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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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ṢWMʕ صومع 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 3Jun2023
▪ ṢWMʕ_1 ‘cloister’ ↗ṣawmaʕaẗ
▪ … 
ṣawmaʕaẗ صَوْمَعة , pl. ṣawāmiʕᵘ 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 3Jun2023
√ṢMʕ, ṢWMʕ
cloister – Jeffery1938
▪ … 
▪ eC7 Q xxii, 41 – Jeffery1938.
▪ Jeffery1938: »The Commentators differ among themselves as to whether it stands for a Jewish, a Christian, or a Sabian place of worship. They agree, however, in deriving it from ṣamaʕa (cf. Ibn Durayd, 166), and Fraenkel agrees,1 thinking that originally it must have meant a high tapering building.2 The difficulty of deriving it from ṣamaʕa, however, is obvious, and al-Ḫafāǧī, 123, lists it as a borrowed word. / Its origin is apparently to be sought in SArabia, from the word that is behind the Eth [Gz] ṣomāʕt ‘a hermit’s cell’ (Nöldeke, Beiträge, 52),3 though we have as yet no SAr word with which to compare it.«
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