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ṬWL طول 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ṬWL_1 ‘(to be) long, length; to extend, reach; (to have) power, ability, means’ ↗ṭāla, ↗ṭūl, ↗ṭawl
▪ ṬWL_2 ‘long-legged waterfowl’ ↗ṭuwwal
▪ ṬWL_3 ‘vengeance, revenge, retribution, retaliation; enmity, rancour’ ↗ṭāʔilaẗ ▪ ṬWL_4 ‘stable’ ↗ṭuwālaẗ
▪ ṬWL_5 ‘table’ ↗ṭāwilaẗ
Other items, now obsolete, include
  • ṬWL_6 ‘long rope, tether’: ṭiwal(l) ~ ṭiyal

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘length, tallness, to grow long, tall, to lengthen, be elongated; long rope; power, ability, means; to overcome, outdo; to outlast’ 
▪ ṬWL_1-3 and ṬWL_6 form one etymological unit, going back to (W)Sem *ṬWL ‘to be long, extend, stretch out’. The value ‘(to have) power, ability, means’ a secondary development (fig. use) and an Ar specificity within Sem.
▪ ṬWL_2 ṭuwwal ‘long-legged waterfowl’ : prob. so called because of its long legs, i.e., dependent on ṬWL_1.
▪ ṬWL_3 ṭāʔilaẗ ‘vengeance, revenge, retribution, retaliation’, in ClassAr also ‘enmity, rancour’ : a PA f. from ṬWL_1, lit. *‘ that reaches far’. Semantics not satisfactorily clear.
▪ ṬWL_4 ṭuwālaẗ ‘stable’ : perh. a confusion of an extended use of ṬWL_6 (*‘rope, tether with which horses are tied together’ > ‘place where such horses are kept’?) and a borrowing (via Grk stávla ?) from Lat stabulum.
▪ ṬWL_5 ṭāwilaẗ ‘table’ : from It tavola (< Lat tabula).
▪ ṬWL_6 ṭiwal(l) ~ ṭiyal ‘long rope, tether’ : belonging to the complex of ṬWL_1 ‘to be long, extend, stretch out’ 
For ṬWL_1-3, (ṬWL_4 ?) and ṬWL_6, cf.
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬW/YL: Hbr hēṭīl ‘jeter au loin’, Syr ṭayyēl ‘se promener; circuler à cheval’, Ar ṭāla ‘être long; durer longtemps’, ṭawl ‘longueur’, Sab hṭl ‘s’étendre’, ṭl ‘longueur’, EthSar ṭl ‘durer longtemps’, Mhr ṭōl, Jib ṭol, Ḥrs ṭawl ‘longueur’, Mhr ʔaṭwīl, Ḥrs aṭwōl ‘prolonger’, Jib etyél ‘compter sur qc de bon dans le futur’, Te ṭäwwäla ‘allonger’
▪ Militarev2006#3042: Hbr ṭwl (hif) ‘to throw far’, SAr (Sab) ṭl ‘length’, Ar ṭwl ‘être long, s’étendre en longueur’, ṭawīl ‘long’, LebAr ṭawil, Mec ṭawiyl, Malt twīl ‘long’, Te ṭawwala ‘to extend’, Mhr ṭǝwīl, Ḥrs ṭewīl ‘long’
▪ Zammit2002: Hbr ṭūl (pilp.) ‘to hurl, cast’, (hif.) ‘to cast, cast out (javelin)’, nHbr (pi.) ‘to walk about, be at leisure, enjoy o.s.’, Aram ṭayyēl ‘to walk about; to drive off, send away’, Syr ṭayel ‘to walk to and fro’, SAr ṭwl ‘to extend, lengthen (lifespan)’, Ar ṭāla ‘to be long, last long, be prolonged’
▪ ṬWL_1-3,6: Militarev2006#3042 reconstructs Sem *ṬWL ‘to be long’. The Mhr and Ḥrs cognates given by Militarev himself are said to be prob. from Ar; but cf. the other forms in these langs given in DRS.
▪ ṬWL_1-3,6: Dolgopolsky2012#2382 thinks that Sem *ṬWL has a cognate in Eg dwn (Copt tōoun) ‘(intr.) to be stretched out; (tr.) to stretch out, stretch (bows), straighten (knees)’, and that the AfrAs forms, together with non-AfrAs correspondences, ultimately go back to Nostr *ṭoʔan̄˅ (= * ṭoʔan̄ū ??) ‘to draw, stretch, extend’. If this is correct then Sem *ṬWL may even be akin to Grk teín-ein ‘to stretch (by force), stretch to the uttermost, spannen’ (tetanós ‘stretched, rigid; straightened, smooth’, tétanos ‘convulsive tension, tetanus; erectio penis’), Lat tend-ere ‘to stretch, stretch out, extend, spread’, oNo Þenja ‘ausspannen, ausstrecken’, oHGe dennen ‘to extend, tense, pull’, nHGe dehnen, aus-dehnen ‘to stretch, extend’, from IE *ten- (?), *tenu- ‘to draw, stretch, extend’ (Skr tanōti ‘expands, extends, spreads’, Av ustāna ‘stretched out’).
