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¹qall‑ / qalal‑ قَلّـ/قَلَلْـ , i (qill, qull, qillaẗ
ID … • Sw – • BP 447 • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
vb., I 
1a to be or become little, small, few (in number or quantity), trifling, insignificant, inconsiderable, scant, scanty, sparse, spare, meager; b to decrease, diminish, wane, grow less; c to be or become less, littler, smaller, fewer (in number or quantity), more trifling, less significant, less considerable, scanter, scantier, sparser (ʕan than); 2 to be second, be inferior (ʕan to s.o.); 3a to be rare, scarce; b to be of rare occurrence, happen seldom – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ From Sem *QLL ‘light, little, fast’ – Bergsträsser1928.
▪ Does also the obsol. qill ʻlow wall’ belong here?
▪ Should one also connect the semantic complexes treated s.v. ↗²qalla (qall) ʻto pick up, raise, lift, carry’ and ↗ĭstaqalla ʻto rise; to be independent; to possess alone; to board (, e.g., a ship)’, regarding the notions of *‘rising, raising’ implied in them as the result of *‘being light’?
▪ Cf. also the obsolete vb. IV, ʔaqalla = II; ‘arm werden; etw wenig finden; wenig bringen’.
▪ If the obsolete qull ʻeinsam, vereinzelt’, mentioned by Wahrmund II 1887 (but not elsewhere) is reliable, it may belong here, but also to the complex of ↗ĭstaqalla in the sense of ʻto possess alone’.
▪ For a discussion of the whole picture, see root entry ↗√QLː(QLL).
▪ …
▪ Cf. also vb. III qālla lahu ’l-ʕaṭāʔ ʻhe gave him very little’, IV ʔaqalla ʻto possess little’, VI taqālla ʻto find small, little, few’, X ĭstaqalla ʻto make little of’, qill, qull, ʻexiguity, small number; poverty’, raǧul qull ʻlonely, helpless man’, qulul ʻscattered people from various tribes’, qulal ʻpeople gathered from various places’ – Hava1899.
▪ …
▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘light, little, fast’) Akk qallu, Hbr qal, Syr (vb. qal, ipfv. neqqal), Gz (qalī́l).
▪ Zammit2002, Leslau2006: Akk qalālu ʻto be(come) light, little, few’, Ug qlt ʻshame’, ql ʻfallen (zu Füssen); to humiliate’, Hbr Phoen qālal ʻto be slight, swift, trifling’, qal ʻlight, easy’, Aram qᵊlal ʻto be light; be reduced’, Syr qal ʻto diminish, lessen, be lightened’, Mnd qalil ʻlight’, SAr qll ʻa little, small quantity’, Soq qel(l) ʻto be small, Gz qalla, qalala ʻto be light, easy, slight, swift, rapid’, ʔaqlala ʻto vilify’ (< ʻto be little’), Tña Gur qälälä ʻto be light’, Te qälla, Har qäläla, Amh qällälä, Arg qälläla, Gaf qälliyä ʻlight’.
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ …
ʔillā mā qalla wa-nadara, expr., but for a few exceptions, with a few exceptions only
qalla ṣabru-h, to be impatient, lose one’s patience

BP#3325qallala, vb. II, to make little or less, diminish, lessen, decrease, reduce, do seldom or less frequently: D-stem, caus.
ʔaqalla, vb. IV, 1 = II; 2 to do or give little (min in or of): *Š-stem of ¹qalla. — 3 ↗²qalla.
taqālla, vb. VI, to think little (of), scorn, disdain, despise: Lt-stem.
ĭstaqalla, vb. X, 1a to find ( little, small, inconsiderable, insignificant, trifling; b to esteem lightly, undervalue, despise; c to make light (of), set little store (by), care little (for); *Št-stem of ¹qalla. — 2 ↗²qalla; 3-6 ↗¹qullaẗ and ↗ĭstaqalla.

BP#4868qalla-mā, conj., 1a seldom, rarely; b scarcely, barely, hardly.
²qill, qull, n., 1 littleness, smallness, fewness; 2 insignificance, inconsiderableness, triviality, paucity, paltriness, scarceness, sparseness, scantiness, insufficiency; 3 a little, a small number, a small quantity, a modicum.
BP#1772qillaẗ, pl. qilal, n.f., 1 littleness, fewness; 2 smallness, inconsiderableness, insignificance, triviality; 3 paucity, paltriness, scantiness, sparseness; scarceness, rareness, rarity; 4 minority; 5 lack, want, deficiency, insufficiency, scarcity | qillaẗ al-ʔiḥsās, n.f., insensitivity, obtuseness; qillaẗ al-ḥayāʔ, n.f, shamelessness, impudence, insolence, impertinence; qillaẗ al-ṣabr, n.f., impatience; qillaẗ al-wuǧūd, n.f., scantiness, scarcity; rareness, rarity; ǧamʕ al-qillaẗ (gram.), plural of paucity (for persons or things whose number is between three and ten).
BP#376qalīl, pl. ʔaqillāᵘ, qalāʔilᵘ, qilāl, adj., 1a little; few; b a small number, a small quantity, a modicum, a little (min of); c qalīlan, adv., a little, somewhat; seldom, rarely 2a insignificant, inconsiderable, trifling; b small (in number or quantity), scant, scanty, spare, sparse, meager, insufficient; 3 scarce, rare. | qalīlan mā, seldom, rarely; qalīlan qalīlan, adv., by and by, slowly, gradually; al-kull ʔillā qalīlan, NP, almost everything, nearly all; baʕda qalīl, adv., a little later, some time later on, shortly afterward; shortly, before long; ʕan qalīl or ʕammā qalīl, adv., soon, before long, shortly; laysa min-hu lā bi-qalīl wa-lā bi- kaṯīr, expr., to have absolutely nothing to do with; qalīl al-ʔadab, adj., uncivil, impolite, rude, uncouth; qalīl al-ḥayāʔ, adj., shameless, brazen, impudent, insolent, impertinent; qalīl al-ĭrtifāʕ, adj., low; qalīl al- ṣabr, adj., impatient; qalīl al-wuǧūd, adj., scanty, scarce; rare
BP#446ʔaqallᵘ, adj., 1a less; fewer; b smaller; c rarer; al-ʔaqallᵘ, the least, the minimum: elat. formation | ʕalà 'l-ʔaqall or bi'l-ʔaqall, adv., at the very least; at least; ʕalà ʔaqall taqdīr, adv., at the lowest estimate = ʕalà 'l-ʔaqall; lā ʔaqallᵃ min ʔan …, expr., the least one can do is to …; I (you, etc.) could at least …; ʔaqall min al-qalīl, adj., quite insignificant, all but negligible; wa-ʔaqall min hāḏā wa-ḏālika ʔanna …, expr., let alone that …, not to mention that … , to say nothing of …
BP#4241ʔaqalliyyaẗ, n.f., smaller number, numerical inferiority; (pl. -āt) minority: abstr. formation in iyyaẗ, from ʔaqallᵘ.
BP#3303taqlīl, n., decrease, diminution, reduction: vn. II.
ʔiqlāl, n., decrease, diminution, reduction: vn. IV.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗²qalla, ↗ĭstaqalla (and ↗ĭstiqlāl), ↗qill, ↗qallaẗ, ↗¹qullaẗ, ↗²qullaẗ, ↗³qullaẗ, ↗¹qilliyyaẗ, and ↗²qilliyyaẗ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗√QLː (QLL). 
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