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ʕamur‑ عَمُرَ , u (ʕamāraẗ)
ʕamar‑ , u, i (ʕamr, ʕumr)
ʕamar‑ , u 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
ʕamura, u (ʕamāraẗ), 1 to thrive, prosper, flourish, flower, bloom. – 2 to be or become inhabited, peopled, populated, civilized, cultivated. – 3 to be full (bi‑ of), filled, filled up (bi‑ with).
ʕamara, u, i (ʕamr, ʕumr), to live long, be longevous.
ʕamara, u, 1 to fill with life, cause to thrive, make prosperous. – 2 to inhabit, live, dwell. – 3 to fill, pervade (jawāniḥahū s.o.’s heart), reign (in s.o.’s heart). – 4 to build, erect, construct, raise, rebuild, reconstruct, restore 
▪ Huehnergard2011 reconstructs CSem *ʕMR ‘to live, dwell, build’ and the n. CSem *ʕumr‑ ‘life’.
▪ According to Ehret1995, ʕamara ‘to cultivate and inhabit land’ is an extension in *‑r from a »pre-Proto-Semitic« root *ʕm ‘to apply, put into effect’ that in its turn goes back to AfrAs *‑ʕīm‑ ‘to apply, put into effect’. – Other extensions from the same pre-Sem root: ↗ʕMD, ↗ʕML. 
▪ … 
For ʕamura 3. ‘(to be) full’:
▪ BDB1906: Hbr ʕōmär ‘sheaf, heap of sheaves’, ʕōmär ‘omer (a measure)’ (cf. also Ar ġumar ‘small drinking cup, or bowl’), ʕāmîr ‘swath, row of fallen grain’

For ʕamara ‘to live long’:
▪ BDB1906: Hbr ʕāmrî ‘Omri, king of Israel’, Ar ʕumar, ʕamr, ʕāmir, etc. 

▪ From here (probably the n. ʕumr) also the personal names ʕUmar, ʕAmr, ʕĀmir, ʕImrān, etc., all meaning ‘full of live, prosperous’.
▪ For ‘(to be/make) full, to prosper’ cf. also ↗ĠMR.
▪ Ehret1995#683: Ar ʕamr (vn.) ‘to cultivate and inhabit land’ is an extension in »diffusive« *‑r 1 from a bi-consonantal »pre-Proto-Semitic« (pPS, i.e. preSem) root *ʕm ‘to apply, put into effect’. Other extensions from the same pre-Sem root: ↗ʕMD, ↗ʕML. – Pre-Proto-Sem *ʕm may in turn go back to AfrAs *‑ʕīm‑ ‘to apply, put into effect’, which lived on also in Eg imi ‘to give; place; cause (imper.)’, Iraqw (SCush) ʕim amis ‘to continue (doing)’, and Omot *im ‘to give’ (´im , i´m).
▪ Is also ↗ʕumraẗ ‘the “lesser” pilgrimage’ connected?
▪ Unclear is also whether or not ↗ʕamraẗ ‘headgear’, ↗ʕamāraẗ ‘naval fleet’, and ↗ʕammāriyyaẗ ‘camel-borne sedan’ are to be seen in connection with ʕam˅ra.
ʕammara, vb. II, to let live, preserve alive; to prolong (s.o.’s) life, grant long life (to s.o.; of God); to populate, people; to build, erect, construct, raise, rebuild, reconstruct, restore, repair, overhaul, refurbish, recondition (, esp. a building); to provide, furnish, supply, fill (bi‑ with, e.g., the lamp with oil, the censer with charcoal, the goblet with wine); to load (a gun); to fill (a pipe); to fill in (a form, a blank; tun.): caus. | ʕ. waqtahū to take up, or claim, s.o.’s time.
ʔaʕmara, vb. IV, to bring growth and prosperity; to build up, develop (a country); to populate, people ( caus. – For another meaning ↗ʕumraẗ.
ĭstaʕmara, vb. X, to settle (s.o. in); to settle, colonize (; to turn (a country) into a colony: autoben., t-stem of IV.

