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Etymological Dictionary of Arabic

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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QRN قرن 
ID.. • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ QRN_1 ‘horn’ ↗qarn
▪ QRN_2 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘horns, feelers; pods; summit of a mountain; first rays of the rising sun; generation, number of years; blade; prisoner of war, shackles; to join together, peer, companion, equal, wife, to wed; circumstance’ 
▪ QRN_1 : (Kogan2015 Sw#41:) from protSem *ḳarn‑ ‘horn’ (SED I #168). Passim throughout Sem.
▪ QRN_2 : …
▪ QRN_3 : …
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ …
▪ … 
qarn قَرْن 
ID 686 • Sw 34 • BP 883 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
… – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2015 (Sw#41): from protSem *ḳarn‑ ‘horn’ (SED I #168). Passim throughout Sem.
▪ …
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘horn’) Akk qarnu, Hbr qéren, Syr qarnā, Gz qarn.
▪ … 
▪ …
▪ … 
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