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ʔislām إِسْلام 
ID 411 • Sw – • BP 365 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
submission, resignation, reconciliation (to the will of God); — al-~ the religion of Islam; the era of Islam; the Muslims – WehrCowan1979. 
Originally a vn. from the vb. IV ↗ʔaslama, meaning ‘total surrender, submission (to a deity)’, then specialized in the sense of ‘adherence to (< submission to) the religion taught by the prophet Muḥammad’. 
▪ eC7 1 (total surrender) Q 3:19 ʔinna ’l-dīna ʕinda ’ḷḷāhi ’l-ʔislāmu ‘True Religion, in God’s eyes, it total surrender [to Him]’. – 2 (the religion of Islam) Q 5:3 al-yawma ʔakmaltu la-kum dīna-kum wa-ʔatmamtu ʕalay-kum niʕmat-ī wa-raḍītu la-kumu ’l-ʔislāma dīnan ‘today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My blessing upon you, and santioned for you Islam [the total submission to God] as religion’. – 3 (act of surrendering, submitting) Q 9:74 wa-la-qad qālū kalimata ’l-kufri wa-kafarū baʕda ʔislāmi-him ‘but they certainly did speak the word of disbelief and became disbelievers after having submitted’ 
▪ See ↗ʔaslama, ↗salima, ↗salām, ↗SLM. 
▪ See ↗ʔaslama, ↗salima, ↗salām, ↗SLM. 
▪ From Ar ʔislām ‘submission’ is of course Engl Islam (first attested in 1818), and Engl Muslim (1610 s as a n., 1777 as adj.) is taken from the corresponding PA IV. The older form Engl Mussulman (1560 s) has entered the lang. via Tu muslimān, vulg. musulmān (nTu müsliman, müsülman), which in turn is from the Pers form musulmān (with adj. suffix ‑ān). The old Ge form Muselman(n) (C17), with secondary likening to Mann ‘man’, came in via Ital musulmano, nFr musulman (< Tu < Pers, like the Engl term). 
ĭstaslama, vb. X, to surrender, capitulate; to give way, submit, yield, abandon o.s.; to give o.s. over; to lend o.s., be a party; to succumb: Št-stem, originally probably requestative (*‘to ask for protection, safety, salām).

BP#184ʔislāmī, pl. ‑ūn, adj., Islamic; n., Islamist: nsb-adj., from ↗ʔislām.
ʔislāmiyyaẗ, n.f., the idea of Islam, Islamism; status or capacity of a Muslim: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ from ↗ʔislām.
ʔislāmbūlī, adj.: nsb-adj., from ʔislāmbūl, pious interpretation of the name of the capital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul (ʔisṭānbūl, pron. ʔisṭāmbūl).
BP#4250ĭstislām, n., surrender, capitulation; submission, resignation, self-surrender: vn. X.
C BP#229muslim, pl. ‑ūn, adj./n., Muslim: orig. a PA IV, ↗ʔislām.
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