BP#281ʕumr (ʕamr in oaths), pl. ʔaʕmār, n., life, duration of life, life span, lifetime; age (of a person) | la-ʕamrī upon my life! la-ʕamru ’llāhi by the everlasting existence of God! by the Eternal God! ḏāt al-ʕumrayn amphibian (n.); ʕumruhū ʕišrūna sanatan he is twenty years old.
BP#4721ʕumrī, adj., age-related, age-based, age group: nsb-adj from ʕumr.
ʕumrà, donation for life (Isl. Law): el.f.
ʕamraẗ, n.f., (eg.) repair, repair work:. – For another meaning see s.v..
BP#2892ʕimāraẗ, pl. ‑āt, ʕamāʔirᵘ, n., building, edifice, structure; real estate, tract lot; al-ʕ., fann al-ʕ., or handasaẗ al-ʕ., architecture, art of building: vn. I.
ʕumrān, n., inhabitedness, populousness, thriving, flourishing, prosperity (as opposed to ↗ḫarāb); luxuriance, lushness; civilization; construction of houses; building trade, architecture: vn. I.
BP#4095ʕumrānī, adj., civilized; populous and flourishing (country, region); civilizational, serving or concerning the development of civilization; constructional, construction (in compounds), architectonic, architectural: nsb-adj from ʕumrān | taḫṭīṭ ʕ., n., architectural planning.
ʔaʕmarᵘ, adj., more inhabited, more populated, more populous; more cultivated, more civilized; more flourishing, more thriving: elat.
miʕmār, n., builder, architect; mason:
miʕmārī, adj., architectonic, architectural: nsb-adj from miʕmār; — (pl. ‑ūn), n., builder, architect; mason: nominalized nisba | muhandis m., n., builder, architect; al-fann al-m., n., art of building, architecture.
taʕmīr, n., building, construction, erection; restoration, repair, overhauling, refurbishing, reconditioning; renovation of old buildings; development (of an area); reconstruction (eg., of a country’s industry); filling, filling-up; (tun.) filling out (of a form): vn. II
taʕmīraẗ, n.f., filling, fllling-up: vn. II, n.vic.
BP#2592ʔiʕmār, n., construction, building, development: vn. IV.
BP#3055ĭstiʕmār, n., colonizing, colonization, foundation of colonies; colonialism (pol.), colonial rule: vn. X | al-ĭ. al-jadīd, n., neo-colonialism:
BP#4561ĭstiʕmārī, adj., colonial; colonizer: nsb-adj from ĭstiʕmār.
ĭstiʕmāriyyaẗ, n.f., colonialism (pol.): n.abstr. in iyyaẗ, coined from ĭstiʕmār.
ʕāmir, adj., inhabited; peopled, populated, populous; full, filled, filled up; jammed, crowded, filled to capacity (bi‑ with); amply provided, splendidly furnished; civilized; cultivated (land); flourishing, thriving, prosperous: PA I; al-ʕāmir is a frequent epithet of castles, palaces, etc., of ruling houses | ʕ. bi’l-ʔamal, adj., full of hope; ʕ. al-jayb, adj., with a full pocket; ʕ. al-ḏimmaẗi li obliged to s.o., committed to s.o.; ʕ. al-nafs bi , adj., obsessed by, possessed by; ʔumm ʕ., n., hyena (zool.); nuhūd ʕāmiraẗ,, voluptuous bosoms :
BP#4930maʕmūr, adj., inhabited, populated, populous: PP I; al-m. or al-maʕmūraẗ, n., the (inhabited) world | fī kull ʔanḥāʔ al-m.(aẗ), adv., all over the world, throughout the world.
muʕammir, pl. ‑ūn, adj./n., colonist; colonizer: PA II.
muʕammar, pl. ‑ūn, adj., senior (in sports): PP II from ʕumr.
mustaʕmir, adj., colonial, imperialistic: PA X; — (pl. ‑ūn), n., settler, colonist; colonizer; foreign conqueror, invader; imperialist: nominalized PA X.
mustaʕmaraẗ, pl. ‑āt, n., colony, settlement: nominalized PP X. | m. mustaqillaẗ, n., dominion.

For other items of √ʕMR cf. ↗ʕumraẗ, ↗ʕamraẗ, ↗ʕamāraẗ, and ↗ʕammāriyyaẗ

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