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ṭarīqaẗ طَرِيقَة 
ID 539 • Sw – • BP 401 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
… – WehrCowan1979. 
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ṬRW/Y طرو/ي 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 5Feb2023
▪ ṬRW/Y_1 ‘to be or become fresh, succulent, moist, tender, soft, mild ↗ṭaruwa / ṭariya
▪ ṬRW/Y_2 ‘to praise (highly), extol, laud, lavish praise (on s.o.)’ ↗ʔaṭrà
▪ ṬRW/Y_3 ‘vermicelli’ ↗ʔiṭriyaẗ

Other values, now obsolete, include (BK1860, Lane v 1874, Hava1899):

ṬRW/Y_4 ‘to come, arrive from afar’: ṭarā (u, ṭurūw); cf. also ṭariya (a, ṭaràⁿ) ‘to run up to; to come, pass near (ʔilà)’
ṬRW/Y_5 ‘to have the belly swollen, suffer from indigestion’: ĭṭrawrà, vb. XII
ṬRW/Y_6 ‘être surnaturel | spiritual being; création, créature qui par leur nombre immense échappent le calcul | numberless | the sorts of created things whereof the number cannot be reckoned’: ṭarāⁿ~ṭirāⁿ
ṬRW/Y_ ‘…’:

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘all that is on the face of the Earth, all of creation; to come from far away; to be soft, tender, fresh, succulent; to praise’
▪ [v1] : widely attested in WSem, from protWSem *√ṬRY ‘to be fresh, raw’ – Kogan2015: 99 #63.
▪ [v2] : The value ‘to praise’ of the *Š-stem, ʔaṭrà, of ṭaruwa/ṭariya ‘to be fresh’, seems to be fig. use in the sense of *‘to freshen up (by seasoning), add spices, etc.’.
▪ [v3] : According to Fraenkel1886, Ar ʔiṭriyaẗ ‘vermicelli’ goes back to Aram ʔiṭrīn ‘id.’ (PayneSmith1903), from Grk ʰítria, pl. of ʰítrion ‘in Öl gebackene Pfannekuchen aus Mehl und Honig (Gemoll1965) | name of a cake, made from sesame and honey (usually pl.; Beekes2016)’, itself of unknown etymology, »probably a loanword« (ibid.).
[v4] : Neither ṭarā (u, ṭurūw) ‘to come, arrive from afar’ nor ṭariya (a, ṭaràⁿ) ‘to run up to; to come, pass near (ʔilà)’ have obvious cognates in Sem or outside. Cf., however, DRS #ṬRY-2 where the authors report (see below, section COGN) that the compiler of a dictionary of SudAr thinks that SudAr ṭira ‘to mention, remind; to remember’ etc. are related to ṭarā (#ṬRW/Y-2) ‘to arrive’. But such a relation is far from obvious and looks rather doubtful.
[v5] The vb. ĭṭrawrà, coined on the rare verbal pattern XII (ĭFʕawʕaLa) and meaning ‘to have the belly swollen, suffer from indigestion’, is of unknown origin.
[v6] ṭarāⁿ ~ṭirāⁿ ‘supernatural\spiritual being; innumerable created things’: of obscure etymology.
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DRS #ṬRW/Y-1 Ug ṭry, Hbr ṭārī ‘frais, récent’, Syr ṭarūnā ‘frais, récent’, Ar ṭariya, ṭaruwa ‘être frais, nouveau’, Mhr ṭayri, Jib ṭeriʔ ‘être mouillé, humide, frais’, Mhr ṭəráy, Jib ṭeríʔ, Ḥrs ṭərīʔ ‘frais’, Gz Te ṭəray ‘cru, frais’, Tña ṭərä, Arg Gur ṭəre, Har ṭiri ‘cru’; Amh ṭəre ‘cru, non mûr, graine’ ; tout ce qui est naturel, inaltéré : par exemple ‘grain, viande fraîche’, Har ṭiri, Gur təri ‘cru, frais’. -2 Ar ṭarā ‘venir, arriver’
▪ ? DRS #ṬRY-1 TargAram ṭᵊrā ‘donner, négocier’, tᵊrītā ‘don’, Gz ʔaṭraya, Tña ʔaṭräya ‘acquérir, posséder’, Amh ṭärra ‘amasser de l’argent’, Gz Tña ṭərit ‘biens, possessions’.1 -2 SudAr ṭira ‘mentionner, rappeler; se rappeler’, ṭāri ‘fait de mentionner qn, de parler de lui’.2 -3 Amh ṭariya, ṭara, Gur ṭara ‘toit, plafond’

▪ [v1] Leslau2008 (CDG), Kogan2015: 99 #63 : Ug ṭry ‘fresh food’, Hbr ṭārī ‘fresh’, Syr ṭarrunā ‘recens’, Ar ṭarīy ‘fresh, juicy, moist’, Gz ṭəre, ṭərāy ‘raw, crude’, Te ṭəray ‘raw, fresh’, Tña Amh Arg Gur ṭəre, Har ṭiri ‘raw’, Mhr ṭáyri ‘to get wet, damp; to be fresh’, Jib ṭériʔ ‘to be damp, fresh’
▪ ? Leslau2008 (CDG): Aram ṭᵊrā (ṬRY) ‘to give, negotiate’, ṭᵊrīṯā ‘gift’, Gz ṭar(a)ya, ʔaṭraya ‘to possess, make possession, purchase, obtain, acquire’, Tña ʔaṭräyä ‘to acquire, gain possession’, ṭərit ‘wealth, possession’, Amh ṭärra ‘to amass money’, ṭərit ‘accumulation of property’
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▪ [v1] Kogan2015: 99 #63 : There is no direct parallel to protWSem *ṭry ‘to be fresh, raw’ in Akk, but cf. perhaps ṭeru ‘to extract, press out liquid; to ooze’.
▪ [v1] Should one compare ↗ṯaràⁿ ‘moist earth’ < NWSem *√ṮRY ‘to immerse, soak, steep, etc.; moist earth, moisture’?
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