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ṭufaylī طُفَيْليّ , pl. ‑ūn 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 uninvited guest, intruder, obtruder, sponger, hanger-on, parasite, sycophant; 2 ṭufayliyyāt, parasites (med., biol.) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ According to ClassAr lexicographers, the word is a nsb-adj. from the n.prop. Ṭufayl, »the name of a certain man of El-Koofeh [= al-Kūfaẗ;…] who used to intrude at feasts, uninvited, […] and who was called Ṭufayl al-ʔaʕrās and Ṭufayl al-ʕarāʔis [the Ṭufayl of the Weddings]«. 
▪ … 
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬPL-4 Ar taṭaffala ‘être pique-assiette’, ṭufaylī ‘pique-assiette‘. 
▪ ClassAr lexicography notwithstanding, should we perh. nevertheless compare the obsol. ṭafal ‘time before sunset or sunrise’? ṭafal and ṭufaylī share the notion of *‘intrusion’… In the ClassAr vb. II ṭaffala both values even overlap: ‘1 to intrude at a feast; 2 to come on (night); to be near setting (sun)’ (Hava1899). 
ʕilm al- ṭufayliyyāt, n., parasitology

ṭaffala, vb. II, 1 to intrude, obtrude, impose o.s. (ʕalà upon); 2 to sponge (ʕalà on s.o., ʕalà māʔidaẗ X at s.o.’s table), live at other people’s expense: D-stem, denom. from ṭufaylī ?
taṭaffala, vb. V, 1 = vb. II; 2 to arrive uninvited or at an inconvenient time, disturb, intrude; 3 to be obtrusive: tD-stem, denom. from ṭufaylī ?
mutaṭaffil, adj., n., 1 parasitic(al); 2 parasite, sponger, uninvited guest: PA V.

For other items of the root, cf. ↗ṭafl, ↗ṭifl, ↗ṭufāl, and, for the general picture, ↗ṬFL. 
ṬQS طقس 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ṬQS_1 ‘weather, climate; rite, ritual’ ↗ṭaqs
▪ ṬQS_ ‘’ ↗

BAH2008: Ø 
From among the two values listed for the root ṬQS in DRS, only one is represented in Ar: ↗ṭaqs
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬQS-1 Ar ṭaqs ‘rite, coutume; temps (qu’il fait)’. – 2 Gz ṭaqasa, Tña Har Gur ṭäqäsä, Amh ṭäqqäsä ‘montrer qn du doigt’, Gur ṭäqäsä ‘faire signe, faire un clin d’œil’ 
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