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ẒʕN ظعن
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 19Nov2022
▪ ẒʕN_1 ‘to move away, leave, depart’ ↗ẓaʕana
▪ ẒʕN_ ‘…’

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to leave, depart, migrate, move around in search of pasture; camel litters in which women travel, howdaj; women travelling in the company of men’
▪ [v1] : from a vb., widely attested in Sem (protSem *Ṯ̣ʕN), with the basic meaning of *‘loading (an animal), decamping, hitting the road, etc.’ (DRS).
▪ [v2] : …
▪ [v1] DRS #Ḏ̣ʕN: Akk ṣēnu, ṣānu, ṣeʔānu ‘charger’, Hbr *ṣāʕan ‘plier une tente’, EmpAram ṭʕn ‘porter, charger’, ṭʕwn ‘charge’, JudPal ṭᵊʕan ‘charger, porter’, Syr ṭᵊʕen ‘porter’, Palm ṭʕyn ‘chargé (chameau)’, Ar ẓaʕana ‘se mettre en route, partir’, Sab ẓʕn ‘faire route; se déplacer, changer de position, décamper’, Jib ẓaʕan ‘se disperser, gagner une nouvelle résidence’, Soq ṭaʕan ‘se mettre en route’, Gz ṣaʕana, Tña ṣäʕanä, Te ṣäʕana, Amh Gaf Gur č̣anä, Har ṭaʔana, Arg č̣ahana ‘charger une bête de somme’.
▪ …
▪ …
ẓaʕan- ظَعَنَ , a (ẓaʕn)
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 19Nov2022
vb., I
to move away, leave, depart – WehrCowan1976
▪ from a vb., widely attested in Sem (protSem *Ṯ̣ʕN), with the basic meaning of *‘loading (an animal), decamping, hitting the road, etc.’
eC7 ẓaʕn (journeying, travelling, in particular with the entire household) Q 16:80 wa-ǧaʕala la-kum min ǧulūdi l-ʔanʕāmi buyūtan tastaḫiffūna-hā yawma ẓaʕni-kum wa-yawma ʔiqāmati-kum ‘and He has provided for you, from the hide of cattle, tents [lit. houses] that you find light on the day you travel and on the day you settle down’
▪ …
DRS #Ḏ̣ʕN: Akk ṣēnu, ṣānu, ṣeʔānu ‘charger’, Hbr *ṣāʕan ‘plier une tente’, EmpAram ṭʕn ‘porter, charger’, ṭʕwn ‘charge’, JudPal ṭᵊʕan ‘charger, porter’, Syr ṭᵊʕen ‘porter’, Palm ṭʕyn ‘chargé (chameau)’, Ar ẓaʕana ‘se mettre en route, partir’, Sab ẓʕn ‘faire route; se déplacer, changer de position, décamper’, Jib ẓaʕan ‘se disperser, gagner une nouvelle résidence’, Soq ṭaʕan ‘se mettre en route’, Gz ṣaʕana, Tña ṣäʕanä, Te ṣäʕana, Amh Gaf Gur č̣anä, Har ṭaʔana, Arg č̣ahana ‘charger une bête de somme’.
▪ …
▪ …
▪ It feels tempting to compare It zaino ‘rucksack’, Span zaina ‘money pouch’, Ge Zaine ‘wicker basket’. But these seem to have another origin. The Span and It words go back to Lomb zaina ‘basket’ (,, which, like also Ge Zaine, have their common ancestor in oHGe zaina ~ zein(n)a (C8) ‘id.’, a genuine Germ word (cf. oSax mLGe tēn, oEngl tān, oNo teinn), from reconstructed Germ *tainjō ‘basket woven from twigs’, from Germ *taina- ‘branch, rod, reed, staff’ (DWDS). According to DWDS (Pfeiffer), the further origin of the Germ word is unknown. But it is rather unlikely that it is related to the Sem *Ṯ̣ʕN.
▪ …
ẓaʕn, n., departure, start, journey, trek (esp. of a caravan): vn. I.
ẓaʕīnaẗ, pl. ẓuʕun, ʔaẓʕān, n.f., 1 camel-borne sedan chair for women; 2 a woman in such a sedan: quasi-PP I.f
ẓāʕin, adj., ephemeral, transient, transitory: PA I
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