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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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QRW قرو 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ QRW_1 ‘water trough’ ↗qarw
▪ QRW_2 ‘to follow up, investigate, check’ ↗taqarrà, ↗ĭstaqrà

In addition to these values, ClassAr has also:

▪ QRW_3 ‘to approach s.o.; to betake o.s., wend o.’s way, turn to’
▪ QRW_4 ‘back’ (n.)
▪ QRW_5 ‘manner, mode; custom’
▪ QRW_6 ‘to collect, store’
▪ QRW_7 ‘hydrocele, hernia, orchiocele/scrotal hernia’.

Partial overlap with ↗QRY.

Not related but loanword: ↗qayrawān ‘caravan’. 

▪ The two main/basic values of QRW seem to be [v3] ‘to approach, turn to’ and [v4] ‘back’ (n.), both obsolete in MSA. The other values probably either depend on one of these two, or on a value of ↗QRY (with which QRW items often overlap).
▪ [v1] ‘water trough’ : probably from ↗QRY rather than QRW.
▪ [v2] ‘to follow up, investigate, check’ : probably dependent on [v3] ‘to approach, turn to’, but perhaps also from QRY_2 ‘settlement’ (↗qaryaẗ) or from QRY_4 ‘to flow together’ (*‘to range the country in search of a standpost’ > ‘to check out’, ↗QRY).
▪ Any connection between [v3] ‘to approach, turn to’ and [v4] ‘back’ (n.) which are likely to be the primary values of √QRW ?
▪ [v4] ‘back’ (n.) and [v5] ‘manner, custom’ obviously have no successor MSA.
▪ The same holds true for [v6] ‘to collect, store’ and [v7] ‘hydrocele, hernia, orchiocele’. In addition, these two derive from ↗QRY rather than from QRW. 
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ [v1] ‘water trough’ probably belongs to the notion of ‘flowing together, collecting’ (of water, sap, etc.), treated under ↗QRY, rather than to any of the QRW values. Especially, it could also be thought to be at the origin of ↗qarà ‘to receive hospitably, treat as a guest’ (< give to drink to the animals from a trough, or to the guest from a cup or bowl).
▪ [v2] ‘to follow’ is usually thought to derive from [v3] ‘to approach, turn to’ and grouped here accordingly (as also in many dictionaries of MSA and ClassAr) under QRW. But since forms V and X of 3ae inf. vb.s do not distinguish between w and y as R3, 1 these items may just as well be denom. from ↗QRY_2 ‘settlement’ (*‘to turn from one ↗qaryaẗ to the next’) or from ↗QRY_4 ‘to flow together’ (*‘to range the country in search of a standpost’ > ‘to check out’).
▪ [v3] ‘to approach s.o.; to betake o.s., wend o.’s way, turn to’ is mentioned as the first value of vb. I qarā, u, in ClassAr dictionaries. Cf., however, also the vb. I qarà, i, ‘to travel from land to land’, traditionally grouped under QRY.
▪ [v4] ‘back (of an animal etc.)’ has become obsolete in MSA, but is represented in ClassAr by items like qaran قرا (det. ‑ā, pl. ʔaqrāʔ ‘back’, vb. IV ʔaqrà ‘to to have pain in the back; to keep the saddlecloth on the back of an animal’, qarawān ‘back, middle part of the back’, qarwāʔᵘ ‘qui a le dos très-long; qui a la bosse très-allongée (chamelle); derrière, fesses’. Relation to [v3] ‘to approach s.o.; to betake o.s., wend o.’s way, turn to’ unclear.
▪ [v5] ‘manner, custom’: obsolete in MSA, but cf. ClassAr qarw ‘manière, façon, mode’ (as in raʔaytuhum ʕalà qarwin wāḥidin ‘je les ai trouvés suivant tous les mêmes usages (ou la même manière de vivre)’, qarwāʔᵘ ‘habitude, coutume’. Related to [v3] ‘to follow up, search’ (in the sense of ‘to follow s.o.’s habits’? Relation to [v4] ‘back’ seems unlikely.
▪ [v6] ‘to collect, to store’ (as in qaran, det. ‑ā, pl. ʔaqrāʔ, n., ‘courge vidée dans laquelle on conserve des mets’) is treated under QRY.
▪ [v7] ‘hydrocele, hernia, orchiocele/scrotal hernia’ [ClassAr qarw ‘gonflement du scrotum’; vb. I qarā, u, ‘se gonfler, être enflé (se dit du scrotum affecté d’un hydrocèle ou d’un sarcocèle)’, vb. X ĭstaqrà ‘être rempli, gonflé de pus (se dit d’un abcès)’] obviously builds on the notion of ‘collecting, flowing together’ and is therefore treated under QRY. 
qarw قرْو , pl. quruww 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
watering trough – WehrCowan1979. 
It seems that the original meaning is *‘place where water (etc.) collects’, flowing together and “meeting” in some vessel. Should this be correct, then the word belongs to other items treated under ↗√QRY, not ↗√QRW (where it is usually grouped). Thus, it may be akin to ‘hospitality’ (↗qarà) and ‘village, town’ (↗qaryaẗ). 
▪ … 
▪ The main/original values of √QRW under which the word usually is grouped seem to be ↗[QRW_3] ‘to approach s.o.; to betake o.s., wend o.’s way, turn to’ and ↗[QRW_4] ‘back’ (n.). qarw ‘watering trough’ does not seem to belong to any of these two.
