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salaq‑ سَلَق , u (salq
ID... • Sw – • BP ... • APD … • © SG | 17Jan2022, last update 25Feb2022
vb., I 
1 ↗¹salaqa; 2 ↗²salaqa; 3 ³salaqa; 4 ↗⁴salaqa; 5 to hurt (s.o., bi-lisānihī, with one’s tongue, i.e., give s.o. a tongue-lashing) – WehrCowan1976 
▪ Several etymologies have been suggested for ↗⁵salaqa ‘to hurt (with one’s tongue)’ (and related items such as ↗salāqaẗ ‘vicious tongue, violent language, violence of language’ and sallāq, mislaq, mislāq ‘eloquent (speaker); sharp’):
▪ ClassAr lexicographers maintain that it is fig. use of salaqa ‘to pierce (with a spear)’ (SLQ_13 in root entry ↗√SLQ) (> *‘to hurt’), which is based either on ↗¹salaqa ‘to lacerate the skin (with a whip)’ or on salaqa ‘to prostrate s.o. on the back of his neck, throw s.o. down; to push, repell’ (= SLQ_12). But why not directly from ¹salaqa ‘to lacerate’ (> *‘to hurt’)?
▪ However, parallels with initial instead of s may point to a contamination with, or influence from, ṣalaqa ‘to attack (a tribe); to smite s.o. (sun); to strike’. The adj.s mislaq and mislāq ‘eloquent (speaker); sharp (tongue)’ which seem to belong to ‘hurting (tongue)’, both exist in a variant with initial : miṣlaq, miṣlāq (pl. maṣālīqᵘ) ‘eloquent (speaker)’ (Lane1872, Hava1899)…
▪ In contrast, Leslau2006 remarks that Margoliouth (JRAS 1939: 61) derived Ar salaqa in Surah 33:19 from Gz (ta)sālaqa ‘to joke, scoff at, deride, mock, ridicule, etc.’ and that »the root represents a metathesis in relation to Hbr qilles ‘to jeer at’«. Zammit2002 shares this view, adding Ug and Aram parallels to the Hbr and Gz forms as alleged ‘cognates’ of Qur’anic Ar salaqa (interpreted as ‘to abuse’).
▪ …
eC7 (Q 33:19) fa-ʔiḏā ḏahaba ’l-ḫawfu salaqūkum bi-ʔalsinaẗin ḥidādin ʔašiḥḥaẗan ʕalà ’l-ḫayri ‘Then, when the fear departeth, they scald you with sharp tongues in their greed for wealth (from the spoil) | But when fear has passed, they lash at you with sharp tongues.’
▪ …
▪ Cf. prob. salaqa ‘to pierce (with a spear)’ (= SLQ_13 in root entry ↗√SLQ), which is either from ↗¹salaqa ‘to lacerate the skin (with a whip)’ or from salaqa ‘to prostrate s.o. on the back of his neck, throw s.o. down; to push, repell’ (= SLQ_12).
▪ ?Contamination with, or influence of, ṣalaqa (with ) ‘to attack (a tribe); to smite s.o. (sun); to strike s.o. (bi with a stick)’.
▪ Cf. also Zammit2002, Leslau2006: Ug qlṣ ‘verhöhnen’, Aram qallāsā ‘shouting, derision’, Hbr qilles ‘to jeer at’, (with metathesis) Gz tasālaqa ‘to joke, scoff at, deride, mock, ridicule, make fun of, make fun of one another’ (> QurAr ⁵salaqa ‘to abuse, insult’). – For Gz, Leslau2006 also gives səllāq ‘derision, cause of derision, ridicule, laughingstock, mockery, mocking (n), raillery, play’; səllāqe (Gr) ‘derision’, adding that these may have a cognate in Akk tašliqtu ‘eine Kampfrede’ (von Soden 1339). – Leslau2006 further quotes Denizeau’s entries SyrAr (Damascus) t-maqlaṣ, t-maqlaz, t-maqlas ‘to mock’ (denom. from a noun with m-; 501). Moreover, accord. to Leslau, also Tña (tä)saläqä ‘to mock’, Amh (tä)salläqä and Gur q'anäsä (for q'alläqä) have »the structure of Hbr Syr qls
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ …
salāqaẗ n.f., vicious tongue, violent language

For other values of the root, cf. ↗¹salaqa, ↗²salaqa, ↗³salaqa, ↗⁴salaqa, ↗tasallaqa, ↗sullāq, ↗salq, ↗¹salīqaẗ, ↗²salīqaẗ, ↗salaqūn and ↗salūqī as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√SLQ. 
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