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ʕamad‑ عَمَدَ , i (ʕamd
ID … • Sw – • BP 4677 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1ʕamūd; 2a to intend, purpose (li‑ or ʔilà; 2b to betake o.s., repair, go (li‑, ʔilà, ‑hu to); 2c to approach, undertake (li‑ or ʔilà, go, set (li‑ or ʔilà about, proceed, apply o.s., turn, attend (li‑ or ʔilà to), embark (li‑ or ʔilà upon); 2d to take up (ʔilà; 2e to be intent (ʔilà on); – 3ʕammada – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ While one of the meanings of ʕamada (1 ‘to support, prop, shore, buttress’) evidently is denominative from ↗ʕamūd and another (3 ‘to baptize’) probably a loan from Syr, the semantic complex of ‘intention, purpose, aim’ stands within the root as an Ar idiosyncrasy without comparable developments in other Sem langs. Gabal2012: 1555-6 compares the firmness of resolution and intent to the uprightness of a tent pole or the strength of a supporting pillar and thus regards ʕamada in the sense of ‘to intend (etc.)’ as fig. use, lit. *‘to have as a ↗ʕamūd, a firm pillar, in one’s mind, follow an idea with a resolution as strong a pillar’. – Another form of fig. dependence on ʕamad~ʕamūd can be imagined on the basis of the meaning ‘iron bar\rod’, now obsolete but attested in ClassAr, as also the corresponding denom. vb. ʕamada ‘to beat with an iron bar\rod, strike, afflict’, hence also ‘to strike, afflict’ in general, and the corresponding intr. vb. ʕamida, signifying all kinds of (physical and mental) *‘struckness’. The firmness of resolution that is central to [v2] may thus stem from an original *‘being struck by an idea > to cling, adhere to it’.
▪ Ehret1995#683 suggests that Ar ʕamada (vn. ʕamd) ‘to purpose, resolve upon; attend to, undertake’ is an extension in »durative« ‑D from a bi-consonantal pre-protSem root *ʕM ‘to apply, put into effect’, from AfrAs *‑ʕīm‑ ‘to apply, put into effect’. Other extensions from the same pre-protSem root would be: ↗ʕMR, ↗ʕML.
▪ … 
▪ If fig. use, then perh. dependent (as denom. vb.) on ↗ʕamūd.
▪ For Ehret’s suggestion of a derivation of Ar ʕamd from a 2-rad. pre-protSem root *ʕM and other “cognate” extensions, cf. above, section CONC.
Cf. above, section CONC.
▪ … 
taʕammada, vb. V, 1a to intend, purpose, do intentionally, do on purpose; b to approach with a definite aim in mind; c to single out, aim at: Dt-stem, intr., focus on self-referentiality. – 2ʕammada.

BP#4282ʕamd, n., intention, intent, design, purpose; premeditation, willfulness (jur.): vn. I | ʕamdan, adv., intentionally, deliberately, on purpose; willfully, premeditatedly (jur.); šibh al‑ʕamd, n., quasi‑deliberate intent (Isl. Law)
ʕamdī, adj., intentional, deliberate; premeditated, willful (jur.): nisba formation of preceding item.
taʕammud, n., 1 intention, intent, design; 2 resolution, determination, purpose: : vn. V | taʕammudan , bi-taʕammud, intentionally, deliberately, willfully, on purpose, premeditatedly.
taʕammudī, adj., intentional, deliberate, premeditated, willful: nisba formation from the preceding.
mutaʕammad, adj., deliberate, premeditated, willful; intentional: PP V.

For other meanings of the root, cf. ↗ʕammada, ↗ʕamūd, ↗ʕumdaẗ, ↗ ʕamīd, as well as, for the overall picture, ↗√ʕMD. 
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