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qiṭār قِطار , pl. quṭur, quṭurāt 
ID 697 • Sw – • BP 2408 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1a file, train (of camels); 1b (railroad) train; 1b.1 railroad; 1c single file (mil.); 1d long series (e.g., of occurrences) – WehrCowan1979. 
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qiṭār al-biḍāʕaẗ, n., freight train, goods train
qiṭār ḥadīdī, n., railroad train
qiṭār ḫāṣṣ\maḫṣūṣ\ḫuṣūṣī, n., special train
qiṭār al-rukkāb, n., passenger train
qiṭār sabbāq, n., fast train, express train
qiṭār sarīʕ, n., express train
qiṭār waqqāf and (EgAr) qiṭār qaššāš, n., slow train, local train

qaṭara, u (qaṭr, qaṭarān), vb. I, 1s.v.; 2 (qaṭr) to tow (ship, trailer, glider): probably specialized meaning of the actual etymon, *‘to tie’, see sections CONC and DISC.
qaṭara, vb. I, and qaṭṭara, vb. II (qaṭr), 1s.v.; 2qaṭṭara; 3a to line up camels in single file and connect them with halters, form a train (of camels); 3b to couple (vehicles): meaning closest to actual etymon, *‘to tie’, see sections CONC and DISC.
taqāṭara, vb. VI, to come in successive groups, crowd, throng, flock (ʔilà or ʕalà to s.o., to a place): Lt-stem, recipr.; related to *‘to tie, bind together’, or rather dependent on ↗¹qaṭara ‘to drop, come in drops’ or ↗¹quṭr ‘side’ (< *‘to walk side by side’, thus forming groups), or on the idea of *‘smoke’ (↗quṭ(u)r) forming clouds, i.e., *‘grouping’ themselves?

(EgAr) q͗aṭr, pl. quṭūrāt, n., (railroad) train: lit., the file of wagons tied together.
(EgAr) q͗aṭargī, pl. -iyyaẗ, n., shunter, switchman (railroad): composed of q͗aṭr ‘train’ and the Tu suffix ‑ǧī for professions.
miqṭaraẗ, pl. maqāṭirᵘ, n.f., 1quṭ(u)r; 2 stocks (for punishment): n.instr.f., from qaṭara, vb. I, lit. *‘tool used to tie together (and line up in a row)’, sc. the culprits and their feet; ↗s.v.
qāṭiraẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., 1a locomotive, engine; 1b tractor; 1c tractor truck; 1d subway car; 1e rail car, diesel: neolog. (semantic loan, calqued on a PA.f. pattern, to render tractor), lit. *‘the tracking (machine)’.
maqṭūr: ʕarabaẗ maqṭūraẗ = maqṭūraẗ.
maqṭūraẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., trailer (e.g., of a streetcar, bus or truck): PP.f., from vb. I, lit. *‘the attached one (car, etc.)’.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹quṭr, ↗²quṭr, ↗Qaṭar, ↗quṭ(u)r, ↗qaṭrān, ↗miqṭaraẗ, ↗Qaṭṭāraẗ, and, for the general picture (incl. earlier values, now obsolete), root entry ↗QṬR.
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