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ṭāʔiraẗ طائِرَة , pl. ‑āt 
ID 553 • Sw – • BP 973 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
airplane, aircraft – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ neolog., properly a PA f., from ṭāra, vb. I, ‘to fly’ (↗ṭayr). 
▪ … 
ʕalà matn al-ṭāʔiraẗ, adv., aboard the airplane; by (air)plane (e.g., traveling)
ṭāʔiraẗ baḥriyyaẗ, n.f., seaplane
ṭāʔiraẗ dawriyyaẗ, n.f., (tech.) (short-range) reconnaissance plane, observation plane
ṭāʔiraẗ širāʕiyyaẗ, n.f., sailplane, glider
ṭāʔiraẗ al-muṭāradaẗ, n.f., fighter, pursuit plane, interceptor
ṭāʔiraẗ ʕamūdiyyaẗ, n.f., helicopter
ṭāʔiraẗ al-qitāl and ṭāʔiraẗ al-muqātalaẗ, n.f., light bomber, combat plane
ṭāʔiraẗ al-ĭnqiḍāḍ or ṭāʔiraẗ ĭnqiḍāḍiyyaẗ, n.f. (tech.), dive bomber
ṭāʔiraẗ māʔiyyaẗ, n.f., seaplane
ṭāʔiraẗ naffāṯaẗ, n.f., jet plane
ṭāʔiraẗ al-naql, n.f., transport (plane)
ṭāʔiraẗ hilīkōbtir, n.f., helicopter
ḥāmilaẗ al-ṭāʔirāt and nāqilaẗ al-ṭāʔirāt, n.f., aircraft carrier

For other items from this root, see ↗ṭayr, ↗ṭīraẗ; for the general picture, ↗ṬYR. 
ṬYN طين 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ṬYN_1 ‘clay, argil; soil; mud; slime; (pl.) farm lands, fields, estates’ ↗ṭīn
▪ ṬYN_2 ‘Linula viscosa (bot.) ’ ↗ṭayyūn

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘mud, clay, to be muddy, to coat with mud; nature, disposition; specific character’. – Some scholars attribute the word ṭīn to an early borrowing from either Syr or Aram. 
▪ From among the two values attributed to the Sem √ṬYN in DRS, only one is represented in Ar. The basic meaning of this latter is ‘clay, mud’ (ṬYN_1). Sources differ, however, as to whether it is of Sem or Iranian origin.
▪ ṬYN_2 : obscure; related to ṬYN_1 ? 
DRS 10 (2012)#ṬYN-1 EmpAram ṭyn, BiblAram ṭīn, JP Syr ṭīnā, Ar ṭīn, ṭīnaẗ, Mhr Ḥrs ṭayn, Jib ṭun ‘glaise, argile, boue’, Ar ṭāna ‘enduire de boue’, Te ṭəṭäyyänä ‘s’ensabler, devenir désertique; devenir calme (temps)’. -2 Gur ṭanä, ṭānä ‘selle, charge, fardeau’.
▪ ṬYN_1 – Kogan2011: Akk ṭīṭu, ṭiṭṭu, Hbr ṭīṭ, Syr ṭīnā, Ar ṭīn, Mhr ṭayn, Jib ṭun, Te (tə)ṭäyyänä ‘to be filled with sand’.
▪ ṬYN_1 ṭīn ‘clay, mud, etc.’ : Although there is a Sem word *ṭīn- ‘clay, mud, etc.’ (Kogan2011), Ar ṭīn has often been regarded as a borrowing, either from Aram (Syr) ṭīnā or from Pers tīna. For details cf. ↗s.v.
▪ ṬYN_2 ṭayyūn ‘Linula viscosa (bot.) ’ : etymology obscure. Related to ṬYN_1 ‘clay, mud’ ?
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