▪ ṬWL_4 : cf. ↗ṭawālaẗ.
▪ ṬWL_5 : cf. ↗ṭāwilaẗ
▪ ṬWL_5 : cf. ↗ṭāwilaẗ
ṭāl‑ طالَ / طُـِلْـ
  • A ṭāl‑ / ṭul‑ , u (ṭūl)
  • B ṭāl‑ / ṭil‑ , a (ṭawl
ID … • Sw … • BP 1284 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
I 1 to be or become long; 2 to last long; 3 to lengthen, grow longer, extend, be protracted, become drawn out; 4 to surpass, excel (ʕalà or s.o.); 5 to extend (ʔilà to)
II 1 to reach, catch, get hold of (DO); 2 to have power over (DO) 
▪ From (W)Sem *ṬWL ‘to be long, extend, stretch out’. [A] is usually treated as *ṭawula, while [B] is considered to be *ṭawila.
▪ [vB2] ‘(to have) power, ability, means’ is a secondary development (fig. use) and an Ar specificity within Sem. 
▪ eC7 ṭāla 1 (to become drawn out, be protracted) Q 21:44 bal mattaʕnā hāʔulāʔi wa-ʔābāʔa-hum ḥattà ṭāla ʕalay-him-u ’l-ʕumuru ‘indeed, We have granted these and their forefathers power and longevity so that life has become extended for them’; 2 (to become part of the distant past [experiences, events]; to seem long) Q 20:86 ʔa-fa-ṭāla ʕalay-kum-u ’l-ʕahdu ‘did the time of the Covenant seem too long for you? [also interpreted as: has it been too long since you received God’s assistance, or: since I [Moses] have been among you?]’
▪ eC7 taṭāwala (to become too, or very, prolonged, become very extended) Q 28:45 wa-lākin-nā ʔanšaʔnā qurūnan fa-taṭāwala ʕalay-him-u ’l-ʕumuru ‘but We have brought forth generations and time dragged on for them’
▪ See also ↗ṭawl, ↗ṭūl, ↗ṭawīl
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬW/YL: Hbr hēṭīl ‘jeter au loin’, Syr ṭayyēl ‘se promener; circuler à cheval’, Ar ṭāla ‘être long; durer longtemps’, ṭawl ‘longueur’, Sab hṭl ‘s’étendre’, ṭl ‘longueur’, EthSar ṭl ‘durer longtemps’, Mhr ṭōl, Jib ṭol, Ḥrs ṭawl ‘longueur’, Mhr ʔaṭwīl, Ḥrs aṭwōl ‘prolonger’, Jib etyél ‘compter sur qc de bon dans le futur’, Te ṭäwwäla ‘allonger’
▪ Militarev2006#3042: Hbr ṭwl (hif) ‘to throw far’, SAr (Sab) ṭl ‘length’, Ar ṭwl ‘être long, s’étendre en longueur’, ṭawīl ‘long’, LebAr ṭawil, Mec ṭawiyl, Malt twīl ‘long’, Te ṭawwala ‘to extend’, Mhr ṭǝwīl, Ḥrs ṭewīl ‘long’
▪ Zammit2002: Hbr ṭūl (pilp.) ‘to hurl, cast’, (hif.) ‘to cast, cast out (javelin)’, nHbr (pi.) ‘to walk about, be at leisure, enjoy o.s.’, Aram ṭayyēl ‘to walk about; to drive off, send away’, Syr ṭayel ‘to walk to and fro’, SAr ṭwl ‘to extend, lengthen (lifespan)’, Ar ṭāla ‘to be long, last long, be prolonged’
▪ Militarev2006#3042 reconstructs Sem *ṬWL ‘to be long’. The Mhr and Ḥrs cognates given by Militarev himself are said to be prob. from Ar; but cf. the other forms in these langs given in DRS.
▪ Dolgopolsky2012#2382 thinks that Sem *ṬWL has a cognate in Eg dwn (Copt tōoun) ‘(intr.) to be stretched out; (tr.) to stretch out, stretch (bows), straighten (knees)’, cf. DISC in ↗ṬWL.
▪ The vb. should perh. better be treated as denom., in which case we would have two etyma: ↗ṭawl (giving ṭāla B) and ↗ṭūl (giving ṭāla A). 
ṭāla bi-hī ’l-zaman ḥattà, expr., it took a long time before he…
yaṭūlu bī hāḏā, expr., this will (would) take me too long
ṭāla ’l-zamānu ʔaw qaṣura, expr., sooner or later, before long
lam yaṭul bi-hī ’l-maqāmu ḥattà, expr., he hadn’t been there very long when…
lā taṭūlu yad-ī ʔilay-hi, expr., my hand can’t reach that far, i.e., I have no control over it, it isn’t possible for me
law ṭālat-ka yad-ī, expr., if I could get hold of you

BP#4073ṭawwala, vb. II, 1 to make long or longer, lengthen, elongate, stretch out, prolong, extend, protract ( D-stem, caus.; 2 to be very elaborate, very detailed, very exhaustive, longwinded, prolix: D-stem, denom., from ↗ṭawīl; 3 to grant a delay or respite (li‑ to s.o.): D-stem, caus., fig. use (*to extend the deadline for s.o.) | ~ bāla-hū ʕalay-hi, vb., to be patient with.
