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qaṭṭ‑, qaṭaṭ‑ قَطّ / قَطَطْـ , u (qaṭṭ
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√QṬː (QṬṬ) 
vb., I 
to carve; to cut, trim, clip, pare; to mend the point (DO of a pen), nib, sharpen – WehrCowan1979. 
According to Ehret1995#431, the vb. represents the basic, unextended form of a bi-consonantal »pre-Proto-Semitic« (pPS, i.e. preSem) root *ḲṬ- ‘to cut’, from AfrAs *k'âť‑ ‘to cut’. 
▪ … 
▪ Ehret1995#431: from a bi-consonantal »pre-Proto-Semitic« (pPS, i.e. preSem) root *ḲṬ- ‘to cut’, from AfrAs *k'âť- ‘to cut’. – Other extensions from the same pre-Sem root: ↗QṬB, ↗qaṭaʕa, ↗qaṭala.
▪ Cf. also *QṢ-, unextended form ↗qaṣṣa ‘to cut off, clip (with scissors)’, and extensions like ↗qaṣaba ‘to cut, cut off, dissect, cut up, carve up (a slaughtered animal)’, ↗qaṣura ‘to be(come) short(er)’, ↗qaṣaʕa ‘to grind, crush, bruise, squash, mash, (Ehret1989: to kill a louse between the nails, i.e. to pinch off)’, ↗qaṣala ‘to cut off, mow off’, ↗qaṣama ‘to break, shatter (Ehret1989: break entirely, fragment, piece)’. 
qaṭṭaṭa, vb. II, to carve, turn (wood): D-stem, ints.
ĭqtaṭṭa, vb. VIII, to sharpen, nib (a pen): t-stem, almost = G.

qaṭṭ, adj., short and curly (hair):…
BP#2998qaṭṭu, adv./particle (chiefly with the past tense in negative sentences) never; ever, at all: archaic adv. ending.
BP#274fa-qaṭ, part., see ↗s.v..
qaṭṭāṭ, n., turner: 
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