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ṬQS طقس 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ṬQS_1 ‘weather, climate; rite, ritual’ ↗ṭaqs
▪ ṬQS_ ‘’ ↗

BAH2008: Ø 
From among the two values listed for the root ṬQS in DRS, only one is represented in Ar: ↗ṭaqs
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬQS-1 Ar ṭaqs ‘rite, coutume; temps (qu’il fait)’. – 2 Gz ṭaqasa, Tña Har Gur ṭäqäsä, Amh ṭäqqäsä ‘montrer qn du doigt’, Gur ṭäqäsä ‘faire signe, faire un clin d’œil’ 
ṭaqs طَقْس , pl. ṭuqūs 
ID 541 • Sw – • BP 2657 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 weather; 2 climate; 3 pl. ṭuqūs, rite, ritual; 4 religious custom; 5 order of the ministry, clerical rank (Chr.) – WehrCowan1979. 
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬQS-1: Without doubt via Aram ṭeksā ‘order’, from Grk táxis ‘arrangement, an arranging, the order or disposition of an army, battle array; order, regularity’.
▪ The values [v1] ‘weather’ and [v2] ‘climate’ derive from the original ‘order, arrangement’ as short for *‘order of nature’ (Syr ṭeksâ kᵉyānāyâ), while [v3] ‘rite, ritual’ and [v4] ‘religious custom’ are short for *‘arrangement of religious performance, liturgical order’; [v5] is the *‘monastic order’. 
▪ … 
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬQS -1 Ar ṭaqs ‘rite, coutume; temps (qu’il fait)’. 
▪ Cf. also Rolland2014a (with the same etymology as in DRS), adding that Grk táxis belongs to the vb. táss-ein ‘to draw up in order of battle, form, array, marshal’, IE *tāg- ‘to set aright, set in order’. 
▪ From the same Grk etymon are western words like Engl taxi, taxis, hypo-, para-, chemotaxis, ataxia, taxeme, taxidermy, taximetre, taxonomy, tactics, etc. 
ṭaqqasa, vb. II, to introduce into one of the orders of the ministry (Chr.): D-stem, denom., from [v5].
taṭaqqasa, vb. V, to perform a rite, follow a ritual: Dt-stem, denom., from [v3].

ṭaqsī, 1 adj., liturgical; 2 n., liturgist (Chr.); 3 pl. al-ṭaqsiyyāẗ,, the liturgical books (Chr.
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