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ʕŠW/Y عشو / عشي 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ʕŠW/Y_1 ‘bad eyesight, dim-sigthedness, night-blindness’ ↗ʕašan, ↗ʕišāʔ
▪ ʕŠW/Y_2 ‘evening; evening meal, dinner; evening prayer’ ↗ʕašāʔ, ↗ʕišāʔ
▪ ʕŠW/Y_3 ‘to wrong, treat unjustly, tyrannically’ ↗ʕašwāʔī, ↗ʕišāʔ
▪ ʕŠW/Y_4 ‘informal settlements, slum’ ↗ʕašwāʔiyyāt, ↗>ʕašwāʔī, ↗ʕišāʔ

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘1 bad eyesight, inability to see at night, to be dim-sighted; to feel around aimlessly, to veer away from. – 2 evening, darkness; to make a distant light at night; to give a night meal. 
▪ Given that the root apparently does not have any cognates in Sem or outside, we have no clue as to which value is to be regarded as primary—‘dim-sigthedness’, ‘evening, darkness’, or even ‘withdrawal’. The present entry proceeds from the assumption that the verbs are denominative and that the primary meaning of the corresponding n. was like *‘time of the day when it gets dark and it becomes difficult to see’. The items whose value comes closest to this notion in MSA are ʕišāʔ, ʕašiyy and ʕašiyyaẗ, all signifying ‘evening’. In absence of a self-evident etymon, the author of the present and related entries has chosen ↗ʕišāʔ (as the most ‘basic’ of the three) to serve as the main entry under which to treat the whole complex. 
▪ Three major lines of semantic development can be imagined:
  • 1.a) ‘dim-sighted’ > ‘time of dim-sightedness, beginning darkness, evening, early night’ > actions performed at this time of the day: pasture of cattle, dinner; prayer
  • 1.b) ‘dim-sighted’ > ‘to act blindly, overlook, withdraw from’ > ‘at random, haphazardly’
  • 2.a) ‘time of beginning darkness’ > actions performed at this time of the day: pasture of cattle, dinner; prayer
  • 2.b) ‘time of beginning darkness’ > ‘dim-sightedness’ > etc. (as 1.b)
  • 3. ‘to withdraw, turn away’ > (sun) ‘to get dark’ > etc. (as 2.a and 2.b)
The author of the present entry thinks option (2) is the most probable.
▪ eC7 ʕašā (to fail to see, be blinded to) Q 43:36 wa-man yaʕšu ʕan ḏikri ’l-raḥmāni ‘and whoever is blind to the remembrance of the Lord of Mercy’. – ʕišāʔ (the first part of the night marked by the disappearing of the twilight, evening) 12:16 wa-ǧāʔū ʔabā-hum ʕišāʔan yabkūna ‘and they came to their father after nightfall weeping’, (night prayer) 24:58 ṣalāẗi ’l-ʕišāʔi ‘the night prayer’. – ʕašiyy (evening) 38:18 yusabbiḥna bi’l-ʕašiyyi wa-bi’l-ʔišrāqi ‘to sing the praises at evening and sunrise’. – ʕašiyyaẗ (one evening) 79:46 lam yalbaṯū ʔillā ʕašiyyaẗan ʔaw ḍuḥā-hā ‘they had not tarried but an evening or the mid-morning following’.
Zammit2002 #ʕašā (ʕŠW) ‘to withdraw from’: no cognates in Sem 
See CONCISE and SEMHIST above 
ʕišāʔ عِشاء 
ID … • Sw – • BP 4644 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 evening. – 2 (f.) evening prayer (Isl. Law) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ The item belongs to a root that has the two basic connotations of ‘dim-sightedness’ and ‘(actions performed, or to be performed in the) evening, at nightfall’. Given that neither Sem nor AfrAs give any clue as to semantic development within the root, the author of the present entry assumes the etymon proper of both to be like the *‘time of the day when it gets dark and it becomes difficult to see’. ʕišāʔ has been chosen as the main entry to treat the whole ʕŠW/Y complex because it is one out of three MSA items whose semantic value comes closest to the hypothetical etymon’s value (‘the time of nightfall, i. e. the first, or beginnng, of the darkness of night’ – Lane) and among the three displays the simplest morphological pattern.