ṭāwala, vb. III, 1 to keep putting off (s.o., in or with; 2 to vie for power, greatness or stature, contend, compete (DO with s.o.), rival, emulate (s.o.): L-stem, assoc. (*‘to compete with s.o. in tallness or in how far one’s influence reaches’).
ʔaṭāla, vb. IV, 1 to make long or longer, lengthen, elongate, stretch out, extend, prolong, protract, draw out (DO or min Š-stem, caus.; 2 to take too long, find no end: Š-stem, denom. from ↗ṭawīl | ~ ʕalay-hi, vb., to keep s.o. waiting a long time; ~ lisāna-hū, to speak in a forward manner, be pert, saucy, insolent in speech; ~ al-naẓar ʔilay-hi, expr., he kept staring at him; ~ al-wuqūf, expr., he stayed a long time; ~ fī ’l-mawḍūʕ, expr., to dwell, expatiate on the subject.
taṭāwala, vb. VI, 1 to become long, be lengthened, be extended, be prolonged; 2 to stretch up, stretch o.s.; 3 to stretch (ʔilà for), crane one’s neck (ʔilà at): [v1-3] tL-stem, intr., perh. denom. from ↗ṭawīl; 4 to attack (ʕalà s.o.); 5 to become insolent, get fresh (ʕalà with s.o.); 6 to be insolent enough, have the cheek (li‑ to do; 7 to dare do (bi‑), presume (bi‑, pretend (bi‑; 8 to arrogate to o.s. (ʔilà rank): [v4-8] tL-stem, assoc. autoref., fig. use, lit. *‘to compete with s.o. in tallness, claim one’s own "length" (ability, power, etc.) to be bigger than s.o. else’s’ | ~ bi-raʔsi-hī, vb., to bear one’s head high (with pride).
ĭstaṭāla, vb. X, 1 to be or become long: Št-stem, denom. from ↗ṭawīl; 2 to be or become overbearing, presumptuous, display an arrogant behaviour (ʕalà toward): similar to [v4-8] of taṭāwala (see preceding paragraph).
BP#1419ṭālamā, var. la-ṭālamā, adv., how often! often, frequently (with foll. verbal clause): lit., *‘there is a long time since’ | ~ ʔanna, conj., while, as, the more so as.
ṭawl, n., might, power: vn. of ṭāla B, or the latter’s etymon proper. | ṣāḥib al-ḥawl wa’l-~, the Almighty.
BP#713ṭūl, pl. ʔaṭwāl, n., 1 length; 2 size, height, tallness: vn. of ṭāla A, unless the latter’s etymon proper. | ~ al-ʔanāẗ, n., long-suffering, longanimity, forbearance, patience; ~ al-naẓar, n., farsightedness, hyperopia; ḫaṭṭ al-~, n., geographical longitude, degree of longitude, meridian; bi-~ and ṭūlan, adv., lengthwise, longitudinally; ṭūla, prep., during, throughout,…long, e.g., ṭūla hāḏihī ’l-muddaẗ, adv., during this period, during all this time, ṭūla ’l-nahār, adv., all day (long); ~ mā, conj., as long as; ʕalà ~i…, prep. (with foll. gen.), along, alongside of; ʕalà ~ , adv. (eg.), 1 straight ahead; 2 straightway, directly; 3 at last, finally, after all; fī ~i ’l-bilād wa-ʕarḍi-hā, expr., throughout the country, all over the country; ʔanā fī ~i-ka, expr. (eg.), have mercy on me!; ~ al-bāʕ, n., power; mastery, capability, ability; knowledge; generosity; ~ al-nafas, n., endurance, lasting power, stamina; ~ al-yad, n., power.
ṭūlī, adj., of length, linear, longitudinal: nsb-adj., from ṭūl. | ḫaṭṭ ~, n., geographical longitude, degree of longitude, meridian.
ṭuwwal, n., a long-legged waterfowl: see ↗s.v.
BP#1343ṭiwāla, var. ṭawāla, prep., 1 during, throughout; 2 along, alongside of: lit. an acc. of time [v1] or place [v2], from an obsol. vn. ṭiwāl.
BP#316ṭawīl, pl. ṭiwāl, adj., 1 long; 2 large, big, tall; 3 high: adj. formation, expressing ints. quality of length, height, etc. in; 4 al-ṭawīl, n., name of a poetical meter: ?; 5 ṭawīlan, adv., long, a long time: acc. of time | ~ al-ʔaǧal, adj., longterm, long-dated; ~ al-ʔanāẗ, adj., long-suffering, forbearing, patient; ~ al-bāʕ, adj., mighty, powerful; capable, efficient; generous, liberal, openhanded; ~ al-rūḥ, adj., long-suffering, forbearing, patient; ~ al-qāmaẗ, adj., tall; ~ al-lisān, adj., insolent, impertinent, pert, saucy.
ṭuwāl, adj., long: ?
ṭuwālaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., stable: etymologically probably not belonging here (see ↗s.v.), but in the course of time interpreted as *‘the long one’.
BP#2806ṭīlaẗa, prep., during, throughout, … long: acc. of time, from the otherwise obsol. n.f. ṭīlaẗ ‘extension (in time), duration’.
ṭūlānī, adj., measured lengthwise, longitudinal: adj. formation, from ṭūl.
BP#2626ʔaṭwalᵘ, adj., 1 longer, larger, bigger, taller; 2 extremely tall, very long: elat. of ↗ṭawīl.
taṭwīl, n., 1 lengthening, elongation, stretching, extension, prolongation, protraction; 2 elaborateness, exhaustiveness, prolixity, long-windedness: vn. II.
ʔiṭālaẗ, n.f., 1 lengthening, elongation, stretching, extension, prolongation, protraction; 2 elaborateness, exhaustiveness, prolixity, long-windedness: vn. IV.
taṭāwul, n., insolence, cheek, arrogance: vn. VI.
ĭstiṭālaẗ, n.f., overbearing attitude, haughtiness, presumptuousness, arrogance: vn. X.
ṭāʔil, adj., 1 long; 2 huge, immense, ample, enormous (of funds): PA I; – n., 3 use, avail; 4 might, power, force: fig. use of [v1-2], lit. *‘what reaches far’ | ~ al-ṣawlaẗ, adj., mighty, powerful, forceful; dūn ~ and lā ~a taḥta-hū (fī-hi), adj., of no use, of no avail, useless, unavailing, futile; fī ġayri ṭāʔilin, dto.; mā fāza bi-~, vb., to accomplish nothing, be unsuccessful, fail.
ṭāʔilaẗ, n.f., 1 might, power, force: same as ṭāʔil (see preceding para); 2 vengeance, revenge, retribution, retaliation: obviously fig. use, but semantics not satisfactorily clear. | waqaʕa taḥt ~ al-qānūn, expr., to be subject to punishment by law; taḥt ~ al-mawt, expr., under penalty of death.
muṭawwal, adj., 1 elaborate, detailed, exhaustive, circumstantial; 2 extended; 3 comprehensive, thick (book): PP II; 4 length: ?; 5 (pl. ‑āt) thick, detailed handbook: ext. use, nominalization; pl. muṭawwalāt, large volumes; heavy tomes | muʕǧam ~, n., comprehensive, unabridged dictionary.
mutaṭāwil, adj., 1 long-extended, longstretched, long-protacted, prolonged, lengthy; 2 insolent, cheeky, arrogant: PA VI.
mustaṭīl, adj., n., 1 long, oblong, elongate(d), long-stretched; 2 protracted, prolonged, long drawn out; 3 a rectangle, an oblong; 4 a saucy, presumptuous person: PA X.
For other values of the root, cf. ↗ṭāwilaẗ, and (for the general picture) ↗ṬWL. 
ṭawl طَوْل 
ID … • Sw … • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
might, power – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Can be regarded as vn. I, from ↗ṭāla B ‘to reach, catch, get hold of; to have power over’, or as the latter’s etymon proper.
▪ In any case, the word is based on (W)Sem *ṬWL ‘to be long, extend, stretch out’. Within Sem, the figurative meaning is specific to Ar and therefore seems to be a secondary development. 
▪ eC7 1 (might, power, bounty) Q 40:3 ḏī ’l-ṭawli lā ʔilāha ʔillā huwa ‘infinite in bounty—there is no god but He’; 2 (wealth, sufficiency of means) Q 4:25 wa-man lam yastaṭiʕ min-kum ṭawlan ʔan yankiḥa ’l-muḥṣanāti ’l-muʔmināti ‘those of you who do not have the means to marry chaste, believing, free women’, 9:86 ʔūlū ’l-ṭawli ‘the wealthy, the affluent [lit., the ones with the reach’ 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ See also ↗ṭāla
ṣāḥib al-ḥawl wa’l-ṭawl, the Almighty

ṭāla / ṭil‑, a (ṭawl), vb. I, 1 ↗ṭūl; 2 to have power over (DO): denom., or is ṭawl from the vb.? | law ~t-ka yad-ī, expr., if I could get hold of you
taṭāwala, vb. VI, 1-3ṭūl; 4 to attack (ʕalà s.o.); 5 to become insolent, get fresh (ʕalà with s.o.); 6 to be insolent enough, have the cheek (li‑ to do; 7 to dare do (bi‑), presume (bi‑, pretend (bi‑; 8 to arrogate to o.s. (ʔilà rank): [v4-8] tL-stem, assoc. autoref., fig. use, lit. *‘to compete with s.o. in tallness, claim one’s own "length" (ability, power, etc.) to be bigger than s.o. else’s’ | ~ bi-raʔsi-hī, vb., to bear one’s head high (with pride).
ĭstaṭāla, vb. X, 1ṭūl; 2 to be or become overbearing, presumptuous, display an arrogant behavior (ʕalà toward): Št-stem, similar to [v4-8] of taṭāwala (see preceding paragraph).

