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ʕLW علو 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ʕLW_1 ‘…’ ↗
▪ ʕLW_2 ‘…’ ↗
▪ ʕLW_3 ‘…’ ↗

♦ Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): [√ʕLW/Y] »The overlap between root ʕLW (basically associated with the concept ‘to rise’) and root ʕLY (basically associated with the sense ‘to mount up’) is so great that in some cases it is not possible, or even desirable to draw a line of demarcation between them. The semantic scatter of these roots includes: ‘height, exaltation, loftiness, honour, grandeur, to rise, to ascend, to tower, to mount, to overcome, to be arrogant, to be proud, pride, notables, tops and extras’. – The word ʕilliyūn is regarded by some scholars as a borrowing from either Hbr or Gz.« 
▪ From protSem *√ʕLY ‘to ascend, become high, exalted’ – Huehnergard2011. 
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▪ Engl aliyahʕalā/ʕalà
(1) ʕalā / ʕalaw‑ عَلا / عَلَوْـ , u (ʕuluww)
(2) ʕalà / ʕalay‑ عَلَى / عَلَيْـ , ī
(3) ʕaliy‑ / ʕalī‑ عَلِيـ , à (ʕalāʔ
ID … • Sw – • BP 1901 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
(1) to be high, elevated, rise, loom, tower up; to rise, ascend; to ring out (voice); to heave (chest); to be higher or taller (ʕan than), (over)top, tower over, be located or situated higher; to be attached, fixed or fastened above or on top of; to rise (ʕan above); to exceed, excel, surpass (ʕan); to be too high; to overcome, overwhelm (ʕalà), get the better of s.o.; to be or become noisy; to be louder (ʕalà than), drown out; to turn upward; to ascend, mount, climb, scale (; to overspread, cover (; to come, descend (upon), befall, seize; ʕalā bihī, to raise or s.o.; to exalt, extol s.o., sing s.o.’s praises
(2) to climb (e.g., to the roof)
(3) to be high, elevated; to excel, stand out – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ From protSem *√ʕLY ‘to ascend, become high, exalted’ – Huehnergard2011. 
▪ … 
▪ Bergsträsser1928: Akk ēlī, Hbr ʕālā yaʕlē ‘to rise'; cf. also Aram (intens.) ʕallī ‘to make grow, let increase’, Gz ʕaláwa yéʕlū ‘to transcend, go beyond’.
▪ Almedlaoui2012: For ClassAr √ṬLʕ and Sem √ʕLW/Y ‘to go up’ cf. Berb ġli, uly ‘to go up’.
▪ …
See above, section CONC. 
▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl aliyah, from Hbr ʕălīyâ ‘ascent’, from ʕālâ ‘to ascend’, akin to Ar ʕLW/Y. 
ʕallà, vb. II, 1 to raise, make higher; 2 to raise aloft, lift, hoist, lift up, elevate, uplift, exalt: D‑stem, caus.
ʔaʕlà, vb. IV, = II: *Š‑stem, caus. | ʔaʕlà šaʔnah, to play up, emphasize, stress; to further, promote, advance; to raise s.o.’s prestige
taʕallà, vb. V, to rise, become high : Dt‑stem, intr.
BP#420 taʕālà, vb. VI, to rise, lift, ascend, rise aloft; to be raised, become loud (noises, voices); to resound, ring out; to eem o.s. above s.o./, look down on; to be sublime (ʕan above, said of God); to stay away (ʕan from) : Lt‑stem. | taʕāla, impv., come (here)!, come on!, let’s go!, forward!; ʔallāh taʕālà, God the Sublime.
ĭʕtalà, vb. VIII, to rise, lift, ascend, rise aloft; to rise high, tower up; to mount, ascend, climb, scale; to step (up); to be enthroned, be perched; to tower (above; to ascend the throne; to accede to a high office: Gt‑stem.
ĭstaʕlà, vb. X, to rise, tower (ʕalà above; to master (ʕalà; to take possession (ʕalà of), appropriate (ʕalà *Št‑stem.

ʕalu, adv.: min ʕalu, from above.
ʕuluww, n., height, tallness, elevation, altitude; greatness, grandeur, highness, exaltedness, sublimity: vn. I | ʕuluww al‑ṣawt, n., sound volume, sound intensity; ʕuluww al‑kaʕb, n., high, outstanding position
BP#4381ʕulwī, adj., upper; high, lofty; built on a roof (apartment); sublime, exalted; heavenly, divine: nisba formation, from ʕalu, ʕuluww, or ʕulan | ʔirādaẗ ʕulwiyyaẗ, n.f., supreme will, divine decree; bināʔ ʕulwī, n., superstructure (also fig.); ṭābiq ʕulwī, n., top floor; al‑ṭaraf al‑ʕulwī, n.def., the upper end.
