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mutaʕāṭif مُتَعاطِف 
Sw – • NahḍConBP … • APD … • © SG | created 8Jun2023
▪ …PA, VI 
ʕṬL عطل 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 1Mar2023
▪ ʕṬL_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ʕṬL_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ʕṬL_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to be without jewellery, without ornaments, be featureless, without arms, be idle, without work, without a leader, be unattached, to make s.o. idle, cause to be dysfunctional’ 
▪ … 
ʕṬW عطو 
ID … • Sw 70/60 • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ʕṬW_1 ‘to raise o.’s head and hands to take, seek to attain’
▪ ʕṬW_2 ‘to take; to swallow; to take over, or upon o.s., undertake, pursue’
▪ ʕṬW_3 ‘to give, present, hand over, grant’

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to give, to offer, to donate, gift; to handle, to deal with; to search for; to dare; to practise or engage in a certain type of work’ 
▪ The two main values in MSA, ʕṬW_2 and ʕṬW_3, go probably back to the value, still found in ClassAr, (ʕṬW_1) ‘to raise the head and the hands to take’.1 [v2] ‘to take; to swallow; to take over, or upon o.s., undertake, pursue’ is still closer to this original ‘taking’ than [v3], a caus. in the sense of ‘to make s.o. raise his head and hands to take’
▪ There is only litte material to base a reconstruction on. But if Orel&Stolbova1994 are right, the ancestor in Sem is to be reconstructed as *ʕ˅ṭ˅w‑ ‘to give (a present)’. In its turn, the Sem may go back to AfrAs *ʕaṭuw‑ ‘to give, pay’. Given the values of Hbr and ClassAr, however, an original meaning of ‘to stretch out trying to reach or attain’ seems to be more likely.
▪ The scarcity of direct cognates in Sem has led some scholars to assume overlapping with, or contamination by, or of, Ar ↗ʔatā(w) ‘to give, produce’
▪ The forms that express ‘giving’ in many Ar dialects (ʔidda etc.) are probably not from ʕṬW (which would have afforded many irregular sound changes) but from a Sem *NTN ~ *YTN, a root that, with the exception perhaps of Ar ↗ʔaddà, does not seem to have found its way into ClassAr and MSA.
lC6 ʕAntarah b. Šaddād 36,9 (PA I f. ʕāṭiyaẗ, pl. ʕawāṭī) muršiqātin ka-’l-ẓibāʔi ʕawāṭiyā ‘looking like the gazelles, stretching out (to reach the leaves of a tree)’ (Polosin1995)
▪ eC7 (ʔaʕṭà ‘to give, grant; [without obj.] to give alms, to donate to appropriate causes) Q 92:5; — (taʕāṭà ‘to commit; to take hold of; to give one another; to dare, become bold, rush’) 54:29 fa-nādaw ṣāḥibahum fa-taʕāṭà fa-ʕaqara ‘but they called upon their companion and he grabbed [a sword/the she-camel] and hacked [at the camel] (or: and he rushed and hacked)’; — ʕaṭāʔ ‘gift, favour, bounty, donation’) 17:20 wa-mā kāna ʕaṭāʔu rabbika maḥẓūran ‘your Lord’s bounty is not restricted’. 
▪ Hbr ʕāṭâ ‘to grasp’
▪ OrelStolb1994#1076: cognates only outside Sem: àtùwe ‘to pay’ in 1 ECh lang. 
▪ Zammit2002, 557: »The Hbr cognate meaning ‘to grasp’ is well within the semantic domain of Ar, as is attested in Ibn Fāris (ʔaḫḏ wa-munāwalaẗ) and in Lane, who defines ʕṭw as “… the act of raising the head and the hands… to take a thing”.«
▪ OrelStolb1994#1076: From Ar ʕṭw the authors reconstruct Sem *ʕ˅ṭ˅w‑ ‘give (a present)’, from the ECh form àtùwe ECh *ʔatuw‑. Taken together, the authors suggest AfrAs *ʕaṭuw‑ ‘to give, pay’ as a common ancestor.
DRS 1 (1994)#ʔTW/Y-3 ask whether Ar ʔatā (w) ‘to give, produce’ may be related.
▪ While a number of Ar dialects show forms based on ʕṬW (MorAr ʕṭa, LevAr ʕaṭa, ḤiǧāzAr ʔaʕṭā, KuwAr ʕaṭā)1 , others render the notion of ‘giving’ by verbs that seem to be akin to another Sem root rather than to ʕṬW, namely Sem *NTN ~ *YTN.2 This root has no representative in MSA, but appears in3 Akk nadānu, pret. iddin 4 (< *yandin) ‘to give, to make a payment, offer a gift, a sacrifice, to grant a share, to hand over (a document, an insigne), to entrust (a boat), to proffer (water, a goblet), etc.’,5 Ug ytn, Hbr nāṯan ‘to give, put, set’, Phoen ytn (n-tn), EmpAram BiblAram ntn, Nab yntn (ipfv), chrPA ntn, Syr netel (ipfv), Mand ntn, Sab ntn, EgAr ʔidda, ipfv yiddi 6 , and as a reflex also in NAr/IrAr niṭa 7 , which, because it shows /ṭ/, seems to be based on ʕṬW but influenced by the Aram forms with initial n‑ 8 . It has been proposed that EgAr ʔidda developed from ʕṬW, but this seems—at least to Behnstedt and Corriente—as unlikely as a Copt origin (cf. note above).9 — StarLing 2007 is not consistent in their etymologies. While #3143 assigns Akk nadānu (iddin) to a Sem *NTN ~ *YTN, the same nadānu is juxtaposed, in #865, with Ar √DYN (dān‑, i) and attributed to a Sem *d˅y˅n‑ ‘to give, grant’. The Sem evidence is then regarded as cognate with Eg (Pyr) wdn ‘offering’ and the word tūn ‘tuwo [sic!] as an offering’ in a WCh lang (< WCh *dun‑), all deriving from a reconstructed AfrAs *d˅w/y˅n‑ ‘to give, grant’.
▪ Corriente 2008: 63 is convinced that Sem *NTN (or *YTN) has found its way into ClassAr and MSA in the vb. II ↗ʔaddà, ipfv. yuʔaddī ‘to deliver; to pay’. 
1. Bennett 1998: 205, isoglosses.  2. Reconstructed as in StarLing 2007 #3143.  3. Forms given as in BDB 1906 and Bennett 1998.  4. BDB: »rarely ittan «; CAD gives also tadānu as a variant.  5. Values as in CAD.  6. Said to be of Copt origin by Badawi/Hinds1986, but this is rather unlikely, cf. Corriente 2008: 63 (who argues against Bishai 1964: 42 who proposed a derivation from Copt ti ‘to give’): »However, the first syllable is left phonetically unexplained, and the fact that this item exists in other Ar dialects, more impervious to oEg influence, such as SyrAr (according to Barthelemy), YemAr, as well as in ClassAr (ʔaddà yuʔaddī ‘to deliver; to pay’), would require this borrowing, if it is such, to have taken place in much older times than the Copt period. This is also Behnstedt’s view in 1981:89 and 1997:37; as for Vittmann 219, while rejecting the Copt etymon, prefers to suppose an evolution of Ar aʕṭà which is, as Behnstedt states and we subscribe, unlikely and unnecessary.«  7. In his remarks on EgAr ʔidda, Corriente1986: 63, fn. 6, points also to Behnstedt1992: 15-16, who lists some peculiar idioms »which preclude a recent borrowing from EgAr, as well as phonetic variants with /ḍ/, suggesting contamination with oAr and EAr ʔanṭa ‘to give’, which can only have happened locally and in old times.«  8. …if not the other way round: basically Aram but influenced by Ar ʕṬW. We go for the reverse assumption, following the identification of niṭa as Ar, not Aram, in the map of isoglosses given in Bennett 1998: 2005.  9. The Hbr verb forms the main part of Engl names like Matthew (from Hbr mattayyan < *mattan-yāh ‘gift of Yahweh’, from mattan, bound form of mattān < *mantan ‘gift’, yāh ‘Yahweh’), Nathan (from nātān ‘he, i.e. God, gave’); Jonathan (from yônātān ‘Yahweh has given’, from nātān ‘he gave’ and ‘Yahweh’), Nathanael (Hbr nətan-ʔēl ‘God has given’, from nətan, reduced form of nātan, see above), while the pret. of Akk nadānu ‘to give’, iddin (< *yandin), forms the second part of the name Esarhaddon (Akk *Aššur-aḫa-iddin ‘Ashur has given a brother’, where *aḫa is ‘brother (acc.)’, cf. Ar ↗ʔaḫ(ū) — Huehnergard 2011. 
▪ For the names Matthew, Nathan, Jonathan, Nathanael, Esarhaddon, cf. note 9 in DISC. 
ʕāṭà, vb. III, to give: associative.
BP#346ʔaʕṭà, vb. IV, to give; to present, hand over, offer; to grant, award, accord; to present, bestow ( upon s.o.): originally caus. (‘to make s.o. raise his head and hands to take’)?; pass. ʔuʕṭiya, to get, obtain, receive | ~ durūsan, vb., to give lessons; ~ ʔaqwālahū, vb., to give evidence, give o.’s testimony (jur.); ~ lahū ’l-kalimata, vb., to allow s.o. to speak; ~ bi-yadihī, vb., to surrender or submit to s.o.; ~ ǧahdahū li‑, to devote o.’s efforts to; ~ maṯalan, vb., to give or set an example.
taʕaṭṭà, vb. V, to ask for charity, ask for alms; to beg: autobenef.caus., specialization in the charity domain.
taʕāṭà, vb. VI, to take; to swallow, take (a medicine); to take over, assume, undertake, take upon o.s. (a task); to occupy o.s., be occupied or busy with, be engaged in, pursue, practice (an activity):…
ĭstaʕṭà, vb. X = V.

