪ … 
sulālī, adj., family… (adj.): nisba formation.
salīl, n., 1 drawn (sword) ↗salla; 2 descendant, scion, son: quasi-PP I.
salīlaẗ, pl. salāʔilᵘ, n.f., (female) descendant: f. or preceding item.

For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗salla, ↗tasallala, ↗sill, ↗sallaẗ, ↗misallaẗ, and ↗mustallaẗ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√SLː (SLL). 
misallaẗ مِسَلّة , pl. ‑āt, masāllᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 19Mar2022, last updated 4Jul2022
√SLː (SLL) 
1 large needle, pack needle; 2 obelisk – WehrCowan1976
▪ The modern use in the sense of ‘obelisk’ is the result of a transfer of meaning from the earlier ‘large needle’ which, accord. to Fraenkel (1886: 75), would be from ↗salla in the sense of *‘to pierce’; more likely, however, is a dependence on salla with an assumed basic value of *‘to pass gently through a narrow opening’ (as suggested by Gabal2012). Morphologically a n.instr., misallaẗ is thus prob. orig. an *‘instrument making (a thread, etc.) glide/pass smoothly through (tissue, skin, etc.)’.
▪ For a possible dependence of the underlying vb. salla on protSem *ša/ily(-at)- / *sa/ily(-at)‑ ‘placenta, afterbirth, fetal membrane’, see ↗salla and root entry ↗SLː (SLL).
▪ …
1 (OrelStolbova1994 #2274): Hbr šly, Ar salla ‘to pull out, withdraw, remove gently’, Jib sell ‘to drag away’. – Outside Sem: [WCh] šwal, sol, šollu, [CCh] 1 səl , 1 sisal (with partial redupl.), all ‘to pull’. –?2 Ar tasallala ‘to spread, extend; to slip, sneak, invade, infiltrate, penetrate’. –?3 (MilitarevKogan2005 SED I #246): Akk (oBab, SBab) silītu, šelītu, šalitu ‘afterbirth; womb (poet.)’, Hbr šilyā ‘afterbirth’, postBiblHbr šālīl ‘embryo’, JudAram šilyətā, šilyā; silyətā, sīlətā ‘afterbirth’; šillūlā ‘embryo, birth’, Syr šəlītā ‘secundina; membrana foetum tegens’, Mnd šulita ‘membrane enveloping the foetus’, Ar salaⁿ ‘membrane qui enveloppe le foetus’ (*salay); salīl ‘fils; foetus male’, Gz sayl ‘foetus, embryo’ (metathesis of y!), Te səlät ‘placenta, afterbirth’, Tña šəlät ‘placenta o seconda delle bestie’; šəl ‘feto ancora nel ventre della madre’, Amh šəl ‘foetus, embryo, conception’, (Gur) Msq šəl šäkkätä ‘to be in the first stage of pregnancy’ (šäkkätä ‘to arrange, make, do, etc.’, Muh šər, Gye šīr (<*sil), Cha Eza Enn šərər (< *silil) ‘embryo’. – Note s- instead of the expected š- in part of Akk and JudAram forms. –?4 Ar misallaẗ ‘large needle; obelisk’. –515.
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ …
For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗salla, ↗tasallala, ↗sill, ↗sallaẗ, ↗sulālaẗ, and ↗mustallaẗ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√SLː (SLL). 
mustallaẗ مُسْتَلّة , pl. ‑āt 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 19Mar2022, last updated 4Jul2022
√SLː (SLL) 
offprint (IrqAr) – WehrCowan1976
▪ Morphologically a f. PP from ĭstalla, vb. VIII, ‘to pull out or remove gently’, Gt-stem of ↗salla ‘to draw/pull out gently’. Thus, a mustallaẗ ‘offprint’ is, basically, a copy *> smoothly drawn out’ of/from an original. – Cf. also ↗sulālaẗ ‘progeny, offspring’ with which ‘offprint’ shares the notion of a reproduction from an original source.
▪ For the etymology of the underlying vb. salla cf. ↗s.v..
▪ …
1 (OrelStolbova1994 #2274): Hbr šly, Ar salla ‘to pull out, withdraw, remove gently’, Jib sell ‘to drag away’. – Outside Sem: [WCh] šwal, sol, šollu, [CCh] 1 səl , 1 sisal (with partial redupl.), all ‘to pull’. –?2 Ar tasallala ‘to spread, extend; to slip, sneak, invade, infiltrate, penetrate’. –?3 (MilitarevKogan2005 SED I #246): Akk (oBab, SBab) silītu, šelītu, šalitu ‘afterbirth; womb (poet.)’, Hbr šilyā ‘afterbirth’, postBiblHbr šālīl ‘embryo’, JudAram šilyətā, šilyā; silyətā, sīlətā ‘afterbirth’; šillūlā ‘embryo, birth’, Syr šəlītā ‘secundina; membrana foetum tegens’, Mnd šulita ‘membrane enveloping the foetus’, Ar salaⁿ ‘membrane qui enveloppe le foetus’ (*salay); salīl ‘fils; foetus male’, Gz sayl ‘foetus, embryo’ (metathesis of y!), Te səlät ‘placenta, afterbirth’, Tña šəlät ‘placenta o seconda delle bestie’; šəl ‘feto ancora nel ventre della madre’, Amh šəl ‘foetus, embryo, conception’, (Gur) Msq šəl šäkkätä ‘to be in the first stage of pregnancy’ (šäkkätä ‘to arrange, make, do, etc.’, Muh šər, Gye šīr (<*sil), Cha Eza Enn šərər (< *silil) ‘embryo’. – Note s- instead of the expected š- in part of Akk and JudAram forms. –?4 Ar misallaẗ ‘large needle; obelisk’. –5 IrqAr mustallaẗ ‘offprint’. –615 […].
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ …
For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗salla, ↗tasallala, ↗sill, ↗sallaẗ, ↗sulālaẗ, and ↗misallaẗ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√SLː (SLL). 
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