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šaʕr شَعْر , var. šaʕar , n.un. ‑aẗ , pl. šuʕūr 
ID 464 • Sw 37/65 • BP 947 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
n.coll. (n.un. ‑aẗ
hair; bristles; fur, pelt; cracks, haircracks (e.g., in a vase) (obs.) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2011: from protSem *śaʕr‑ ‘hair’, (Orel&Stolbova1994:) prob. from AfrAs *ĉaʕar‑ ‘id.’.
▪ From the protSem ancestor may be derived notions like ‘to perceive, feel intuitively, know minute details’, ‘sheep, goats’, ‘barley’, and others; see ↗ŠʕR. 
▪ eC7 Q 16:60 wa-min ʔaṣwāfi-hā wa-ʔawbāri-hā wa-ʔašʕāri-hā ʔaṯāṯan wa-matāʕan ʔilà ḥīnin ‘and of their wool, their fur, and of their hairs, [He made for you] furnishings and comfort for a while’. 
▪ Bergsträsser1928: Akk šārtu, Hbr śēʕār, Aram saʕrā, Gz śəʕərt ‘hair’.
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#528: Akk šārtu, Hbr śēʕār, śaʕarā, Syr šaʕrō, Gz śeʕert, Soq ṣaʕihor ‘hair’)1 . – Outside Sem: WCh *ĉaHar‑ ‘hair on the chest of a ram; hair’, Omot *šaHar‑ ‘hair’.
▪ Elmedlaoui 2012: Berb a-zzar ‘hair’. 
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#528: from Sem *śaʕr‑ ‘hair’ (so also Kogan2011), from AfrAs *ĉaʕar‑ ‘hair’, which is the ancestor also of non-Sem cognates such as WCh *ĉaHar‑ ‘hair on the chest of a ram; hair’ and Omot *šaHar‑ ‘hair’.
▪ … 
šaʕar-, a, vb. I, to be hairy: denom.

šaʕrī, adj., hairy, hirsute; hair (in compounds); capillary: nsb-adj.
šaʕriyyaẗ, n.f., wire grill, wire netting, lattice work; capillarity: nominalized nsb-adj.
šiʕriyyaẗ (Eg.), šaʕriyyaẗ (ir.), n.f., vermicelli; spaghetti: nominalized nsb-adj.
šaʕrānī, adj., hairy, hirsute, shaggy: intns.adj.
šuʕayraẗ, n.un., little hair: dimin.
šaʕīriyyaẗ, n.f., vermicelli: nominalized nsb-adj.
ʔašʕarᵘ, adj., hairy, hirsute, long-haired, shaggy: denom.
mušʕarānī, adj., hairy, hirsute, shaggy:…

For other items of the root cf. ↗ŠʕR. 
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