taṭāwul, n., insolence, cheek, arrogance: vn. VI.
ĭstiṭālaẗ, n.f., overbearing attitude, haughtiness, presumptuousness, arrogance: vn. X.
ṭāʔil, adj., 1-3ṭūl; 4 might, power, force: PA I from ↗ṭāla B, fig. use, lit. *‘what reaches far’
| ~ al-ṣawlaẗ, adj., mighty, powerful, forceful
ṭāʔilaẗ, n.f., 1 might, power, force: same as ṭāʔil (see preceding para); 2 vengeance, revenge, retribution, retaliation: obviously fig. use, but semantics not satisfactorily clear; prob. a specialisation of [v1]. | waqaʕa taḥt ~ al-qānūn, expr., to be subject to punishment by law; taḥt ~ al-mawt, expr., under penalty of death
mutaṭāwil, adj., 1ṭūl; 2 insolent, cheeky, arrogant: PA VI.
mustaṭīl, adj., n., 1-3ṭūl; 4 a saucy, presumptuous person: PA X.

For other values of the root, cf. ↗ṭāla, ↗ṭūl, ↗ṭuwwal, ↗ṭuwālaẗ, ↗ṭāʔilaẗ, ↗ṭāwilaẗ, and (for the general picture) ↗ṬWL. 
ṭūl طُول , pl. ʔaṭwāl 
ID … • Sw … • BP 713 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 length; 2 size, height, tallness – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Can be regarded as vn. I, from ↗ṭāla A ‘to be(come) long’, or as the latter’s etymon proper.
▪ In any case, the word is based on (W)Sem *ṬWL ‘to be long, extend, stretch out’. 
▪ eC7 ṭūl (length, height) Q 17:37 ʔinna-ka lan taḫriqa ’l-ʔarḍa wa-lan tabluġa ’l-ǧibāla ṭūlan ‘you wil never rend the earth open, nor attain the mountains in height’
▪ eC7 ṭawīl (long) Q 76:26 wa-min-a ’l-layli fa-’sǧud la-hū wa-sabbiḥ-hu laylan ṭawīlan ‘and in a portion of the night prostrate yourself before Him, and glorify Him throughout the long nights’ 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ See also ↗ṭāla
ṭūl al-ʔanāẗ, n., long-suffering, longanimity, forbearance, patience
ṭūl al-naẓar, n., farsightedness, hyperopia
ḫaṭṭ al-ṭūl, n., geographical longitude, degree of longitude, meridian
bi-ṭūl and ṭūlan, adv., lengthwise, longitudinally
ṭūla, prep., during, throughout,…long, e.g., ṭūla hāḏihī ’l-muddaẗ, adv., during this period, during all this time, ṭūla ’l-nahār, adv., all day (long)
ṭūla mā, conj., as long as
ʕalà ṭūli…, prep. (with foll. gen.), along, alongside of
ʕalà ṭūl, adv. (eg.), 1 straight ahead; 2 straightway, directly; 3 at last, finally, after all
fī ṭūli ’l-bilād wa-ʕarḍi-hā, expr., throughout the country, all over the country
ʔanā fī ṭūli-ka, expr. (eg.), have mercy on me!
ṭūl al-bāʕ, n., power, mastery, capability, ability; knowledge; generosity
ṭūl al-nafas, n., endurance, lasting power, stamina
ṭūl al-yad, n., power

BP#1284ṭāla / ṭul‑, u (ṭūl), vb. I, 1 to be or become long; 2 to last long; 3 to lengthen, grow longer, extend, be protracted, become drawn out; 4 to surpass, excel (ʕalà or s.o.); 5 to extend (ʔilà to): denom., or is ṭūl from the vb.? | ~ bi-hī ’l-zaman ḥattà, expr., it took a long time before he…; yaṭūlu bī hāḏā, expr., this will (would) take me too long; ~ al-zamānu ʔaw qaṣura, expr., sooner or later, before long; lam yaṭul bi-hī ’l-maqāmu ḥattà, expr., he hadn’t been there very long when…; lā taṭūlu yad-ī ʔilay-hi, expr., my hand can’t reach that far, i.e., I have no control over it, it isn’t possible for me; law ~t-ka yad-ī, expr., if I could get hold of you
BP#4073ṭawwala, vb. II, 1 to make long or longer, lengthen, elongate, stretch out, prolong, extend, protract ( D-stem, caus.; 2 to be very elaborate, very detailed, very exhaustive, longwinded, prolix: D-stem, denom., from ↗ṭawīl; 3 to grant a delay or respite (li‑ to s.o.): D-stem, caus., fig. use (*to extend the deadline for s.o.) | ~ bāla-hū ʕalay-hi, vb., to be patient with.
ṭāwala, vb. III, 1 to keep putting off (s.o., in or with; 2 to vie for power, greatness or stature, contend, compete (DO with s.o.), rival, emulate (s.o.): L-stem, assoc. (*‘to compete with s.o. in tallness or in how far one’s influence reaches’).
