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salam (disamb.) سَلَم 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ salam_1 ‘forward buying (Isl. Law)’ ↗salam_1
▪ salam_2 ‘a variety of acacia’ ↗salam_2

Other values, now obsolete, include:
  • salam_3 ‘peace, end of hostility’
  • salam_4 ‘wholly devoted to, wholly belonging’
  • salam_5 ‘surrender, submission; captivity, prisoner’
▪ [v1] is based on the idea of ‘being/remaining on the safe side, gaining security’, i.e. a guarantee, by paying in advance. In other Sem langs, words that seem to be akin to salam_1 often mean a kind of present, offering, or sacrifice made with the aim to obtain (in advance) a ruler’s or a deity’s alliance, friendship, benevolence. With the notion of ‘safety, security, guarantee’ dominant in them, all these *‘peace offerings’ go back to Sem *ŠLM ‘to be whole, sound, remain unharmed’, cf. ↗SLM, ↗salima, ↗salām, ↗salāmaẗ.
▪ The values [v3]-[v5] are clearly akin to the same complex as [v1]. The idea of ‘sacrificing, devoting o.s.’ (in order to please a ruler, a deity, [v4]), of ‘surrendering’ (in order to emerge unharmed from a conflict, [v5]) and thus achieving ‘peace’ [v3], is also close to that of committing o.s. to a new religion, cf. ↗ʔaslama, ↗ʔislām.
▪ [v2] : of unclear etymology. 
salam_3 ▪ eC7 (peace, end of hostility) Q 4:90 fa-ʔin-i ’ʕtazalū-kum fa-lam yuqātilū-kum wa-ʔalqaw ʔilay-kum-u ’l-salama fa-mā ǧaʕala ’ḷḷāhu la-kum ʕalay-him sabīlan ‘so if they leave you alone and do not fight you, and offer you peace, then God gives you no way against them’.
salam_4 ▪ eC7 (quasi-PP: wholly devoted to, wholly belonging) Q 39:29 ḍaraba ’ḷḷāhu maṯalan raǧulan fī-hi šurakāʔu mutašākisūna wa-raǧulan salaman li-raǧulin ‘God sets forth a parable—of a man belonging to partners who are at odds with one another, and a man belonging wholly to one man’.
▪ It seems that [v3]-[v5] have become obsolete due to overlapping with ↗salām, ↗ʔaslama (with ʔislām), and ↗ĭstaslama. Only the special meaning as a legal term in Isl. Law made [v1] survive into MSA. 
▪ For salam_1 cf. ↗s.v. and, for the wider context as well as [v3]-[v5], ↗salima.
▪ For [v2] cf. ↗salam_2
▪ Cf. above as well as ↗salam_1 and ↗salam_2
salam_1, ↗salam_2
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