▪ The semantic development suggested here is:
  • a) ‘time of beginning darkness’ > actions performed at this time of the day: pasture of cattle; dinner, supper; evening prayer
  • b) ‘time of beginning darkness’ > ‘dim-sightedness’ > ‘to act blindly, overlook, veer away from’ > ‘at random, haphazardly’ > ‘informal settlements, slum’
▪ eC7 ʕišāʔ (the first part of the night marked by the disappearing of the twilight, evening) 12:16 wa-ǧāʔū ʔabā-hum ʕišāʔan yabkūna ‘and they came to their father after nightfall weeping’, (night prayer) 24:58 ṣalāẗi ’l-ʕišāʔi ‘the night prayer’. – ʕašiyy (evening) 38:18 yusabbiḥna bi’l-ʕašiyyi wa-bi’l-ʔišrāqi ‘to sing the praises at evening and sunrise’. – ʕašiyyaẗ (one evening) 79:46 lam yalbaṯū ʔillā ʕašiyyaẗan ʔaw ḍuḥā-hā ‘they had not tarried but an evening or the mid-morning following’. – ʕašā (to fail to see, be blinded to) Q 43:36 wa-man yaʕšu ʕan ḏikri ’l-raḥmāni ‘and whoever is blind to the remembrance of the Lord of Mercy’. 
Of obscure etymology. 
ʕašā u (ʕašw) and ʕašiya a (ʕašan, det. ʕašā), vb. I, to be dim-sighted; to be night-blind: denominative from the assumed etymon *‘time of the day when it gets dark and it becomes difficult to see’.
ʕaššà, vb. II, 1 to make dim-sighted, make night-blind: caus. of I. – 2 to give a dinner (DO for s.o.): denom., from ʕišāʔ or ʕašāʔ.
ʔaʕšà, vb. IV, to make dim-sighted: caus. of vb. I.
taʕaššà, vb. V, to have dinner (or supper), to dine, to sup: t-stem of vb. II [v2], autobenefactive.
ʕašan, det. ʕašā, n., dim-sightedness; nightblindness, nyctalopia: vn. I.
ʕašan, det. ʕašà, n., nightblindness, nyctalopia: vn. I.
ʕašiyy, n., evening: orig. a quasi-PP with ints.-adjectival meaning?
BP#2239ʕašāʔ, pl. ʔaʕšiyaẗ, n., dinner, supper:… | al-~ al-sirrī, n., the Lord’s supper, the Eucharist (Chr.) ʕašwaẗ, n.f., 1 darkness, dark, gloom: could also have served as main entry. – 2 dinner, supper: transfer of meaning from [v1] to the meal that is (to be) taken at this time of the day. – 3 (also ʕišwaẗ, ʕušwaẗ) defectus prudentiae in re tractanda [absence of prudence in doing] (Freytag1830): fig. use of ‘dim-sightedness, night-blindness’.
ʕašāwaẗ, n.f., dim-sightedness; nightblindness, nyctalopia: ints. n., quasi-vn. I.
BP#2850ʕašiyyaẗ, pl. ʕašāyā, n., 1 evening; nightfall: could also have served as main entry. – 2 eve, day before a feast: extended meaning of [v1] | ~a ʔamsi, adv., last night, yesterday in the evening; bayna ~ wa-ḍuḥā-hā, adv., from one day to the other, overnight, all of a sudden.
ʕašwāʔᵘ, n., darkness, dark, gloom: nominalized f. of ʔaʕšà.
ʔaʕšà, f. ʕašwāʔᵘ, adj., dim-sighted; night-blind, nyctalopic; blind, aimless, haphazard, desultory, senseless: ʔafʕalᵘ formation (for physical handicaps), from the (secondary?) value of the root, ‘dim-sightedness’. | yaḫbiṭu ḫabṭatan ʕašwāʔa, expr., he acts blindly, thoughtlessly, at random, haphazardly.
