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ṬRD طرد 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ṬRD_1 ‘to drive away, chase away’ ↗ṭarada
▪ ṬRD_2 ‘to procede, continue, progress’ ↗ṭarada X: ĭstaṭrada
▪ ṬRD_3 ‘swarm (of bees)’ ↗ṭard, ↗ṭarada
▪ ṬRD_4 ‘parcel, package’ ↗ṭard, ↗ṭarada

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘[ṬRD_1] ‘fugitive, outcast, chased game; to banish, expel, drive away’ 
DRS distinguishes 2 values (probably on account of Akk ṭarādu ‘to name, call’). In Ar, however, all values can easily be seen as derivations from one basic meaning, namely ‘to drive away, chase away’. 
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬRD-1 Akk ṭarādu ‘envoyer, chasser, expédier’, Ug ṭrd ‘chasser’, Hbr ṭārad, BiblSyr ṭᵉrad, Mand ṭrd, Ar ṭarada, Saf ṭrd, Sab ṭrd, Mhr tərūd, Jib ṭerod, Soq ṭeyred ‘envoyer, expédier, chasser, mener le bétail, poursuivre’, Ar ṭard ‘paquet, colis postal’. – Akk ṭarīd- ‘déplacé, expulsé’, ḎatAr ṭarad ‘courir après quelqu’un pour le rejoindre’, ṭārad ‘attaquer’, muṭrad ‘poursuite’; Sab mṭrd ‘chasse rituelle’, Soq miṭrid ‘fugitif’. -2 Akk ṭarādu ‘nommer, appeler’. Hbr ṭōrēd ‘qui pleut continuellement’, Ar ĭṭṭarada ‘être continu, couler sans arrêt’; YemAr ṭarūd ‘long passage bordé de pierres, etc.’. 
▪ According to Ehret1989, ṬRD is an extension in durative *-d from a 2-consonantal pre-protoSem base *ṬR- with the basic meaning ‘to send’. Other extensions from the same base: ṭarra ‘to urge on violently, drive together in one place, (Hava1899:) to collect and drive (cattle)’ (cf. ↗ṬRː(ṬRR) ); ↗ṭaraʔa ‘to fall upon unexpectedly, happen, occur’: ṭaraba ‘to wander (from the road)’ (cf. ↗ṬRB); ↗ṭaraḥa ‘to remove, turn from, avert, throw far away, (Hava1899:) ‘to fling, cast away’; ↗ṭarada ‘to push away, drive away, repel, expel, pursue, chase, drive together, (Hava1899:) to persecute, drive back etc.; to collect (scattered flocks)’; ṭarafa ‘to turn off, repel’ (cf. ↗ṬRF).
▪ … 
ṭarad‑ طَرَدَ , u (ṭard
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
to drive away, chase away, push away, shove away, reject, repel, banish, exile, dismiss, drive out, expel, evict (min from); to compel to leave the country; to expel, bar from a game; to chase, hunt, hound – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ … 
▪ eC7 ṭarada (to drive away, drive out, dismiss) Q 6:52 wa-lā taṭrud-i ’llaḏīna yadʕūna rabba-hum bi’l-ġadāẗi wa’l-ʕašiyyi yurīdūna waǧha-hū ‘do not drive away (or: distance yourself from) those who call upon their Lord morning and evening, seeking [nothing but] His face’. – ṭārid (one who chases away, drives out, expels) Q 11:29 wa-mā ʔanā bi-ṭāridi ’llaḏīna ʔāmanū ‘I will not be one who drives away those who believe’ 
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬRD-1 Akk ṭarādu ‘envoyer, chasser, expédier’, Ug ṭrd ‘chasser’, Hbr ṭārad, BiblSyr ṭᵉrad, Mand ṭrd, Ar ṭarada, Saf ṭrd, Sab ṭrd, Mhr tərūd, Jib ṭerod, Soq ṭeyred ‘envoyer, expédier, chasser, mener le bétail, poursuivre’, Ar ṭard ‘paquet, colis postal’. – Akk ṭarīd- ‘déplacé, expulsé’, ḎatAr ṭarad ‘courir après quelqu’un pour le rejoindre’, ṭārad ‘attaquer’, muṭrad ‘poursuite’; Sab mṭrd ‘chasse rituelle’, Soq miṭrid ‘fugitif’. -2 Akk ṭarādu ‘nommer, appeler’. Hbr ṭōrēd ‘qui pleut continuellement’, Ar ĭṭṭarada ‘être continu, couler sans arrêt’; YemAr ṭarūd ‘long passage bordé de pierres, etc.’. 
