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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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*ṬR‑ طرـ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
2-cons. "root nucleus" 
Basic meanings:
A *‘to be dirty’ – Ehret1995
B *‘to send’ – Ehret1989 
According to Ehret1989 and Ehret1995, *ṬR- is a 2-consonantal pre-protoSem base from which several 3-radical roots are derived. See section DERIV below. 
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According to Ehret, extensions in third consonants include:

A *ṬR- ‘to be dirty’
  • + "concisive (or adj. suffix?)" *‑ʔ + adj. suff. *‑n => ṭurʔān ‘bad’ ↗ ṭurʔānī ‘of unknown origin, wild’
  • + "iterative" *‑ḥ => ṭarḥ ‘mud in the water’
  • + "iterative" *‑f + "non-finitive" (?) *‑š => ṭarfas ‘to be muddy’
  • + "intensive (effect)" *‑k’ => ṭarq ‘to befoul the water; befouled water’

B *ṬR- ‘to send’
  • + Ø => ṭarr ‘to urge on violently, drive together in one place’, Hava1899: ‘to collect and drive (cattle)’
  • + "concisive" *‑ʔ => ṭarʔṭaraʔa ‘to fall upon unexpectedly, happen, occur’
  • + "extendative" *‑b => ṭarb ‘to wander (from the road)’
  • + "iterative (> durative)" *‑ḥ => ṭarḥṭaraḥa ‘to remove, turn from, avert, throw far away’, Hava1899: ‘to fling, cast away’
  • + "durative" *‑d => ṭardṭarada ‘to push away, drive away, repel, expel, pursue, chase, drive together’, Hava1899: ‘to persecute, drive back etc.; to collect (scattered flocks)’
  • + "intensive (manner)" *‑f => ṭarf ‘to turn off, repel’ ↗ṬRF, ↗ṭaraf
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