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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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ʔaʕrab‑ أَعْرَبَ (ʔiʕrāb
ID – • Sw – • BP 2018 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 27Sep2022
vb., IV 
1 to Arabicize, make Arabic, give an Arabic form (to; 2 to make plain or clear, state clearly, declare (ʕan or ‑h, express (unmistakably), utter, voice, proclaim, make known, manifest, give to understand (ʕan, esp. a sentiment), give expression (ʕan to, esp. to a sentiment); 3 (gram.) to use desinential inflection, pronounce the ʔiʕrāb – WehrCowan1976 
▪ *Š-stem, denom. caus. (1 from ʕarab; 2 from ʕarab ~ ʕarib ‘clear, limpid, clean; pure, genuine’; 3 special use of [v1] and [v2])
▪ … 
taʕarraba, vb. V, to assimilate o.s. to the Arabs, become an Arab, adopt the customs of the Arabs: Dt-stem, self-referential, denom. from ʕarab
ĭstaʕraba, vb. X, = V (understood as desiderative, *Št-stem)

For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗ʕarraba, ↗ʕarab, ↗ʕarabī, ↗¹ʕarabaẗ, ↗²ʕarabaẗ, ↗³ʕarabaẗ, ↗ʕarrāb, ↗ʔiʕrāb, and ↗ʕurbūn, as well as, for the overall picture, root entries ↗√ʕRB and ↗√ʕRBN.
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