▪ In ClassAr, the word also means (inter al.) ‘aquae receptaculum longum, ad quod cameli veniunt (e quo pulli potantur) / abreuvoir, bassin / water vessel for the camel foals; via s[ive] canalis, per quem succus uvarum expressus effluit e torculare / tuyau ou conduit par lequel s’écoule le suc du raisin exprimé dans le pressoir; inferior pars palmae quae perforatur, ut in ea vinum paretur / tronc de palmier creusé dans lequel on fait du vin; espèce d’ auge faite d’un tronc de palmier; crater potui inserviens / vase h boire, coupe; poculum, […] vas parvum; magnitudo scrotorum ob ventum aliave de causa (hernia) / gonflement du scrotum / hydrocele, rupture of the testicles’; 2 All of these have the notion of water (juice, etc.) collecting, i.e., flowing together and “meeting”, in some place. Should this be correct, then the word belongs to what is treated under ↗√QRY, not ↗√QRW.
▪ If belonging to √QRY, which with all likelihood is from a WSem *QR(Y) ‘to meet’, then qarw is probably akin to ‘hospitality’ (↗qarà) and ‘village, town’ (↗qaryaẗ).
▪ The vb. ↗qarà, i, ‘to receive hospitably, treat as a guest’ may even be denominative from qarw in the meaning of ‘drinking bowl, pot’. 
ḫašab qarw, n., oak (wood)  
taqarrà تَقَرَّى , taqarray‑ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., V 
to follow up, investigate, inquire (into); to check, verify – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Together with vb. X (↗ĭstaqrà), the vb. V taqarrà is one of the last remnants of what in ClassAr is still a larger semantic complex (‘to follow up, search, investigate’), which may be fig. use of an original value ‘to travel across the country, strive from place to place’ (in search for water?).
▪ Relation to other items of ↗√QRW and/or ↗√QRY not clear. 
▪ … 
▪ Dictionaries are not clear about where vbs. V and X belong. Some group them under QRW, others under QRY, yet others show a doubling.
▪ EtymArab follows Wehr (and the majority of ClassAr dictionaries) in making the item dependent on ↗QRW_3 ‘to approach s.o.; to betake o.s., wend o.’s way, turn to’, as attested in ClassAr qarā, u (qarw) ‘to tend to, go to; travel from one country to another; follow up a thing with perseverance’ and vb. VIII ĭqtarà ‘to strive after with perseverance’.
▪ However, semantics would not exclude a derivation from ↗QRY_2 ‘village, small town’ (↗qaryaẗ) or ↗QRY_4 ‘to flow together; place where water (or juice etc.) flows together; bassin, reservoir, pool, etc.’ (both ultimately from a WSem *QR or *QRY ‘to come together, meet’). If from qaryaẗ, the original meaning would be ‘to travel from one settlement to another’, perhaps in search of a place where one might be received hospitably (↗QRY_1). If from ‘to flow together’, it would be derived as ‘to strive the country in search of places where water collects’. 
ĭstaqrà اِسْتَقْرَى , ĭstaqray‑ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., X 
to follow (; to pursue (e.g., a problem); to examine, study, investigate; to explore – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Together with vb. V (↗taqarrà), the vb. X ĭstaqrà and its derivations are the last remnants of what in ClassAr is still a larger semantic complex (‘to follow up, search, investigate’) which may be fig. use of an original value ‘to travel across the country, strive from place to place’ (in search for water?).
▪ Relation to other items of ↗√QRW and/or ↗√QRY not clear. 
▪ … 
▪ Dictionaries are not clear about where vbs. V and X belong. Some group them under QRW, others under QRY, yet others show a doubling.
▪ EtymArab follows Wehr (and the majority of ClassAr dictionaries) in making the item dependent on ↗QRW_3 ‘to approach s.o.; to betake o.s., wend o.’s way, turn to’, as attested in ClassAr qarā, u (qarw) ‘to tend to, go to; travel from one country to another; follow up a thing with perseverance’ and vb. VIII ĭqtarà ‘to strive after with perseverance’.
▪ However, semantics would not exclude a derivation from ↗QRY_2 ‘village, small town’ (↗qaryaẗ) or ↗QRY_4 ‘to flow together; place where water (or juice etc.) flows together; bassin, reservoir, pool, etc.’ (both ultimately from a WSem *QR or *QRY ‘to come together, meet’). If from qaryaẗ, the original meaning would be ‘to travel from one settlement to another, strive the country for places’, perhaps in search of a place where one might be received hospitably (↗QRY_1). If from ‘to flow together’, it would be derived as ‘to strive the country in search of places where water collects’. 
ĭstiqrāʔ, n., study (of, investigation, exploration: vn. X; induction (philos.): specialization as term.techn.; see also under ↗qaraʔa.
ĭstiqrāʔī, adj., inductive (philos.): nsb-adj from vn. X in its specialized meaning.
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