ʕaṭan, det. ‑à, n., gift, present: could be regarded as etymon but is probably already a specialisation.
BP#2149ʕaṭāʔ, pl. ʔaʕṭiyaẗ, n., gift, present; (pl. ‑āt) offer, tender; bid (at an auction or on invitation of tenders); bid with cost estimate (com.); vn. I | qaddama ~an, vb., to make an offer or tender, submit a written bid.
ʕaṭiyyaẗ, pl. ʕaṭāyā, n., gift, present: nominalized pseudo-PP.f.
miʕṭāʔ, adj.m.f., very liberal, generous (person); productive, yielding well (land): ints.
muʕāṭāẗ, n., exercise, practice, pursuit (of an activity): vn. III.
BP#2215ʔiʕṭāʔ, n., donation; presentation, grant(ing), award(ing): vn. IV.
BP#3612taʕāṭin, det. ‑ī, pursuit, practice (of an activity), handling: vn. VI.
ĭstiʕṭāʔ, n., begging, mendicity: vn. X.
muʕṭin, det. ‑ī, n., giver, donor: nominalized PA IV.
BP#3030muʕṭan, det. ‑à, adj., given: PP IV; (pl. ‑āt), n., given quantity (math.); pl. al-muʕṭayāt, n., the given facts, data, factors: nomin. PP IV.
mustaʕṭin, det. ‑ī, n., beggar: nominalized PA X.

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