BP#3282ʕašwāʔī, adj., random, happening at random, without plan: lit., *‘blindly, as in the dark (ʕašwāʔ)’.
ʕašwāʔiyyāt, n., haphazard communities, informal settlements, ‘mushroom city’, slums: nominalized nsb-adj.,, from ʕašwāʔ, lit. *‘the haphazard(ly built) ones (sc., settlements)’. 
ʕašaⁿ عَشًى , det. عَشَى ʕašà ; var. عَشًا ʕašaⁿ , det. عَشَا ʕašā 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
dim-sightedness; nightblindness, nyctalopia – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ The item belongs to a root that has the two basic connotations of ‘dim-sightedness’ and ‘(actions performed, or to be performed in the) evening, at nightfall’. Given that neither Sem nor AfrAs give any clue as to semantic development within the root, the author of the present entry assumes the etymon proper of both to be like the *‘time of the day when it gets dark and it becomes difficult to see’. This entry treats only the notion of dim-sightedness and what is derived directly from it. For the broader picture cf. ↗ʕišāʔ , the item whose semantic value comes closest to the hypothetical etymon’s value (‘the time of nightfall, i. e. the first, or beginnng, of the darkness of night’ – Lane).
▪ In some of its derivations, ‘dim-sightedness’ gave also the extended value of ‘to act blindly, overlook, veer away from’, hence also figurative use in the sense of ‘(to act) at random, haphazardly’, and from here the modern expression for ‘informal settlements, slum’ has been coined. 
▪ eC7 ʕašā (to fail to see, be blinded to) Q 43:36 wa-man yaʕšu ʕan ḏikri ’l-raḥmāni ‘and whoever is blind to the remembrance of the Lord of Mercy’. 
See ↗ʕŠW/Y and ↗ʕišāʔ
ʕašā u (ʕašw) and ʕašiya a (ʕašan, det. ʕašā), vb. I, to be dim-sighted; to be night-blind: denominative from the assumed etymon *‘time of the day when it gets dark and it becomes difficult to see’.
ʕaššà, vb. II, 1 to make dim-sighted, make night-blind: caus. of I. – 2 For another value see ↗ʕišāʔ and/or ↗ʕašāʔ.
ʔaʕšà, vb. IV, to make dim-sighted: caus. of vb. I.
ʕašwaẗ, n.f., 1 darkness, dark, gloom: could also have served as main entry. – 2 For another value see ↗ʕišāʔ and/or ↗ʕašāʔ. – 3 (also ʕišwaẗ, ʕušwaẗ) defectus prudentiae in re tractanda [absence of prudence in doing] (Freytag1830): fig. use of ‘dim-sightedness, night-blindness’.
ʕašāwaẗ, n.f., dim-sightedness; nightblindness, nyctalopia: ints. n., quasi-vn. I.
ʔaʕšà, f. ʕašwāʔᵘ, adj., 1 dim-sighted; night-blind, nyctalopic; 2 blind, aimless, haphazard, desultory, senseless: ʔafʕalᵘ formation (for physical handicaps); [v2] is fig. use. | yaḫbiṭu ḫabṭatan ʕašwāʔa, expr., he acts blindly, thoughtlessly, at random, haphazardly.
BP#3282ʕašwāʔī, adj., random, happening at random, without plan: lit., *‘blindly, as in the dark (ʕašwāʔ)’.
ʕašwāʔiyyāt, n., haphazard communities, informal settlements, ‘mushroom city’, slums: nominalized nsb-adj.,, from ʕašwāʔ, lit. *‘the haphazard(ly built) ones (sc., settlements)’. 