ʕalawī, adj., upper; heavenly, celestial; Alawi (adj. and n.): nisba formation, from ʕalà | al‑ʕalawiyyūn,, the Alawis (official name of the Nusairis inhabiting the coastal district of Latakia in NW Syria).
ʕulan (def. al‑ʕulà), n., height, tallness, elevation, altitude; highness, exaltedness, augustness, sublimity; high rank.
BP#7ʕalà / ʕalay‑, prep., on, above
BP#3362ʕaliyy, adj., supreme, exalted: ints formation, quasi‑PP.
ʕilyaẗ, n.f. (pl. of ʕaliyy): ʕilyaẗ al‑nās\al‑qawm, upper class, people of distinction, prominent people
ʕulliyyaẗ, vAr ʕilliyyaẗ, pl. ʕalāliyy, n.f., upper room, upstairs room
ʕilliyyūn, n., the uppermost heaven; loftiest heights
ʕalāʔ, n., high rank, high standing, nobility
ʕalāẗ, pl. ʕalan (det. ʕalà), n.f., anvil
ʕalyāʔᵘ, n.f., loftiness, exaltedness, sublimity, augustness; lofty height; heaven(s) | ʔahl al‑ʕalyāʔ, n., people of highest social standing
BP#3649ʕilāwaẗ, n.f., addition; increase, raise, extra allowance, subsidy, bonus | ʕilāwaẗan ʕalà, quasi‑prep., in addition to
ʕalāyaẗ, n.f., height, loftiness
BP#402ʔaʕlà, f. ʕulyā, pl. ʕulan (det. ʕulà), ʔaʕālin (det. ʔaʕālī), adj., higher, highest; upper, uppermost: : elative; ʔaʕālin, the highest portion of; heights, peaks (fig.) | ʔaʕlāhu, adv., further up, above; maḏkūr ʔaʕlāhu, adj., above‑mentioned; muʔtamar (munʕaqid) ʕalà ʔaʕlà mustawan, n., top‑level conference; bi‑ʔaʕlà ṣawt, adv., very loud, at the top of one’s voice); safīnaẗ ʔaʕālī ’l‑biḥār, n.f., seagoing vessel; ʔaʕālī ’l‑Nīl,, the upper course of the Nile
BP#2282maʕālin (def. al‑maʕālī), maʕālī ’l‑ʔumūr, noble things; ṣāḥib al‑maʕālī \ maʕālīh, His Excellency; maʕālī ’l‑wazīr, His Excellency the Minister (title of cabinet minister)
taʕliyaẗ, n.f., elevation, enhancement, uplift, exaltation; raising (e.g., of the voice): vn. II.
ʔiʕlāʔ, n., elevation, enhancement, uplift, exaltation; raising, lifting; (psych.) sublimation: : vn. IV. | ʔiʕlāʔ šaʔn al‑šayʔ, n., boooting, furtherance, promotion, or advancement of
ĭʕtilāʔ, n., ascension (e.g., to the throne) ; accension to office (e.g., of a cabinet minister): vn. VIII.
ĭstiʕlāʔ, n., superiority: vn. X.
BP#505ʕālin (def. al‑ʕālī), adj., high, tall, elevated; loud, strong (voice); higher (as opposed to elementary); lofty, exalted, sublime, high‑ranking, of high standing; excellent, first‑class, first‑rate, outstanding, of top quality (commodity) : PA I | al‑bāb al‑ʕālī, n., the Sublime Porte; ḍaġṭ ʕālin, n., high voltage, high tension (el.); tawātur ʕālin, n., high frequency (el.); ʕāliyahū, adv., above, above‑mentioned (in letters; esp. in official and business style); maḏkūr bi‑ʕālīhi, adj., above‑mentioned; (EgAr) ʕāl il‑ʕāl, adj., excellent, first‑rate, top quality, A‑1 (merchandise); maʕhad ʕālin, n., institution of higher learning, college, academy.
mutaʕālin (def. al‑mutaʕālī), adj., high, elevated, lofty, exalted; resounding, ringing; al‑mutaʕālī, n.def., the Most High, the Supreme Being (one of the attributes of God): PA VI.
mustaʕlin (def. al‑mustaʕlī), adj. (PA X): al‑ʔaṣwāt al‑mustaʕliyaẗ,, the sounds articulated with the back part of the tongue raised (i.e., according to grammarians, , , , , q, ġ, and ).
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