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silsilaẗ سِلْسِلة , pl. salāsilᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP 1719 • APD … • © SG | 6Apr2021
1a iron chain; b chain (also fig.); 2 series (of essays, articles, etc.) – WehrCowan1976
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eC7 (‘chain’) Q 69:32 ṯumma fī silsilatin ḏarʕu-hā sabʕūna ḏirāʕan ‘And then [insert him] in a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits’; Q 76:4 ʔinnā ʔaʕtadnā li-l-kāfirīna salāsila wa-ʔaġlālan wa-saʕīran ‘Lo! We have prepared for disbelievers manacles and carcans and a raging fire’
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▪ (Jeffery1938:) Akk šaršarratu (?), Aram ŠLŠLTā, Syr šīšLTā, Gz sənsəl, lHbr šalšäläṯ, possibly also in Safaite.
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▪ Jeffery1938: »It is used only in connection with descriptions of the torments of hell and may be a technical term in Muḥammad’s eschatological vocabulary, borrowed in all probability from one of the Book religions. – In any case it cannot be easily explained from an Ar root, and Guidi, Della Sede, 581, already suspected it as non-Arabic. – Fraenkel, Fremdw, 290,1 relates it to the Aram ŠLŠLTā, Syr šīšLTā,2 which is the origin of the Eth [Gz] sənsəl (Nöldeke, Neue Beiträge, 42), and possibly of the late Hbr šalšäläṯ.3 The borrowing from Aram would doubtless have been early, and it is possible that we find the word in Safaite (cf. Ryckmans, Noms propres, 151).«
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silsilaẗ ǧibāl, mountain chain;
silsilaẗ al-ẓahr, or silsilaẗ faqriyyaẗ, backbone, vertebral column;
silsilaẗ ʔakāḏīb, fabric of lies;
silsilaẗ al-nasab, lineage, line of ancestors

salsala, vb. I, 1a to link together, concatenate, interlink, interlook, connect, unite (bi‑ with); b to chain up, enchain, fetter, shackle (s.o.); 2tasalsala | salsalahū ʔilà, to trace s.o.’s lineage back to s.o.
tasalsala, vb. II, 1tasalsala; 2a to form a chain or series, be continuous; b to be interlinked, interlocked, linked together, concatenate: prob. denom.

tasalsul, n., sequence, succession: vn. II., denom.(?) | bi’l-tasalsul, adv., without interruption, successively, consecutively, continuously; našarahū bi-tasalsul, to serialize, publish in serial form
musalsal, adj., 1 chained; 2 continuous (numbering); BP#17043 n., serial show, soap opera: PP I. | radd fiʕl musalsal, n., chain reaction (phys.); al-marʔaẗ al-musalsalaẗ, Andromeda (astron.)
mutasalsil, adj., continuous (numbering): PA II.

For other values of the root, cf. ↗tasalsala as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√SLSL. 
SLṬ سلط 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ SLṬ_1 ‘…’ ↗, ‘power, authority (Grk exousía)’ ↗sulṭān
▪ SLṬ_2 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘power, authority, mastery; to prevail, to predominate; being hard; argument’. 
▪ [v1] : A foreign origin for the word sulṭān has been suggested, either through Syr or Aram – Jeffery1938. 
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▪ Engl soldan, sultan, sultanasulṭān
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