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sulālaẗ سُلالة , pl. ‑āt 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 19Mar2022, last updated 4Jul2022
√SLː (SLL) 
1a descendant, scion; b progeny, offspring; c family; 2a race; b strain, stock, provenience (of economic plants) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ The word is with all probability akin to salīl ‘male foetus, embryo; descendant, scion, son’, salaⁿ ‘membrane qui enveloppe le foetus’ (*salay , √SLY), from protSem *ša/ily(-at)- / *sa/ily(-at)‑ ‘afterbirth, fetal membrane’ – MilitarevKogan2005 (SED I) #246.
▪ The latter may in itself be related to ↗salla ‘to draw out slowly, remove gently’ (unless the vb. is denom.).
▪ …
▪ Cf. also salīl, n., ‘colt’, and salīlaẗ, n.f., ‘filly’ – Hava1899.
▪ …
1 (OrelStolbova1994 #2274): Hbr šly, Ar salla ‘to pull out, withdraw, remove gently’, Jib sell ‘to drag away’. – Outside Sem: [WCh] šwal, sol, šollu, [CCh] 1 səl , 1 sisal (with partial redupl.), all ‘to pull’. –?2 Ar tasallala ‘to spread, extend; to slip, sneak, invade, infiltrate, penetrate’. –?3 (MilitarevKogan2005 SED I #246): Akk (oBab, SBab) silītu, šelītu, šalitu ‘afterbirth; womb (poet.)’, Hbr šilyā ‘afterbirth’, postBiblHbr šālīl ‘embryo’, JudAram šilyətā, šilyā; silyətā, sīlətā ‘afterbirth’; šillūlā ‘embryo, birth’, Syr šəlītā ‘secundina; membrana foetum tegens’, Mnd šulita ‘membrane enveloping the foetus’, Ar salaⁿ ‘membrane qui enveloppe le foetus’ (*salay); salīl ‘fils; foetus male’, Gz sayl ‘foetus, embryo’ (metathesis of y!), Te səlät ‘placenta, afterbirth’, Tña šəlät ‘placenta o seconda delle bestie’; šəl ‘feto ancora nel ventre della madre’, Amh šəl ‘foetus, embryo, conception’, (Gur) Msq šəl šäkkätä ‘to be in the first stage of pregnancy’ (šäkkätä ‘to arrange, make, do, etc.’, Muh šər, Gye šīr (<*sil), Cha Eza Enn šərər (< *silil) ‘embryo’. – Note s- instead of the expected š- in part of Akk and JudAram forms. –?4 Ar misallaẗ ‘large needle; obelisk’. –515 […].
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC, as well as, for more details, ↗salla and root entry ↗√SLː (SLL).
▪ … 
sulālī, adj., family… (adj.): nisba formation.
salīl, n., 1 drawn (sword) ↗salla; 2 descendant, scion, son: quasi-PP I.
salīlaẗ, pl. salāʔilᵘ, n.f., (female) descendant: f. or preceding item.

For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗salla, ↗tasallala, ↗sill, ↗sallaẗ, ↗misallaẗ, and ↗mustallaẗ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√SLː (SLL). 
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