ʕašāʔ عَشاء , pl. ʔaʕšiyaẗ 
ID … • Sw – • BP 2239 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
dinner, supper – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ The item belongs to a root that has the two basic connotations of ‘dim-sightedness’ and ‘(actions performed, or to be performed in the) evening, at nightfall’. Given that neither Sem nor AfrAs give any clue as to semantic development within the root, the author of the present entry assumes the etymon proper of both to be like the *‘time of the day when it gets dark and it becomes difficult to see’. This entry treats only the notion of ‘actions performed, or to be performed in the evening, at nightfall’. For the broader picture cf. ↗ʕišāʔ , the item whose semantic value comes closest to the hypothetical etymon’s value (‘the time of nightfall, i. e. the first, or beginnng, of the darkness of night’ – Lane).
See ↗ʕišāʔ
▪ See ↗ʕŠW/Y and ↗ʕišāʔ.
▪ The value the word has in MSA is the result of a development that can be imagined to have happened along the following line: *‘time of beginning darkness’ > actions performed at this time of the day: ‘pasture of cattle; dinner, supper; evening prayer’. 
al-ʕašāʔ al-sirrī, n., the Lord’s supper, the Eucharist (Chr.)

ʕaššà, vb. II, 1 See ↗ʕišāʔ. – 2 to give a dinner (DO for s.o.): denom. (from ʕašāʔ or ↗ʕišāʔ).
taʕaššà, vb. V, to have dinner (or supper), to dine, to sup: t-stem of vb. II [v2], autobenefactive.
ʕašwaẗ, n.f., 1 See ↗ʕišāʔ. – 2 dinner, supper: transfer of meaning from [v1] to the meal that is (to be) taken at this time of the day. – 3 See ↗ʕišāʔ, ↗ʕašwāʔī.
ʕašwāʔī عَشْوائيّ 
ID … • Sw – • BP 3282 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
random, happening at random, without plan – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ The adj. ʕašwāʔī is a nisba formation from ʕašwāʔᵘ ‘darkness, dark, gloom’. Literally, ʕašwāʔī thus means *‘blindly, as in the dark, without seeing what one is doing’.
ʕašwāʔᵘ itself is originally the f. form of the ʔafʕalᵘ adj. ʔaʕšà1 dim-sighted; night-blind, nyctalopic; (hence also) 2 blind, aimless, haphazard, desultory, senseless’.
▪ For the wider context see ↗ʕišāʔ
See ↗ʕišāʔ
See ↗ʕŠW/Y and ↗ʕišāʔ
minṭaqaẗ ʕašwāʔiyyaẗ, n.f., informal settlement, slum.

ʕašwāʔiyyāt, n., haphazard communities, informal settlements, ‘mushroom city’, slums: nominalized nsb-adj.,, from ʕašwāʔ, lit. *‘the haphazard(ly built) ones (sc., settlements)’. 
ʕašwāʔiyyāt عَشْوائِيّات 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
haphazard communities, informal settlements, ‘mushroom city’, slums – ar/en.wikipedia 
ʕašwāʔiyyāt is not yet lexicalized in WehrCowan1979 as an item in its own right, as it is a term that evolved only towards the end of C20.
▪ Grammatically speaking, it is the nominalization of the of ↗ʕašwāʔī ‘random, happening at random, without plan’ and thus means *‘the haphazard(ly built) ones (sc., settlements)’, short for al-manāṭiq (or al-mudun) al-ʕašwāʔiyyaẗ ‘the haphazard(ly built) areas (or towns)’. The adj. ʕašwāʔī is a nisba formation from ʕašwāʔᵘ ‘darkness, dark, gloom’, itself the f. form of the ʔafʕalᵘ adj. ʔaʕšà1 dim-sighted; night-blind, nyctalopic; (hence also) 2 blind, aimless, haphazard, desultory, senseless’.
▪ For the wider context see ↗ʕišāʔ (= the item whose semantic value comes closest to the hypothetical etymon’s value *‘the time of nightfall, i. e. the first, or beginnng, of the darkness of night’).
▪ … 
See ↗ʕŠW/Y and ↗ʕišāʔ
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