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ʕuḍw عُضْو 
ID 596 • Sw – • BP 278 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
… – WehrCowan1979. 
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ʕṬRD عطرد 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ʕṬRD_1 ‘Mercury (planet)’ ↗ʕuṭārid

Other values, now obsolete, include
ʕṬRD_2 ‘apparatus prepared for the casualties of fortune’ ↗ʕuṭrūd
ʕṬRD_3 ‘high (mountain); tall (man); long (day); generous (man)’: ʕaṭarrad ~ ʕaṭawwad
ʕṬRD_4 ‘quick (pace, rate of going)’: ʕaṭarrad
Etymology obscure. The variety of meanings divided into four values above, is repeated (and surpassed!) in one Pers word, tīr. Nourai gives ‘pointed thing’, hence also ‘sharp; arrow’ as the basic meaning of this word (which also denotes the planet Mercury) and derives it from oPers/Av tiǧra ‘sharp, pointed’, taěža, taěǧa ‘sharp’. According to Asbaghi1988, the planet Mercury’s Ar name, ʕuṭārid, (but none of the other values?) is derived from oPers *tīra-dāta ‘Mercury’. In contrast, ClassAr lexicographers relate ʕuṭārid to the root ↗ṬRD ‘to chase’, which however is little likely. Should one consider a derivation from Grk hydrárgyros ‘mercury’, the metal associated with the planet since early Antiquity? In any case, value ʕṬRD_4 (ʕaṭarrad ‘quick pace/rate of going)’ may be connected to the ‘quickly moving, volatile’ planet (cf. the name ‘quicksilver’ for mercury, the corresponding metal). In contrast, the ‘apparatus prepared for the casualties of fortune’, ʕuṭrūd (ʕṬRD_2), seems difficult to relate to either ‘Mercury’ or ‘quick’ (or is the ‘volatility’ of fortune a link?). The same holds for ʕaṭarrad in the sense of ‘high, tall, long; generous’ (ʕṬRD_3). The ClassAr dictionaries suggest that the latter is a var. of ʕaṭawwad (↗√ʕṬD). 
▪ Whole complex (ʕṬRD_1-4) from oPers *tīra-dāta ‘Mercury’ (Asbaghi1988)? According to Nourai, the first part of this *tīra-dāta (from which is modPers tīr ‘pointed thing’, hence ‘sharp; arrow’; but also ‘Mercury’) derives from an oPers/Av tiǧra ‘sharp, pointed’, taěža, taěǧa ‘sharp’.
▪ ʕṬRD_1 ‘Mercury (planet)’: see ↗ʕuṭārid.
▪ ʕṬRD_2: The word ʕuṭrūd that Lane treats as a n. meaning ‘apparatus prepared for the casualties of fortune’, is given by Kazimirski as an adj. meaning ‘tout prêt, preparé’. According to the latter, the corresponding vb., ʕaṭrada, means ‘1 garder, conserver; 2 préparer, arranger et tenir prêt’, and the expression ʕaṭrid-hu la-nā signifies ‘tiens-le tout prêt pour nous’1 .
▪ ʕṬRD_3: Lane does not distinguish this value from that of ʕṬRD_4, both falling together in one ʕaṭarrad which, according to Lane’s sources, properly is ʕaṭawwad (from √ʕṬD rather than √ʕṬRD). Hava1899 marks ʕaṭawwad with a symbol signifying “new Arabic root”, without further explanation.
▪ ʕṬRD_4: According to ClassAr dictionaries, ‘quick (pace, rate of going)’ is only another of the many values attached to ʕaṭarrad (which is usually seen as a var. of ʕaṭawwad, see ʕṬRD_3 in preceding paragraph). However, the value ‘quick (pace, rate of going)’ does not seem to express the same notion of extension or copiousness that may be seen as the common denominator of ‘high (mountain); tall (man); long (day); generous (man)’. Rather, it could belong to ʕuṭārid ‘Mercury’ (ʕṬRD_1), given the fact that the planet was characterized, from Antiquity, as the quickly moving one, the mobile or volatile planet.
▪ See ↗ʕuṭārid
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