ʔaṭāla, vb. IV, 1 to make long or longer, lengthen, elongate, stretch out, extend, prolong, protract, draw out (DO or min Š-stem, caus.; 2 to take too long, find no end: Š-stem, denom. from ↗ṭawīl | ~ ʕalay-hi, vb., to keep s.o. waiting a long time; ~ lisāna-hū, to speak in a forward manner, be pert, saucy, insolent in speech; ~ al-naẓar ʔilay-hi, expr., he kept staring at him; ~ al-wuqūf, expr., he stayed a long time; ~ fī ’l-mawḍūʕ, expr., to dwell, expatiate on the subject.
taṭāwala, vb. VI, 1 to become long, be lengthened, be extended, be prolonged; 2 to stretch up, stretch o.s.; 3 to stretch (ʔilà for), crane one’s neck (ʔilà at): [v1-3] tL-stem, intr., perh. denom. from ṭūl or ↗ṭawīl; 4 to attack (ʕalà s.o.); 5 to become insolent, get fresh (ʕalà with s.o.); 6 to be insolent enough, have the cheek (li‑ to do; 7 to dare do (bi‑), presume (bi‑, pretend (bi‑; 8 to arrogate to o.s. (ʔilà rank): [v4-8] tL-stem, assoc. autoref., fig. use, lit. *‘to compete with s.o. in tallness, claim one’s own "length" (ability, power, etc.) to be bigger than s.o. else’s’ | ~ bi-raʔsi-hī, vb., to bear one’s head high (with pride).
ĭstaṭāla, vb. X, 1 to be or become long: Št-stem, denom., from ṭūl or ↗ṭawīl; 2 to be or become overbearing, presumptuous, display an arrogant behaviour (ʕalà toward): similar to [v4-8] of taṭāwala (see preceding paragraph).

ṭūlī, adj., of length, linear, longitudinal: nsb-adj. | ḫaṭṭ ~, n., geographical longitude, degree of longitude, meridian.
BP#316ṭawīl, pl. ṭiwāl, adj., 1 long; 2 large, big, tall; 3 high: adj. formation, expressing ints. quality of length, height, etc. in; 4 al-ṭawīl, n., name of a poetical meter: ?; 5 ṭawīlan, adv., long, a long time: acc. of time | ~ al-ʔaǧal, adj., longterm, long-dated; ~ al-ʔanāẗ, adj., long-suffering, forbearing, patient; ~ al-bāʕ, adj., mighty, powerful; capable, efficient; generous, liberal, openhanded; ~ al-rūḥ, adj., long-suffering, forbearing, patient; ~ al-qāmaẗ, adj., tall; ~ al-lisān, adj., insolent, impertinent, pert, saucy.
ṭuwāl, adj., long: ?
ṭuwālaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., stable: etymologically probably not belonging here (see ↗s.v.), but in the course of time interpreted as *‘the long one’.
ṭūlānī, adj., measured lengthwise, longitudinal: adj. formation, from ṭūl (or *ṭūlān ?).
taṭwīl, n., 1 lengthening, elongation, stretching, extension, prolongation, protraction; 2 elaborateness, exhaustiveness, prolixity, long-windedness: vn. II.
ʔiṭālaẗ, n.f., 1 lengthening, elongation, stretching, extension, prolongation, protraction; 2 elaborateness, exhaustiveness, prolixity, long-windedness: vn. IV.
taṭāwul, n., insolence, cheek, arrogance: vn. VI.
ĭstiṭālaẗ, n.f., overbearing attitude, haughtiness, presumptuousness, arrogance: vn. X.

For other values of the root, cf. ↗ṭāla, ↗ṭawl, ↗ṭuwwal, ↗ṭuwālaẗ, ↗ṭāʔilaẗ, ↗ṭāwilaẗ, and (for the general picture) ↗ṬWL. 
ṭuwwal طُوَّل 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
a long-legged waterfowl – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Probably so called because of its long legs, i.e., etymologically belonging to the idea of ‘(to be) long’, ↗ṭāla, ↗ṭūl
▪ … 
ṭāla, ↗ṭūl
ṭāla, ↗ṭūl
For other values of the root, cf. ↗ṭāla, ↗ṭawl, ↗ṭūl, ↗ṭuwālaẗ, ↗ṭāʔilaẗ, ↗ṭāwilaẗ, and (for the general picture) ↗ṬWL. 
ṭuwālaẗ طُوالة , pl. ‑āt 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
stable – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Etymologically perh. an overlapping/confusion between the obsol. Ar n. ṭiwal(l) ‘long rope, tether’, belonging to the theme of ‘length’ (↗ṭūl), and a borrowing (via Tu and/or Pers) from Grk stábla, < Lat stabulum, stabula ‘stable’ (cf. also ↗isṭabl ‘stable, barn’). In the course of time, the foreign origin may have been forgotten and the word thought to be akin to ṭiwal(l), as *‘place sheltering the horses that are tied together with a long rope, or: where animals are tied with a tether’, or directly derived from √ṬWL, as *‘the long one’. 
