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ġill غِلّ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 11Mar2023
√ĠLː (ĠLL) 
rancor, hatred, spite, malice – WehrCowan1976
▪ Most ClassAr dictionaries explain Ar ġill ‘rancor, hatred, spite, malice’ as fig. use of ↗¹ġull ‘burning thirst’. However, while ¹ġull has no reliable cognates in Sem,1 ġill has many at least in Sab, both with the meaning ‘grudge, anger, hatred, to hate’ and its extension ‘to act fraudulently against s.o., (H -stem:) to damage s.o.’ – are these Arabisms or rather an indication of the value’s earlier origin and independence from ‘burning thirst’?
▪ One rendering of Sab ġll – ‘to inject (anger)’ (Jamme 1976: 29, quoted in SabaWeb) – seems to suggest that the vb. is related to Ar ↗ġalla ‘to insert, enter’.
▪ …
ġalla ‘tromper qn, frauder (= ↗ḫāna ); voler, frauder qn (‑h, min sur qc, p.ex., dans la distribution des lots qui reviennent à chacun)’; ʔiġlāl ‘deceit, unfaithfulness’ | lā ʔiġlāl wa-lā ʔislāl ‘there shall be no deceit nor bribe’
▪ ...
▪ Zammit2002, SabaWeb#ĠLL: SAr (Sab) ġll ‘to be angry (deity ), be filled with hatred, wrath | exercer (de la haine)’, Ar ġalla ‘von Haß, Groll erfüllt sein’, Gz ʕallala ‘to separate, set aside a place, excommunicate, grant someone a fief’. – Sab ġlyt ‘anger, hate, wrath’, Ar YemAr ġill ‘Groll, Haß, Bosheit | hidden enmity, grudge’. – Extended meaning: Sab ġll ‘to fraudulently appropriate, withhold’, Ar ġalla ‘to be unfaithful in respect of a thing privily, defraud’, ġalla, ʔaġalla ‘to act unfaithfully, become unfaithful’ (Lane vi 1877). – Causative: Sab h-ġll ‘schädigen; Verlust bescheren | to damage | endommager’, Ar ʔaġalla ‘to water one’s camels ill, so that they do not satisfy their thirst, or bring\ send them back from the water without satisfying their thirst’, ġalla, ʔaġalla ‘to act unfaithfully, become unfaithful’, Gz ʔaʕlala ‘to separate, consecrate, excommunicate’ (Leslau 1991: 60)
▪ See perh. also ↗¹ġull ‘burning thirst’ and ↗ġalla ‘to enter’ (cf. discussion in section CONC, above).
▪ ...
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ ...
ġall‑ / ġalal‑, i (ġill ), vb. I, to be filled with hatred or rancor (breast)

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹ġalla, ↗ġallaẗ (with ↗ĭstaġalla ), ↗¹ġull, ↗²ġull, and ↗ġilālaẗ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗ĠLː (ĠLL).
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