DRS distinguishes two values, probably mainly on account of Akk ṭarādu ‘to name, call’ (CAD: ṭarādu B). But the semantics of the Hbr and Ar cognates given DRS #ṬRD-2 would easily allow to be interpreted as depending on #ṬRD-1.
▪ According to Ehret1989, ṬRD is an extension in durative *-d from a 2-consonantal pre-protoSem base *ṬR- with the basic meaning ‘to send’. Other extensions from the same base: ṭarra ‘to urge on violently, drive together in one place, (Hava1899:) to collect and drive (cattle)’ (cf. ↗ṬRː(ṬRR) ); ↗ṭaraʔa ‘to fall upon unexpectedly, happen, occur’: ṭaraba ‘to wander (from the road)’ (cf. ↗ṬRB); ↗ṭaraḥa ‘to remove, turn from, avert, throw far away, (Hava1899:) ‘to fling, cast away’; ↗ṭarada ‘to push away, drive away, repel, expel, pursue, chase, drive together, (Hava1899:) to persecute, drive back etc.; to collect (scattered flocks)’; ṭarafa ‘to turn off, repel’ (cf. ↗ṬRF). 
ṭarrada, vb. II, to chase away: D-stem, ints.
ṭārada, vb. III, 1 to chase after, hunt (a game, s.o.); 2 to pursue, follow, run after s.o. or, give chase to: L-stem, assoc.
ĭṭṭarada, vb. VIII, 1 to drive away as booty (animals); 2 to be consecutive, be continuous, form an uninterrupted sequence, succeed one another continuously; to flow uninterruptedly, carry water perennially (river); 3 to progress or get on at a rapid pace, make good headway (undertaking): tG-stem, selfrefl.; DRS distinguishes this as a value in its own right, different from ‘to chase’, but this is not convincing.
ĭstaṭrada, vb. X, 1 to proceed (in one’s speech), go on to say, continue (e.g., one’s speech); 2 to change, pass on (in speech) (min from, li‑ to); 3 to digress (in speaking), make an excursus: tŠ-stem; for meaning cf. ĭṭṭarada (preceding item).

BP#3504ṭard, n., 1 driving away, chasing away, repulsion, expulsion, eviction, dismissal, banishment, expatriation; pursuit, chase, hunt: vn. I and lexicalizations; 2 swarm (of bees): fig. use (?), lit. *‘(group of bees) the chasing ones’; 3 (pl. ṭurūd) parcel, package: neol. | baḥaṯa masʔalatan ṭardan wa-ʕaksan, vb., to study a problem from all sides, in all its aspects.
ṭardī, adj., parcel-, package (in compounds), like a parcel or package: nsb-adj. of ṭard (3).
ṭardaẗ, n.f., a driving away, chasing away, repulsion, expulsion, eviction, banishment: n.vic.
ṭarīd, adj., 1 expelled, evicted, ousted, outcast, outlawed, banished, exiled, expatriate(d); fugitive, fleeing, on the run; expellee; outcast, outlaw; 2 one of two brothers born immediately one after the other (= being in dispute over precedence); 3 du. al-ṭarīdān, n., night and day : quasi-PP I.
ṭarīdaẗ, pl. ṭarāʔidᵘ, n.f., 1 game animal, game beast; game; 2 one of two sisters born immediately one after the other.
ṭarrād, n., 1 cruiser (warship): neol., lit. *‘chaser’, ints.; 2 (eg.) dike, embankment, dam, levee (esp. of the Nile): ? – meaning not verifiable in BadawiHinds1986; there, the second value is given as ‘(agric.) attachment (usually of wood) which can be mounted above a ploughshare in order to widen the furrow’.
ṭarrādaẗ, n.f., cruiser (warship): neol.
ṭirād, n., pursuit, chase: vn. III.
muṭāradaẗ, n.f., repulsion, expulsion, banishment; pursuit, chase; hunt: vn. III | ṭāʔiraẗ al-~, n.f., fighter plane, pursuit plane, interceptor.
ĭṭṭirād, n., uninterrupted or regular sequence, continuity; uniformity; regularity (also gram.): vn. VIII.
ĭstiṭrād, pl. ‑āt, digression, divagation; excursus: vn. X.
muṭārid, pursuer; hunter: PA III | ṭāʔiraẗ muṭāridaẗ, n.f., fighter plane, pursuit plane, interceptor.
muṭṭarid, incessant, uninterrupted, continuous, continual, unvarying, steady, constant; general; regular (also gram.), without exception: PA VIII | qāʕidaẗ muṭṭaridaẗ, n., general rule; ~ al-nasq, adj., uniform; ~ al-naġm, adj., monotonous (song).
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