▪ … 
▪ If the word is related to the idea of ‘length’, then one will have to compare the cognates given in entry ↗ṭāla
▪ For Tu tavla ‘stable (esp. for the Sultan’s horses)’, Nişanyan_04Dec2013 gives: from Pers ṭawlaʰ ‘stable for horses; set of horses, of six or eight, exactly matched; long rope, tether’, from Grk stávla ‘stable for horses’, from Lat stabulum, stabula ‘place to stay, stop, stable’, from Lat stāre, stāt- ‘to stand, stay, stop’. – Yet, although the semantics of Ar ṭuwālaẗ and Tu tavla seem to be congruent, and although the latter’s etymon, Pers ṭawlaʰ, combines the values ‘stable for horses’ (Ar ṭuwālaẗ) and ‘long rope, tether’ (Ar ṭiwal(l)), a derivation of Ar ṭuwālaẗ from Pers ṭawlaʰ or Tu tavla remains is problematic for phonological reasons: how should one explain the long -ā- ? Phonologically problematic also the derivation from the Grk/Lat words: why should initial st- have been reduced to t- in Pers, and the latter written with طـ ṭ-
▪ According to Nişanyan_04Dec2013, we have to conform Engl stable (n., eC13) ‘building or enclosure where horses or cows are kept, building for domestic animals’, which, according to EtymOnline , is from oFr stable, estable ‘stable, stall’ (modFr étable), from Lat stabulum ‘stall, fold, aviary, beehive, lowly cottage, brothel [etc.]’, lit. *‘standing place’, from IE *ste-dhlo-, suffixed form of root *stā- ‘to stand’.1  
For other values of the root, cf. ↗ṭāla, ↗ṭawl, ↗ṭūl, ↗ṭuwwal, ↗ṭāʔilaẗ, ↗ṭāwilaẗ, and (for the general picture) ↗ṬWL. 
ṭawīl طَوِيل , pl. ṭiwāl 
ID 550 • Sw 14/92 • BP 316 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 long; 2 large, big, tall; 3 high; 4 al-ṭawīl, n., name of a poetical meter – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ [v1-3] : adj. formation, expressing ints. quality of length, height, etc. in, see ↗ṭāla.
▪ [v4] : probably the same as [v1-3], but it is not clear why the metre is called ‘the long one’. 
▪ eC7 (long) Q 76:26 wa-min-a ’l-layli fa-’sǧud la-hū wa-sabbiḥ-hu laylan ṭawīlan ‘and in a portion of the night prostrate yourself before Him, and glorify Him throughout the long nights’
▪ Cf. also ↗ṭūl
ṭawīlan, adv., long, a long time: acc. of time
ṭawīl al-ʔaǧal, adj., longterm, long-dated
ṭawīl al-ʔanāẗ, adj., long-suffering, forbearing, patient
ṭawīl al-bāʕ, adj., mighty, powerful; capable, efficient; generous, liberal, openhanded
ṭawīl al-rūḥ, adj., long-suffering, forbearing, patient
ṭawīl al-qāmaẗ, adj., tall
ṭawīl al-lisān, adj., insolent, impertinent, pert, saucy.

BP#4073ṭawwala, vb. II, 1 to make long or longer, lengthen, elongate, stretch out, prolong, extend, protract ( D-stem, caus.; 2 to be very elaborate, very detailed, very exhaustive, longwinded, prolix: D-stem, denom.; 3 to grant a delay or respite (li‑ to s.o.): D-stem, caus., fig. use (*to extend the deadline for s.o.) | ~ bāla-hū ʕalay-hi, vb., to be patient with.
ṭāwala, vb. III, 1 to keep putting off (s.o., in or with; 2 to vie for power, greatness or stature, contend, compete (DO with s.o.), rival, emulate (s.o.): L-stem, assoc. (*‘to compete with s.o. in tallness or in how far one’s influence reaches’).
ʔaṭāla, vb. IV, 1 to make long or longer, lengthen, elongate, stretch out, extend, prolong, protract, draw out (DO or min Š-stem, caus.; 2 to take too long, find no end: Š-stem, denom. | ~ ʕalay-hi, vb., to keep s.o. waiting a long time; ~ lisāna-hū, to speak in a forward manner, be pert, saucy, insolent in speech; ~ al-naẓar ʔilay-hi, expr., he kept staring at him; ~ al-wuqūf, expr., he stayed a long time; ~ fī ’l-mawḍūʕ, expr., to dwell, expatiate on the subject.
taṭāwala, vb. VI, 1 to become long, be lengthened, be extended, be prolonged; 2 to stretch up, stretch o.s.; 3 to stretch (ʔilà for), crane one’s neck (ʔilà at): [v1-3] tL-stem, intr., perh. denom.; 4 to attack (ʕalà s.o.); 5 to become insolent, get fresh (ʕalà with s.o.); 6 to be insolent enough, have the cheek (li‑ to do; 7 to dare do (bi‑), presume (bi‑, pretend (bi‑; 8 to arrogate to o.s. (ʔilà rank): [v4-8] tL-stem, assoc. autoref., fig. use, lit. *‘to compete with s.o. in tallness, claim one’s own "length" (ability, power, etc.) to be bigger than s.o. else’s’ | ~ bi-raʔsi-hī, vb., to bear one’s head high (with pride).
