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ʕYD عيد 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ʕYD_1 ‘feast, festival’ ↗ʕīd
▪ ʕYD_2 ‘…’ ↗
▪ … 
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ʕīd عِيد , pl. ʔaʕyād 
ID 626 • Sw – • BP 647 • APD … • © SG | 31Oct2021
√ʕYD (ʕWD) 
feast, feast day, festival, holiday – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Usually considered an inner-Sem loan (from Syr), but as such related to ↗ʕāda ‘to return’ (a feast as *‘returning regularly’), ultimately from protWSem *√ʕWD ‘to turn’.
▪ …
eC7 (festive day, feast day, festival) Q 5:114 rabba-nā ʔanzil ʕalaynā māʔidaẗan min-a l-samāʔi takūnu la-nā ʕīdan li-ʔawwali-nā wa-ʔāḫiri-nā ‘our Lord, send down to us a table from heaven so that it may become a recurring festival for those of us who are present and future generations’.
▪ …
▪ Syr ʕyād, ʕyādâ ‘custom, habit, rite, use’ (PayneSmith1903), TargAram ʕêd, ʔêd, ʕêdâ ‘anniversary, (idolatrous) festival’ (Jastrow1903)
▪ Cf. ↗ʕāda.
▪ …
▪ Jeffery1938: »The sole occurrence in the Q is in the latest Madinan Sūra, in connection with Muḥammad’s curious confusion on the Lord’s supper. / The Lexicons try to derive it from ʕāda, though as we see from the discussion of al-Azharī in LA, iv: 314, they were somewhat in difficulties over it. Fraenkel, Fremdw, 276, pointed out that it has no derivation in Ar, and it was doubtless borrowed from the Syr ʕêdâ,1 though the root is common Sem, and the Targumic ʕīdā is not impossible as the source. It would have been an early borrowing, for already in the Minaean inscriptions s-ʕyd means ‘festum instituit’ (Rossini, Glossarium, 205).«
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ʕīd al-rusul, Day of St. Peter and Paul (Chr.)
ʕīd al-ṣuʕūd, Ascension Day (Chr.)
al-ʕīd al-ṣaġīr, the Minor Feast = ʕīd al-fiṭr
ʕīd al-ʔaḍḥà, the Feast of Immolation, or Greater Bairam, on the 10th of Ḏū l-↗ḥiǧǧaẗ
ʕīd al-fiṭr, the Feast of Breaking the Ramadan Fast, or Lesser Bairam, on the last of Šawwāl
al-ʕīd al-kabīr, the Major Feast = ʕīd al-ʔAḍḥà the Feast of Immolation, or Greater Bairam
ʕīd al-qiyāmaẗ, Easter (Chr.)
ʕīd al-kiswaẗ (Eg.), the Festival of the Kiswa, celebrated in the month of Šawwāl on the occasion of the ceremonial transport of the ↗kiswaẗ from Cairo to Mecca
ʕīd kull al-qiddīsīn, All Saints’ Day (Chr.)
ʕīd al-mīlād Christmas (Chr.)

ʕayyada, vb. II, to celebrate, or observe, a feast; to felicitate (ʕalà s.o.) on the occasion of a feast, wish (ʕalà s.o.) a merry feast: D-stem, denom.
ʕāyada, vb. III, to felicitate (ʕalà s.o.) on the occasion of a feast, wish (ʕalà s.o.) a merry feast: L-stem, denom.
ʕīdiyyaẗ, n.f., gift, present given on the occasion of a feast; New Year’s present: nsb-formation, f.
muʕāyadaẗ, n.f., cocelebration, exchange of felicitations; (pl. āt) congratulatory call on feast days: vn. III.

For other items pertaining to √ʕWD/ʕYD, cf. ↗ʕāda, ↗ʕūd, ↗ʕādaẗ, ↗ʕādī, ↗ʕiyādaẗ, and ↗ʕād, as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗√ʕWD and ↗√ʕYD. 
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