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šarrābaẗ شَرّابة , var. šurrābaẗ , pl. šarārībᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
tassel, tuft, bob – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Like also ↗šārib ‘moustache’, šarrābaẗ (vocalised šurrābaẗ and said to be »probably post-classical« by in Lane iv 1872), is usually regarded as deriving from ↗šariba ‘to drink’. The semantic relation however is nowhere explained in detail and remains rather doubtful.
▪ Therefore, instead of trying to link šārib and šarrābaẗ to ↗šariba, is it not possible that we are dealing with reflexions of another etymon here? I suggest to put šārib and šarrābaẗ together with ↗ĭšraʔabba ~ ĭšrābba ‘to stretch/crane one’s neck’, which seems to be cognate to lHbr širbēḇ1 to stretch out, prolong, enlarge; 2 to draw down, let down’, Aram šarbēḇ ‘to prolong, let hang down, let down’, Š-stems belonging to the complex of Sem *rabb‑ ‘big’ (cf. Ar ↗rabb ‘lord, master’). šārib ‘moustache’ as well as šarrābaẗ ‘tassel’ could then be explained as *‘hanging down’. The unusual phonology—the regular correspondance would be (Sem *š >) Hbr š, Aram š ~ Ar s, and (Sem *ś >) Hbr ś, Aram s, Ar š —could be explained as the result of a late development. – Should it be possible to corroborate this hypothetic etymology, then also ↗mašrabiyyaẗ may have to be reconsidered, see s.v. 
According to Lane the word is postClassAr. 
No direct cognates, but perh. akin to the complex treated s.v. ↗ĭšraʔabba and ↗šārib (partly also ↗mašrabiyyaẗ). 
See section CONCISE above, as well as ↗ŠRB, ↗šariba, ↗ĭšraʔabba, ↗šārib, ↗mašrabiyyaẗ
šarrābaẗ al-rāʕī, n., (European) holly (Ilex aquifolium; bot.)  
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