ĭstaṭāla, vb. X, 1 to be or become long: Št-stem, denom.; 2 to be or become overbearing, presumptuous, display an arrogant behaviour (ʕalà toward): similar to [v4-8] of taṭāwala (see preceding paragraph).

BP#1419ṭālamā, var. la-ṭālamā, adv., how often! often, frequently (with foll. verbal clause): lit., *‘there is a long time since’ | ~ ʔanna, conj., while, as, the more so as.
BP#2626ʔaṭwalᵘ, adj., 1 longer, larger, bigger, taller; 2 extremely tall, very long: elat. of ↗ṭawīl.
taṭwīl, n., 1 lengthening, elongation, stretching, extension, prolongation, protraction; 2 elaborateness, exhaustiveness, prolixity, long-windedness: vn. II.
ʔiṭālaẗ, n.f., 1 lengthening, elongation, stretching, extension, prolongation, protraction; 2 elaborateness, exhaustiveness, prolixity, long-windedness: vn. IV.
taṭāwul, n., insolence, cheek, arrogance: vn. VI.
ĭstiṭālaẗ, n.f., overbearing attitude, haughtiness, presumptuousness, arrogance: vn. X.
muṭawwal, adj., 1 elaborate, detailed, exhaustive, circumstantial; 2 extended; 3 comprehensive, thick (book): PP II, from ṭāla; 4 length: ?; 5 (pl. ‑āt) thick, detailed handbook: specialisation of [v1-3]; pl. muṭawwalāt, large volumes; heavy tomes | muʕǧam ~, n., comprehensive, unabridged dictionary.
mutaṭāwil, adj., 1 long-extended, longstretched, long-protacted, prolonged, lengthy; 2 insolent, cheeky, arrogant: PA VI.
mustaṭīl, adj., n., 1 long, oblong, elongate(d), long-stretched; 2 protracted, prolonged, long drawn out; 3 a rectangle, an oblong; 4 a saucy, presumptuous person: PA X.

For other values of the root, cf. ↗ṭāla, ↗ṭawl, ↗ṭūl, ↗ṭuwwal, ↗ṭāʔilaẗ, ↗ṭāwilaẗ, and (for the general picture) ↗ṬWL. 
ṭāʔilaẗ طائِلة 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 might, power, force; 2 vengeance, revenge, retribution, retaliation – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Grammatically a PA I f., lit. *‘( reaching far’, from ↗ṭāla B, vb. I, ‘to reach, catch, get hold of; (fig.) to have power over’, fig. use of ↗ṭāla A, ‘to be(come) long, extend, stretch out’.
▪ [v2] ‘vengeance, revenge, retribution, retaliation’, in ClassAr also ‘enmity, rancour’ : obviously fig. use, but semantics not satisfactorily clear; prob. a specialisation of [v1]. 
▪ … 
waqaʕa taḥta ṭāʔilaẗ al-qānūn, expr., to be subject to punishment by law;
taḥta ṭāʔilaẗ al-mawt, expr., under penalty of death

For other values of the root, cf. ↗ṭāla, ↗ṭawl, ↗ṭūl, ↗ṭuwwal, ↗ṭuwālaẗ, ↗ṭāwilaẗ, and (for the general picture) ↗ṬWL. 
ṭāwilaẗ طاوِلة , var. ṭāwulaẗ , pl. ‑āt 
ID … • Sw – • BP 1857 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
table – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ From It tavola, from Lat tabula
▪ … 
▪ Perhaps Ar ṭablaẗ ‘drum, tambourine’ and Lat tabula , the ultimate etymon of ṭāwilaẗ ~ ṭāwulaẗ, have a common Sem ancestor. Cf. also ↗ṭunbūr ‘long-necked, stringed instrument resembling the mandoline; a device used to raise water for irrigation, Archimedean screw; drum, cylinder (techn.)’, perh. from mPers tabūrāk ‘tambour’, unless it is a slightly altered derivation from ṭabl ‘tambour, timbale’ – Rolland2014a. 
▪ Not from It tavola, but ultimately from the same Lat (< Umbr ?) source are also many Eur words for ‘table’, like Engl table itself, lC12, ‘board, slab, plate’, from oFr table ‘board, square panel, plank; writing table; picture; food, fare’ (C11), and loEngl tabele ‘writing tablet, gaming table’, from Germ *tabal (cognates: Du tafel, Dan tavle, oHGe zabel ‘board, plank’, Ge Tafel). Both the Fr and Germ words are from Lat tabula ‘a board, plank; writing table; list, schedule; picture, painted panel’, originally ‘small flat slab or piece’ usually for inscriptions or for games (source also of Span tabla, It tavola), of uncertain origin, related to Umbr tafle ‘on the board’. 
laʕbaẗ al-ṭāwilaẗ, n.f., backgammon, trick-track
tinnis al-ṭāwilaẗ, n.f., table tennis

For other values of the root, cf. ↗ṭāla, ↗ṭawl, ↗ṭūl, ↗ṭuwwal, ↗ṭuwālaẗ, ↗ṭāʔilaẗ, and (for the general picture) ↗ṬWL. 
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