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sanaẗ سَنَة , pl. sinūn , sanawāt 
ID 428 • Sw –/199 • BP 69 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
year – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2011: from protSem *šan‑at‑ ‘year’. – Cf. also ↗ʕām.
▪ Perhaps related to the notion of ‘changing, becoming different’ or that of ‘repeating, returning’ (see “DISC” below).

▪ Of the same rasm سنة but not to be confused with sanaẗ ‘year’: ↗sunnaẗ ‘custom, habit; (the Prophet’s) tradition’ (√SNː/SNN), sinaẗ ‘slumber, doze’ (↗wasina, √WSN), as well as some items in ClassAr.
▪ … 

▪ eC7 Q 46:15 wa-balaġa ʔarbaʕīna sanaẗan ‘and [if] he reaches fourty years’ 
▪ Zammit2002: (SNW): Akk šattu, Ug šnt, Phn šnt, št, Hbr šānā, Aram šᵉnā, Syr šᵉnā, šattā ‘year’, ? SAr snt
▪ BDB1906: as in Zammit2002, plus oAram Nab Palm šntʔ, šnt, št, šnn
▪ Huehnergard2011 gives Sem *ŠN as the underlying root and reconstructs a ComSem n. *šan(a)t‑ ‘year’.
▪ Badawi2008: 460 mentions that sanaẗ may be a derivative of √SNW »if its third radical is considered to be و (w). There is a degree of uncertainty about and overlapping between the roots √SNN and √SNH.«
▪ Nişanyan(02Feb2014) sees a connection between Ar sanaẗ and Hbr šānâ / Aram šᵉnā ‘to repeat, return, come again’. If this could be substantiated, one would have to consider a relation between sanaẗ and ↗ṯanà ‘to bend, fold, double’ (cf. also ↗iṯnān ‘two’).
▪ BDB1906 considers the possibility that Hbr šānâ ‘year’ may be related to Hbr šānâ ‘to change’ (cf. also Akk šanû ‘to become different, strange, change (intr.)’, Syr šᵉnā ‘to change, esp. mentally = grow insane’), so that ‘year’ would be, originally, a term for ‘changing’ seasons.

▪ Of the same rasm سنة but not to be confused with sanaẗ ‘year’: ↗sunnaẗ ‘custom, habit; (the Prophet’s) tradition’ (√SNː/SNN), sinaẗ ‘slumber, doze’ (↗wasina, √WSN); in ClassAr also sannaẗ ‘she-bear; she-lynx’ and sinnaẗ ‘double-edged axe; ploughshare; coin, money’ (both √SNː/SNN; values given as in Steingass1884 / Wahrmund1887). 

▪ Not from Ar sanaẗ but from its Hbr cognate, šānâ ‘year’ (going back to ComSem n. *šan(a)t‑ ‘year’), is Rosh Hashanah (first attested in Engl in 1846), the name for the Jewish new year. The expression is a construct composed of rôš (Ar ↗raʔs) ‘head; beginning’ and haš-šānâ ‘the year’, and thus literally means ‘head of the year’. (Huehnergard2011 / EtymOnline).
▪ In Ge, the same expression is, according to one theory, the origin of the New Year’s wish Einen guten Rutsch!, lit., ‘Have a smooth glide-over (sc. into the next year)’.
▪ Tu sene ‘year’: 1492 (Neşrī, Kitāb-ı Cihānnümā) – Nişanyan(02Feb2014). 
sanaẗ muḥammadiyyaẗ, n., Mohammedan year.
sanaẗ ḍawʔiyyaẗ, n., light year.
sanaẗ kabīsaẗ, n., leap year.
sanaẗ masīḥiyyaẗ, n., year of the Christian era, A.D..
sanaẗ hiǧriyyaẗ, n., year of the Muslim era (after the hegira), A.H..
sanaẗ mīlādiyyaẗ, n., year of the Christian era, A.D.
al-sannata, adv., this year.

sanawī, adj., annual, yearly; sanawiyyan, adj., annually, yearly, in one year, per year, per annum: nsb-adj.
musānahatan, adv., annually, yearly: acc.adv. of PP III, from ↗√SNH, with additional H

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