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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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tafaṣṣà تَفَصَّى 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., V 
to free o.s., rid o.s. (min of), shake off – WehrCowan1979. 
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According to Ehret1989:177, the root is an extension in inchoative (then > tr.) *‑y from a biconsonantal *PṢ ‘to take out’, originally meaning ‘to separate, loosen, dismiss, set free’ (inch. > tr.). Other derivations from the same *PṢ : faṣṣ ‘to separate, detach, pull out from’ (↗faṣṣ), (iterative) faṣfaṣ ‘to separate, disperse’, (iterative) faṣḥ ‘to break forth and shine in full splendor’ (↗faṣaḥa), (durative) faṣd ‘to bleed’ (↗faṣada), (sunderative) faṣʕ ‘to press the fresh date to make it come out of the shell, so take or scrape off the shell of an almond, put off the turban’, (finitive) faṣl ‘to cut off and separate one thing from another, detach, distinguish between’ (↗faṣala), (fortative) faṣm ‘to cut, break’ (↗faṣama). 
FḌː (FḌḌ) فضّ/فضض 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 21Apr2023
√ FḌː (FḌḌ) 
▪ FḌː (FḌḌ)_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ FḌː (FḌḌ)_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ FḌː (FḌḌ)_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘layers of rock lying one on top of another; to separate, break open, scatter, rock breakage; silver (said to be broken from rocks); to disperse; to give generously; (of water) gushing’ 
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FḌḤ فضح 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 21Apr2023
▪ FḌḤ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ FḌḤ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ FḌḤ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to expose, uncover, subject to shame, scandalise, give a bad name to, defame’ 
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FḌL فضل 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ FḌL_1 ‘…’ ↗
▪ FḌL_2 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘remnant, remaining part, extra part; virtue, favour, high rank; excessiveness; idle curiosity’ 
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